Tye dye equines


It’s been about 30 years since I heard about a stunt like that!

I am really, really surprised that we haven’t had any “clients” of Tie Dye join this thread to defend Karlin and talk about how WONDERFUL the horse she sold them is. How the horse is now cleaning up in hunters and has in fact been long-listed for dressage, eventing, AND showjumping at the 2014 WEG.

it’s still early…proper ladies don’t drink before 5 or sundown, whichever comes first…

A Pollish Warmblood?

Would that be one that was imported from The New Polland auction?

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[QUOTE=Iron Horse Farm;6472242]
A Pollish Warmblood?

Would that be one that was imported from The New Polland auction?[/QUOTE]

LOL…that would be New Holland auction so it would be a Dutch Warmblood ;).


Dutch… WOW:lol:

Yes, foxhaven posts here so I hope she will chime in :yes:

(ETA:Sent her a PM with this link)

Meow! Ok obviously this woman is clueless, maybe dishonest, maybe crazy, I dont know. I’m just happy that this forum exists as a way of checking things out! I really didn’t care if she was up on the latest " rules". If she thinks she has a warmblood, big deal. Any buyer could easily check up on the facts. I have known backyard horse owners who love their horses and take good care of them, even though though their barns may not be fancy. Someone told me long ago to look at the horses, not the facility when assessing a farm. ( of course the barbed wire is an issue…) I would rather have a backyard owner who breeds one or two mares a year and treats then like a family member than a huge breeding operation that treats her like a breeding machine. I’m more concerned that this woman is adding to the numbers of questionable horses that will end up at auctions. She probably thinks that she’s doing a good thing, but someone needs to let her know that just because it has a uterus doesn’t mean it should be bred!

Let me guess, this is actually your place and this is a thinly veiled ad? I couldn’t imagine sending any animal 3000 miles away to someone you don’t know. You can’t find somewhere 1000 miles away?[/QUOTE]

You guessed wrong.

No it is not her place. Why do new posters, with valid questions, inevitably get slapped with some sort of conspiracy accusation from the paranoid peanut gallery here?! WTF?!

I know her, she is, as she wrote, looking for a references or “ten foot pole” alerts for this prospective buyer. She’s trying to make a good, responsible decision for her horse.

Let me guess. Sheesh! :mad:

I think that’s been established, cwfhj. But the scenario Laurierace suggested was a good guess because it happens a lot on this forum! Sadly, we get cynical around here and assume the worst, since it ends up that way so often.

Again, she claims to have a breeding coming to her by a Coth members horse at Fox Lane Farms. Does anyone know them?

Correction: Foxhaven Farms[/QUOTE]

Nope, not us. It says Fox Fire Farm on this page: https://sites.google.com/site/tyedyeequines/foals/foals-of-2014

Fox fire farm is a reputable holsteiner facility. In fact, that’s how Karlin originally found my mare. I don’t think the horse she describes stands there, especially since they breed only holsteiners. It looks like she’s bred one of her mares to their stallion, which I even question at this point, I’m so disgusted with her.

Ack, sorry, I have to correct my correction - it’s FoxDALE Farm (I linked it in my first post on page one - from her FB page). Sorry I was confused! Anyway, I’m relieved :).

On her FB page she claims to have bred some mare to this horse:

Isn’t this a CoTHers stallion???

What a freaking death trap that place is…I want to scoop those free horses up just to get them the hell out of there.

ETA the text from FB in case it disappears:
[i]Tye Dye Equines shared a link.
July 18
I just confirmed with Gatsby’s owners and since I couldn’t use the breeding this year with Silhouette I will be able to use it next year on Ellie! http://www.foxdalefarm.us/gatsby.htm

GATSBY - 17 hh Homozygous Black Oldenburg Stallion - Breeding & Contact Information
GATSBY - 17 hh Homozygous Black Oldenburg Stallion - Breeding & Contact Information[/i][/QUOTE]

It seems the photos have been taken down… I can’t find them anyway.

I am stunned , that someone, apparently “Sport Horses are Us”.( really?) :confused: has manufactured a fake pedigree. WOW! :eek::eek:

Hmmm… Yet another reason to be leery of Sporthorses R Us (as well as the first farm mentioned in this thread) - They bred a Redwine foal this year. Wonder if she even tests/vaccinates for EVA.

I can’t believe the nerve of people spreading an outright lie!


It’s been about 30 years since I heard about a stunt like that![/QUOTE]

I know ! With the internet and things of that sort it blows me that someone would even try. Esp. when the gelding is on Youtube with those bloodlines (and there was no way this was a full sibling;) _

[QUOTE=skydy;6472647]It seems the photos have been taken down… I can’t find them anyway.

I am stunned , that someone, apparently “Sport Horses are Us”.( really?) :confused: has manufactured a fake pedigree. WOW! :eek::eek:[/QUOTE]

I am soo glad her lies were “blown out the water”! Good, I am glad she took that crap down!

Now Tye Dye is referring to Freelance as an imported Canadian Sport Horse and Sporthorses R Us has taken his page down entirely so obviously they’re reading… Awkward for them!

Well good - Glad “Sport Horses R Us” - Allie Vetch-Helinski took down their blatant lie.

For the record again - the horse Allie is showing as “Wolny Mischiel” - was listed on her website as having the following pedigree:


Wolny Mischiel


But that pedigree belongs to a European horse - NOT “Wolny Mischiel” - who is a draft cross from Canada - And doesn’t appear to have a valid pedigree available anywhere.

Hope the liar is feeling embarrassed and thinks again before they do something so dishonest.

I feel like these girls are “playing pony farm” - but with real live horses.

All kinds of corrections. Including an explanation on the front page and why the “now” gelding Marion covered and produced a foal (on his sales page)

You don’t have to dig real deep to figure out how he was able to accidentally cover a mare! I did get a giggle out of them tacking him up and turning him loose then exclaiming “Look, he is moving already!” Can’t make this stuff up…

I love you guys! I had no idea this thread would get to 3 pages.

I’m really glad you exposed her and hopefully this thread will pop up if anyone ever searches for her business.

I could tell you horror stories about her and her unethical horsemanship and breeding practices.