Tye dye equines

[QUOTE=Jazzy’s mom;7270319]
His ad is showing a pending sale. I was hoping a video would be posted first but oh well. He is cute, but I’m so glad he is a gelding.[/QUOTE]

And he was likely sold as a result of the link being posted on this thread. :wink: Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, there are lots of older adult amateur dressage riders that would happily purchase a quiet, bombproof, well trained dressage mount that can do a few tricks for dressage clinics, etc. I found a recent video of him showing online: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVhkFUJdTyE and here he is doing a bit of piaffe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyW29Tl4wFk

The mare we just purchased through Summervale should be home on Tuesday. Can’t wait! :smiley:

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Fire_911medic, your crazy is showing. On more than one board. Might want to hide that.

To keep up with is thread, understanding or not it’s not someone you want to do business with.[/QUOTE]

Never said I wanted to do business with her. In fact I do believe I said I didn’t condone or excuse it ! I said I understood why she did it considering how you made fun of the poor little horse. Lying about a pedigree is wrong. Outright fraud and there WAS no excuse for it. But insulting the fact the horse was at fourth level in the sixties was out of line as well. Like I said the test was judged. If he scored a forty you still would be griping. If it was the same score against all warmbloods you would have said the same. Just accept he IS a nice AA horse and whoever has him now is going to have one hell of a horse to learn on. They never tried to say he was going to be the next Olympic mount. God leave it already.

Fire_911medic, your crazy is showing. On more than one board. Might want to hide that.

To keep up with is thread, understanding or not it’s not someone you want to do business with.[/QUOTE]

At this point I feel like someone could come on to one of these threads and make up a pretend horse, make up his breeding, his show experience etc. and Fire_911medic would reply knowing everything there is to know about his bloodlines, show experience, and probably even foaled him out herself.

At this point I feel like someone could come on to one of these threads and make up a pretend horse, make up his breeding, his show experience etc. and Fire_911medic would reply knowing everything there is to know about his bloodlines, show experience, and probably even foaled him out herself.[/QUOTE]

When you know me personally and my experience then you are more than happy to make ignorant comments as such. To people that have requested information through a pm in a polite manner I have responded. To those who have not then I don’t believe you have much to stand on. Because I don’t agree with you contrary to your belief does not mean I don’t respect what you have to say. Blume farm started a wonderfully informative thread regarding why and hows. Helped with some of the misunderstandings I had or clarifications needed. Rather than get in a peeing match they were helpful.

You on the other hand seem to be bent on looking for every post I have put up and twisting it in some ignorant fashion. I have been blessed to have had experience with a lot of very nice horses. Most people are lucky for a few I have had several and I am grateful for those experiences.

Until you actually know me, my experience, and where I have worked or what I’ve done I would suggest halting the comments because all they do is make you look ignorant. Anyone can look big on a computer. Certainly don’t think I know it all, hell I have a ton to learn. Thought that is what this board was for. Stupid me. There are some helpful people but many are just like middle school clique bullies that hopefully one day will grow up and realize their attitude sucks.

When you know me personally and my experience then you are more than happy to make ignorant comments as such. To people that have requested information through a pm in a polite manner I have responded. To those who have not then I don’t believe you have much to stand on. Because I don’t agree with you contrary to your belief does not mean I don’t respect what you have to say. Blume farm started a wonderfully informative thread regarding why and hows. Helped with some of the misunderstandings I had or clarifications needed. Rather than get in a peeing match they were helpful.

You on the other hand seem to be bent on looking for every post I have put up and twisting it in some ignorant fashion. I have been blessed to have had experience with a lot of very nice horses. Most people are lucky for a few I have had several and I am grateful for those experiences.

Until you actually know me, my experience, and where I have worked or what I’ve done I would suggest halting the comments because all they do is make you look ignorant. Anyone can look big on a computer. Certainly don’t think I know it all, hell I have a ton to learn. Thought that is what this board was for. Stupid me. There are some helpful people but many are just like middle school clique bullies that hopefully one day will grow up and realize their attitude sucks.[/QUOTE]

I’m sorry, you’re warning others that THEIR posts will make THEM look ignorant? :lol:

An Update to Post #249

A wonderful ending to this really bizarre thread. :wink: As I mentioned in post #249, I started following this thread when I got bored one day and got snoopy and followed the link to the website and fell in love with a sales horse called Miss Molly Jones. We bought her, brought her home and bred her to our Section B Welsh Pony stallion, Daventry’s Power Play, and had a wonderful pony colt last month that we are very pleased with. We’ve called him Daventry’s Paperback Writer. We absolutely love the mare and she’s the best mom!





OOPSS … pssttt those paying attention post 84 is where it gets good, and Allie Vetch Helinski joins the conversation.