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Trying to educate my eye

I was worried about this. I will take the post down if you want. I mean no disrespect whatsoever and am truly just trying to educate myself for a future purchase. I can comment that it’s beautiful, but given the state of my uneducated eye, it means nothing :slight_smile:


This is a nice horse doing a good test, not Olympic level gaits but very much a credit to his owner rider trainer. If you can find his clone in a younger horse you will have done very well.

If you are looking at buying but don’t have an eye for the discipline yet there are a million resources online and also watch and even video your barn mates ride. Shadow your coach and listen to lessons a level above you. Look at how the horse uses his hind end before you look at the head and neck. There are a few thungs that once they click in you can’t not see them. Don’t buy until you can see a few things. It’s not that hard, it’s just exposure and listening to the right people