Triple Crown 2020

Um. Yes. What is that all about? Color me suspicious of B.B. Still …

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Sorry, but Ha Ha Ha wiping tears. didn’t some one here say that all of Bob’s horses were ‘crazy in paddock’ and his assistant manger got a broken wrist in the paddock with - I dont know what horse. So what new ‘feed’ is happening here? Just curious.

FWIW, the horse that flipped in the paddock was Thousand Words and Baffert’s assistant trainer Jimmy Barnes was saddling Thousand Words when the colt reared. Barnes lost his balance and landed awkwardly on his right wrist; he will have screws in wrist during surgery scheduled this week in CA.

Both Authentic and Thousand Words are okay after yesterday. Authentic is next scheduled to run in the Preakness along with Thousand Words. Both colts will remain in KY in the D Wayne Lukas barn. Baffert will be overseeing care and will remain in KY for the upcoming sales in Lexington.

Not sure what there is to ha-ha about. Even if one doesn’t like Baffert, he get the job done. Yeah, sometimes under a post-race cloud but people keep sending their top horses to him.

Unclear yet if Tiz the Law will head to Baltimore or not; may end up waiting until the BC Classic.…after-ky-derby

At least now the talk of a TC winner this year is off the table so maybe for the best.

Oh, video of Thousand Words with the ‘flip’ in the paddock. Doesn’t look to me like he was ‘crazy’ until girth was being tightened and the rear looked like a reaction to that. Didn’t look ‘crazy’ to me either before or after he reared and went over.


Both horses spooked. Horses do that sometimes.:cool: A broken wrist is not funny.


I wonder if someone had a word with the person who decided the rose blanket needed those streamers at the bottom? For a young horse, Authentic really didn’t do that much when the streamers spooked him. It looks like Baffert was getting the woman next to him away from Authentic, and tripped on the grass or his foot caught, and Authentic either missed him with his rump, or just brushed him. They one I’m wonder about is the man in the gray suit that was hit solidly, went down flat, it looks like Authentic stepped over him.

I hope the assistant that has the broken wrist heals quickly.

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Actually, Thousand Words looks surprisingly well behaved after he fell over.

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I had a children’s Hunter do that to me once. Old been there done that horse. In the tent aisle at WEF. It happens


Or perhaps a bit stunned from the incident…


I had a horse that loved to be ridden. He was a spooker but he was a trier. He was one of my at home hacks, that I raised from a weanling. Such a quick learner and he seemed to find pleasure in showing how well he’d learned his stuff, his leads especially. We were hacking out one day when I asked him for a right lead canter. He began to do so quite confidently with his usual enthusiasm, and then fell flat on his face.

I had enough time to tuck and roll over his neck/head as he went down, far enough to be out of the way, knowing he would be putting his forelegs out to rise.

When he got up he had the same subdued expression that Thousand Words had after going up and over in the paddock. Completely different circumstances but very much the same expression. He seemed perplexed, subdued, and not quite sure what had happened.

I can only guess why mine went down. Vet thought he may have stepped on something hard (a pebble or hard stalk?) and reacted very quickly in the field, because he was sound before and was sound, no bruising of the sole and no tenderness, after.

Poor Thousand Words. I hope he is coping. Best healing wishes to Mr. Barnes.:yes:

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That sure could be it.

Prior to the Derby many people commented on Authentic barely lasting to win the Haskell in July and questioning his ability to do well at a mile and a quarter. I know there were questions about Mike Smith’s ride in the Haskell (maybe easing off too soon) and questions about the colt looking around in the stretch, but it seems most did not think he was a mile and a quarter horse.

I see he is a May 5th foal. He would not even have been three years old if the Derby had run on its original date. Maybe he has matured over the last few weeks, and that, coupled with the hard works he had, built up his stamina.


Not ha-ha to the broken wrist. I’ve had one as well as other broken bones. I do know that horses spook; BT.

Authentic isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing runner. High headed and crooked a lot of the time but he got to the finish line first.


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I’m surprised that there isn’t more talk about the fact that one of these microshare syndicates just won the Kentucky Derby. Most of them can’t even pay their bills.

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From Equibase, MyRaceHorse Stable is only part owner along with Spendthrift, Madaket and Starlight although it appears he did run under MyRacehorse’s colors.

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Right. But this is by far the greatest success for any of these programs using the model. As I said before, most of them go belly up. “No fees” isn’t sustainable or realistic for most racehorses.


This absolutely! I keep thinking it might be fun to buy into one with a very minimal amount and no expectations. :lol:

Sure would be curious to know what MyRacehorse’s agreement is with the other big name players considering Authentic was probably in the chump change category for BB (I am assuming that BB had some input into his acquistion), $350,000 at KEESEP 2018.

There is a reason he was ridden that way and it was deliberate. He has a tendency to be distracted and sometimes spooked by the rail, so his head was pointed somewhat away from it. And if you look at his stride compared to Tiz The Law, Authentic has a much longer and smoother stride with better reach.


I’m one of those 4500 microshare holders of Authentic. Realistically there isn’t a chance for ROI until after he goes to stud, as that is factored into this share, unlike most. I own a piece of six different horses through MRH, and I did it for the sheer fun of being able to watch a horse race and feel like I have some skin in the game. It’s a horse…and any horse person knows that horses aren’t the best investment if you want to actually make a profit.

My $206 for my share of Authentic paid for itself in adrenaline on Saturday. The added bonus was seeing how excited my elderly parents were, watching the race and seeing “my” horse win the Kentucky Derby. As far as I’m concerned my “investment” has paid for itself and we’re square. Anything else is frosting on the cake.