Tye dye equines

Has anyone heard of this place? It’s in Idaho, which is about 3000 miles away. I have no way of assessing it as a possible home for my mare, except by asking around. If anyone can give me any info I’d appreciate it!

https://sites.google.com/site/tyedyeequines/ Looks like some sort of a sales barn. Never heard of it. After looking at the web page I would not send my horse there.

I’ve never heard of it and after looking at the site I don’t think I would necessarily send my horse there but under the sold horses link, there is information on where the horses went so you could probably contact them and ask about their experience.

They plan on breeding the gelding “Miner.” They have “carrer goals.”

Um. I don’t see any scary things as far as horse care, but I do see some flags as to their professionalism. Fairly new business. Disorganised website. They could have potential, but I’m extraordinarily cautious.

Has anyone heard of this place? It’s in Idaho, which is about 3000 miles away. I have no way of assessing it as a possible home for my mare, except by asking around. If anyone can give me any info I’d appreciate it![/QUOTE]

Let me guess, this is actually your place and this is a thinly veiled ad? I couldn’t imagine sending any animal 3000 miles away to someone you don’t know. You can’t find somewhere 1000 miles away?


Ummmm … wow? They have a 2009 15.0H TB that they are planning to BREED (but they call him a gelding?!?!)

He is later to mature (nutrition lacked before I got him, he looked like a yearling not a 23 month old when I got him) so he will be started by the end of 2012 once he has had time to mature more (some of his growing is already shown in the pictures between June and September). Out with everyone he is the the “low man on the totem pole” being the baby of the group. The hope is to have his first foal(s) on the ground in 2013; if that doesn’t happen then 2014 for sure. There is no rush since I want to him excell in training (and growing) his first few years.

So really not sure if he has his nuts or not. Certainly doesn’t look like a stallion candidate. I like how he is out with one of the mares they have listed for “free”. Wonder if they are disclosing that the mare has been exposed to a 15H TB.

They keep their horses behind barbed wire and uncapped T Posts


Their horses do not appear to be kept in very good flesh

Free Mare

This is a sales photo?

Skinny - Stud / gelding?

I wouldn’t send my horse there!

OMG! I wasn’t going to comment at all, but that grey mare is in almost seizure condition! I wouldn’t have taken that picture let alone posted it!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:

I have a hard keeper TB mare who dealt with a bout of septic lymphangitis, lost her foal during the fever process and looks 150% better than that!

Thanks for all of your responses…no its not my farm; that’s why I’m asking. Maybe you don’t sell horses much, but it’s not unusual to send horses cross country or even internationally, as I originally did with my mare, whom I imported from Germany. I have a very fancy pregnant mare with a foal by her side. This woman responded to my ad and told me that she is interested in establishing a breeding/sales program and would buy all three. Her offer was a bit low, but I’m more interested in finding a good home for the mare. I agree about the mickey mouse website. She’s young, and perhaps too ambitious. I like the suggestion to follow up with some of the places where the horses went. I’ll look more closely at the photos. I didn’t see any barbed wire. I was hoping to find someone who has actually dealt with her. Her name is Carlin Eckberg. She seems nice, but a bit inexperienced. I just don’t know the local professionals out there. If she were on the east coast, I could easily ask around and get the scoop.

If those pictures don’t tell you “the scoop” you don’t give a crap about what happens to your horse or where she ends up. That should be enough to send you screaming in the other direction.


Barbed wire in the photos I linked to. She has a facebook page with many photos. Lots of barbed wire, uncapped t posts, rough pastures, doesn’t look to be a lot of shelter, but she does appear to blanket in the winter.

Photos of very skinny horses, breeding to a neglected 15H 2yo TB stallion. “Brood mares” with no history or credentials provided. – she does say that some are ET recipients…

“Warmbloods” = draft crosses to this breeder. She lists the breed of a filly for sale as “warmblood” – it is a mix of TB, Percheron, Belgain, and Paint.

https://sites.google.com/site/tyedyeequines/mares/rocket-x-lance(check out the fencing, and condition of the mare)

So far her breedings for this year are:

Stallion – Shamus - Canadian “Warmblood” (1/2 APHA x 3/8 Percheron x 1/8 Belgian) to an OTTB mare (also looking ribby on FB)

Stallion – Miner (the neglected 2 y.o. TB) to “Bunny” a QH x Friesian cross – that has some interesting conformation.

