Tye dye equines


This horse is NOT registered with Canadian Warmblood as a stallion or otherwise.

And they used him as a stallion and are calling the offspring a Wb. 6k for a foal…
If you do own a imported Wb, that should have tipped you off. There is young and then there is dishonest. If you are going to call yourself a professional (Carlin, I mean), you better know better. Ask any of the young people actually involved with breeding Wbs, they would not make such claims![/QUOTE]


He was sold and now on this website. He is being advertised as a Polish WB with his name changed and different bloodlines:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

I would never knowingly sell a broodmare to someone like that…I have sold two of my broodmares and one ended up being basically starved while she was pregnant (and this is a mare that was always borderline obese at my place). It is very heartbreaking when you no longer have control over the horses you love and you know they are not being cared for. I really , really recommend looking for another home for your mare when the signs are so obvious.

Thanks for explaining the Canadian WB thing. I have seen pmu foals advertised as canadian wbs, and lots of creative crosses called American WBs. I don’t think people realize the generations of careful breeding that it took to develop the european breeds. I’m not sending my mare there. The reason I even considered it is that nothing is selling right now so I have to consider any offer that comes along. I am not a breeder; I bought this mare for competition and she has ringbone due to a pasture injury. She had a foal early in her life, and with her excellent breeding I figured that someone would want her as a broodmare. I did a lot of research, including talking with my cousins in germany from whom I bought her, I even considered sending her back to be a broodmare on their farm. I found the best possible stallion and we bred her and she produced a lovely colt. However, no buyers. Rather than letting her stand around ( she has a uterine condition that will progress if she isn’t pregnant so my vet advised that if she is to be a broodmare she needs to be bred) we bred her again. In a better market people woul be lining up to buy her, but it’s not easy now. I’ll have to advertise her more aggressively.

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MCM, there is a giveaway board on this forum, offer your mare there and SCREEN whoever takes her. There is another thread that has me completely irked where a very nice mare ended up in very inexperienced hands - it’s never fair to the horse :(.

Good luck placing your mare.

I don’t want to give her away, as I paid $30000 plus shipping for her as a 3 yr old. Shes a premium select mare with the German verband and she is carrying a potentially valuable foal. I would be willing to take a reasonable offer that would at least cover my breeding costs.

Ah, sorry, I assumed it was a giveaway - considering the party interested ;). Again, good luck finding her the perfect home.

I could see how there could be this confusion with the potential buyer if she offered anything near 6 figures for the mare – one would think if a buyer had that kind of money they wouldn’t be quite so clueless.

New foal page: “For my nerd friends Stella translates to Eleniel and means star in Elvish!”

She definitely sounds young.

Edit: I did see the barbed wire (and electical tape), but the horses didn’t look that bad in some of the pictures. It was clear to me that Miner was a stallion, bred to some mares, then gelded. He’s now for sale for $750.

Th epicture of the foal lying next to the barb wire didn’t frighten me nearly as much as the owner’s defense of it underneath.

And…as she notes “it isn’t her farm”. Hear the alarm bells now??

I’m the one who commented on her facebook page about the foal - she deleted my post but replied anyway. I simply said “Poor baby behind barbed wire in a pen with trash”. I started to reply again but she is clueless and there’s no point. I hope her genius mare really does keep the foal off the fence :(.


He was sold and now on this website. He is being advertised as a Polish WB with his name changed and different bloodlines:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:[/QUOTE]

WOW, can you say FRAUD???

I wonder if she has any complaints against her with any of the humane groups,

WOW, can you say FRAUD???[/QUOTE]

I was shocked to see this blatant lie. It gets a BIG WTF?

I can’t find much for Karlin Eckberg (except that she passed a pony club rating a few years ago) but agreed, there are some major red flags, including her indiscriminant breeding practices, where she has her babies living, and the fact that she can’t spell (rest in pease)

I’d consider a breeding lease 1000 times before I’d sell a horse to her. I think she’s in for a rough go when she tries to present her pasture-bred foals from unapproved stallions to any warmblood registry!

WOW, can you say FRAUD???[/QUOTE] Not that I agree with Tye Dye Farm’s breeding practices BUT she did sell the horse & it appears that she was told the horse was accepted & registered as a Polish WB. Is it POSIBLE that he was?

Not that I agree with Tye Dye Farm’s breeding practices BUT she did sell the horse & it appears that she was told the horse was accepted & registered as a Polish WB. Is it POSIBLE that he was?[/QUOTE]

Now… this is NOT TYe Dye guilty of this lie… She Tye Dye said the horse was:

1/2 APHA x 3/8 Percheron x 1/8 Belgian

NEW Owner claims:

Buckskin overo imported Polish warmblood stallion.

  • Imported from where? Not Polland!

New Pedigree:

" Wolny Mischiel"





Hum- that is an interesting sounding pedigree for a draft x Paint.

Can’t find much about “Polish Warmbloods” online – maybe this is why they chose this breed to claim? Can’t get info on it? Polish Warmbloods – ones bred in Poland, should have numbers branded on them. But I highly doubt this draft cross was imported from any where!


Wezyr (Wotum - Arlin - Monsum) - Video 3

Oye. That facebook page makes my eyes bleed. I am horrified that she justified the conditions she keeps her horses in because she’s renting the property. Why did she sign a lease there in the first place?!

Left a comment that was immediately was justified with a “not my fault” type of response.

Opps! Missed that he had a new PEDIGREE to go along with his new owner, name, & registry! How dumb are people? If I was actually interested in breeding to him I’d be looking at more than his couple of dressage scores at 1st & 2nd level… :S

Again, she claims to have a breeding coming to her by a Coth members horse at Fox Lane Farms. Does anyone know them?

Correction: Foxhaven Farms

Not that I agree with Tye Dye Farm’s breeding practices BUT she did sell the horse & it appears that she was told the horse was accepted & registered as a Polish WB. Is it POSIBLE that he was?[/QUOTE]

No. She had it listed as a Canadian Warmblood with it’s breeding. When questioned about it, she said it was a draft cross born in Canada. That any draft X Tb is a Warmblood and she has every right to call it one. It also could be a Canadian Sport horse because it does sport and born in Canada??? NO clue of how Wb registries work, none. Both those organization are recognized by the Canadian federal government and have gone to great lengths to do so. It is as false as saying a black cow is a purebred Angus and selling it as so. For quality control, trade, and establishment of a recognized product it is very important to a government to have it’s products be what they are claimed to be and Canada is absolutely anal about it.

Appsolute- she did the same thing, but called it a Canadian WB. That is as false as the Polish Wb. Maybe one of it’s ancestors was from Poland…:rolleyes:

Now… this is NOT TYe Dye guilty of this lie…

New barn name of Lance. Recorded as Wolny Mischiel with RPSI Studbook II and he is the only Buckskin Overo.

Hum… wonder why he isn’t listed here:


Hahahah – Felt like googling – this amazing Canadian warmblood / Polish warmblood is undeafted at 2nd level!!!

Oh wait… there were only two horses in the class.

