Triple Crown 2021

He’s obviously looking for employment as a stuntman!

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Lucky that because of quarantine rules he was the only horse on the track (except of course for the outriders).

I read that his stirrup slipped on the left foot and he fell off the side. Horse handled it well. Didn’t really create too much of a spectacle. France Go De Ina is an American bred (Will Take Charge x Dreamy Blues (Curlin). Looks like he has a good head on his shoulders too. Wish him luck on Saturday!

I did that once. Walking along, loose reins, horse nice and relaxed. My boot was wet, I was in steel irons, and my foot just… slipped out. My boot sole on steel made a noise like a steel ruler on a chalkboard, and my 4yo (who is hot-headed, brave as a lion, and whilst hot, is the most bomb-proof trail horse I’ve ever met) bucked once - high wide and handsome.

I now ride in wide tread composite stirrups… no more steels!!


His foot slipping was the trainers explanation but the horse didn’t react at all. The rider didn’t look as if he tried to regain his balance. Perhaps he knew he couldn’t and decided to go off gracefully.

Anyway I feel sorry for him coming all this way and making a scene that got so much publicity.

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Baffert’s entry in the Black Eyed Susan, Beautiful Gift, came 7th.

Not a wagering person but I want Crowded Trade to win the Preakness.

I like Medina Spirit, but under the circumstances…

I’m cheering hard for Ram in the Preakness tomorrow. Would love to see an American Pharoah colt win a classic. Especially since I have 4 foals by St Patrick’s Day on my farm. :wink:


Midnight Bourbon or France Go de Ina for me - I don’t always have much of a method to my madness when picking a winner :slight_smile:

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I’m just going for Crowded Trade because I like More Than Ready.


It’s all the white on the latter, right? :rofl:

With me, color could easily play into my pick (of the horse, not the silks). I am a sucker for flashy horses and yeah, I know, bling has nothing to do with speed but sometimes it seems like it makes as much sense as some of choices the handicappers make. Since I rarely actually bet, it’s a no harm no foul for me.


OTOH the MRH horses, I will confess that I did spend a fair amount of time looking at pedigree, conformation and videos and for the 2YO in training, their track video as well. This is one time that color doesn’t play into my choices.

Wow. NBC just gave it to Baffert. Good choice for him not to attend.


This press release is real disappointing. Why change the threshold levels when they arent a problem. There isnt a rash of positives from trainers. The only reason Baffert had a positive was because he was too stupid to read whats in a tube of ointment. There is no reason we need threshold levels for steroids, other than zero.


Yes, that’s disappointing. They’ll get it figured out when HISA takes affect.

What’s up with France Go de Ina? His exercise rider has gone off twice now.
The commentator just asked Joel Rosario if he was concerned that he’d be dumped by the horse and he said ( my paraphrasing) “I don’t think so, I hope not.”

I wonder if the horse is dropping his shoulder?
With a quick Google I can’t find any mention of a second incident.

Medina Spirit seems to be walking odd in front, maybe favoring his right leg/shoulder?
With all those vets in the paddock and all along their way, surely if there is something to see they would have called it?
Hope he is ok, they are about to run.

Now he looks ok, must have been the way he was being led and held back with the rider on.

Maybe because his head was cranked toward the pony? I thought he looked uneven behind but I don’t know…
Safe trip to all.

Mary West looks like spiders attacked her eyes


What a finish! I thought Midnight Bourbon was going to get it done and didn’t even see the winner coming until the last second.