“Bunny” - possibly the worst hindquarters I have ever seen.

Seriously, breeders like these give me a headache. What exactly is she trying to produce with these crosses? All unproven, poorly conformed horses. These are not the type of “breeders” we need.

Edited to add: Wish “Fugly horse of the day” was still at it. This is back yard breeding at its worst. unproven, poorly built horses being bred willy nilly. What an utter disaster!

I didn’t see any barbed wire. .[/QUOTE]

[URL=“https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=272799509493092&set=a.272798182826558.51190.136079696498408&type=3&theater”]The babies are kept behind barbed wire

Sorry to harp on this… but I agree with Laurierace. If you can’t tell from her website, and FB page, this is not a reputable breeder… and that her horses are underweight and a breeding train wreck… well then. Why would the “scoop” matter. Are you wondering if it is even worse than the public face she puts on… because it probably is.


Any horse kept in barbed wire is cringeworthy but foals?! Tragedy waiting to happen.

And that poor grey mare…

I cannot imagine sending a horse of mine into that on purpose.

Oh my!!! This is a responsible breeder/horse owner???


I’d like to know how she plans on getting the foals registered with Oldenburg NA and/or AHHA?

OMG I know this girl! STAY FAR FAR FAR AWAY!

I won’t trash her on here (here pictures and website do a good enough job of that on their own), but OP if you have questions let me know. I personally know her and have met her several times.

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Ok I get it. My initial impression was that she seemed nice but a bit clueless, but I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt . Figured that she was just young and inexperienced. I had only seen the website on my iPhone as my regular computer was giving me some trouble and I couldn’t get onto her website. Once that was up and running I could see for myself what so many of you have pointed out here. It didnt look so bad on the iphone. Just talking to her gave me an uneasy feeling. I figured I’d post an inquiry here and I was surprised at the number of responses. Today I got my computer fixed and I see what you all mean.

On her FB page she claims to have bred some mare to this horse:

Isn’t this a CoTHers stallion???

What a freaking death trap that place is…I want to scoop those free horses up just to get them the hell out of there.

ETA the text from FB in case it disappears:
[i]Tye Dye Equines shared a link.
July 18
I just confirmed with Gatsby’s owners and since I couldn’t use the breeding this year with Silhouette I will be able to use it next year on Ellie! http://www.foxdalefarm.us/gatsby.htm

GATSBY - 17 hh Homozygous Black Oldenburg Stallion - Breeding & Contact Information
GATSBY - 17 hh Homozygous Black Oldenburg Stallion - Breeding & Contact Information[/i]


This horse is NOT registered with Canadian Warmblood as a stallion or otherwise.

And they used him as a stallion and are calling the offspring a Wb. 6k for a foal…
If you do own a imported Wb, that should have tipped you off. There is young and then there is dishonest. If you are going to call yourself a professional (Carlin, I mean), you better know better. Ask any of the young people actually involved with breeding Wbs, they would not make such claims!

I did wonder about that. Unlike water, Hot (tb) plus cold (draft) does not equal warm (blood), but that seems to be a common misconception among a lot of people. I don’t know anything about Canadian WBs, except a lot of them seem curiously related to the premarin foals. I’ve never bothered to investigate, as my experience with “American WBs” has been underwhelming. I just figured she didnt know the difference and she was just starting out and perhaps she hadn’t had the opportunity to find nicer horses.

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I did wonder about that. Unlike water, Hot (tb) plus cold (draft) does not equal warm (blood), but that seems to be a common misconception among a lot of people. I don’t know anything about Canadian WBs, except a lot of them seem curiously related to the premarin foals. I’ve never bothered to investigate, as my experience with “American WBs” has been underwhelming. I just figured she didnt know the difference and she was just starting out and perhaps she hadn’t had the opportunity to find nicer horses.[/QUOTE]

No they are not PMU horses. They are the only Wb registry in Canada that is recognized under federal gov and they only except the major European Warmblood horses, which are listed on the site. There is aux papers for crosses of Wb stallions to other mares, and this was fashioned after the European/Hanoverian model that has recently changed. Where did you see PMU horses that were Canadian Warmblood? Or maybe they were just PMU horses being advertised as CW, like the young lady in question. I guess people get away with it because no one knows enough to check. And if she didn’t know the difference why would you even consider sending your mare to her?