Tye dye equines

yeah, can’t say I know this person personally - but from afar, it looks like a GD DISASTER. Who is breeding so willy nilly these days? Even the top breeders have really scaled back.

Any way, I WANT this thread to come up any time some one searches “Tye Dye” sport horses and warmbloods - right now, its about half way down the first page on Google - maybe these tags will help :wink:

“Tye dye sport horse”
“Tye dye warmbloods”
Karlin Ekberg
Wolny Mischiel

Seems that Sporthorsesrus seems to have issues as well…

Now Tye Dye is referring to Freelance as an imported Canadian Sport Horse and Sporthorses R Us has taken his page down entirely so obviously they’re reading… Awkward for them![/QUOTE]

He’s not listed on the CSHA Database. His sire and dam aren’t listed there either, so he most likely doesn’t have part-bred papers.

Now Tye Dye is referring to Freelance as an imported Canadian Sport Horse and Sporthorses R Us has taken his page down entirely so obviously they’re reading… Awkward for them![/QUOTE]

And they also claim that he is

NRecorded as Wolny Mischiel with RPSI Studbook II and he is the only Buckskin Overo.

Hum… wonder why he is NOT listed in the RPSI Stud Book - Oh I know, maybe it is because it is another LIE!


Ok, purely speculation - Paint / draft cross, imported from Canada - What do you want to bet this “warmblood” is a PMU?

And remember! Allie Vetch-Helinski owner of “Sport Horses Are Us” is the one that LIED about the stallions pedigree.

Glad you brought that up App - I was to scared to say anything ;). But that’s exactly what I thought.

“Imported” from Canada…that just cracks me up. I guess there are some feral horses from the southern regions that could be called Mexican Imports, huh?

“Imported” from Canada…that just cracks me up. [/QUOTE]

I joke about my “imported” Canadian mare, but… it’s a joke. :lol:

And remember! Allie Vetch-Helinski owner of “Sport Horses Are Us” is the one that LIED about the stallions pedigree.

Seems to also post a lot about Christain values on her FB page.

Didn’t know LYING was a Christian virtue![/QUOTE]

Wasn’t Sporthorsesrus standing him at stud? If so, giving him a false pedigree really is unforgivable.

What they’re saying
Recorded RPSI book II
What they want us to think
Approved RPSI stallion
What it really means
We paid our fee and got a COP

What they’re saying
Canadian Warmblood / Canadian Sport Horse
What they want us to think
CWB or CSHA registered
What it really means
Not techincally a hot or cold blooded horse, and from Canada

What they’re saying
What they want us to think
Came on a plane from Europe
What it really means
It drove across the border from Canada. If you’ve ever traveled to a show outside of your home region, your horse has probably travelled farther.

Now the whole Polish Warmblood and fictitious pedigree… That’s just a blatant lie on the part of Sporthorses R Us and Allie Vetch-Helinski, and hoping people were too ignorant and trusting to believe it.

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Wasn’t Sporthorsesrus standing him at stud? If so, giving him a false pedigree really is unforgivable.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, $1000 for a grade horse! But they were going to pay you $1000 back if you had a foal go premium at a recognized warmblood keuring. Would be interested to see how anyone could actually GET that award since no Warmblood registry would actually register any of his offspring.

Wonder how many people she defrauded with that lie?

Fact or fiction?

I would like to ask those that are posting here to list their credentials for making these claims against this business as well as to give specifics re: their personal experiences with Tye Dye Equines. I wonder if I should give any creditability to comments here or if this truly is a witch hunt against someone that no one here has actually done business with. Do you believe everything you see on the web unquestioningly (like opinions on this forum)? Have you never publicly made a mistake or a typo? Are you an expert at web site design? Are you rich enough to buy everything you need? Have you been publicly held responsible for someone’s actions that you had no control over? How would you feel if your reputation was being tarnished by a bunch of faceless people who act like they smell fresh blood and go into a feeding frenzy? As the sole proprietor in a service-based industry, my reputation and good name is my only asset. I feel this business’ reputation is getting trashed simply because you all don’t have anything better to do. So unless you stand up and list your expert credentials and/or detail the personal experience of a transaction with this business and can back up your opinion with fact, I think you should stop harassing Tye Dye Equines.

I would like to ask those that are posting here to list their credentials for making these claims against this business as well as to give specifics re: their personal experiences with Tye Dye Equines. I wonder if I should give any creditability to comments here or if this truly is a witch hunt against someone that no one here has actually done business with. Do you believe everything you see on the web unquestioningly (like opinions on this forum)? Have you never publicly made a mistake or a typo? Are you an expert at web site design? Are you rich enough to buy everything you need? Have you been publicly held responsible for someone’s actions that you had no control over? How would you feel if your reputation was being tarnished by a bunch of faceless people who act like they smell fresh blood and go into a feeding frenzy? As the sole proprietor in a service-based industry, my reputation and good name is my only asset. I feel this business’ reputation is getting trashed simply because you all don’t have anything better to do. So unless you stand up and list your expert credentials and/or detail the personal experience of a transaction with this business and can back up your opinion with fact, I think you should stop harassing Tye Dye Equines.[/QUOTE]
Not sure if houseguest, real, or someone who enjoyed the “Dear OPs” thread.

Didn’t take long for one of these to come out of the woodwork.

Seriously tcamozz, do you think this breeder does not deserve closer inspection? After all, that is all this thread is about.

Why so defensive?

Isn’t the why part obvious? Now Tye Dye shows up. Hey Tye Dye, shouldn’t that be Tie Dye?

Gosh, now all the content at all the links has been removed. Boo Hiss.

I am not sure why someone has to have personal experience with a dealer to be able to point out the issues they see posted on that person website by them. Tcamozz, can you explain this?

I would like to ask those that are posting here to list their credentials for making these claims against this business as well as to give specifics re: their personal experiences with Tye Dye Equines. I wonder if I should give any creditability to comments here or if this truly is a witch hunt against someone that no one here has actually done business with. Do you believe everything you see on the web unquestioningly (like opinions on this forum)? Have you never publicly made a mistake or a typo? Are you an expert at web site design? Are you rich enough to buy everything you need? Have you been publicly held responsible for someone’s actions that you had no control over? How would you feel if your reputation was being tarnished by a bunch of faceless people who act like they smell fresh blood and go into a feeding frenzy? As the sole proprietor in a service-based industry, my reputation and good name is my only asset. I feel this business’ reputation is getting trashed simply because you all don’t have anything better to do. So unless you stand up and list your expert credentials and/or detail the personal experience of a transaction with this business and can back up your opinion with fact, I think you should stop harassing Tye Dye Equines.[/QUOTE]

Well, my statement was that she had advertised a horse as something when it was not. That simple.
If you sell a peace of glass as a diamond, asking diamond prices then you are misrepresenting your product. That is a fact. And moreover if a person claims to be a reputable diamond seller, then it is their responsibility to know the difference.
Same goes with selling a ineligible horse as a certain breed (and yes in Canada, the Canadian Warmblood is formally recognized as a breed by the Federal government due to a ton of pedigree work by it’s members, the Sport Horse is recognized as an evolving breed). I do not need any personal experience as this was an publicly advertised statement.
As far as many of the other statements, well, they are personal opinions. I do not think, personally, that it is good breeding practices to allow stallions that are not tested, have an inadequate pedigree (draft cross or ottb) to breed mares by accident or otherwise. Then advertise them as Wb’s when they are absolutely not eligible for inspection.
It is pulblic opinion of those who are actually recognized Wb breeders. That is what this forum is…the actual Wb breeders and people in the industry. Of course they would have issue with someone who is misrepresenting their product, a product, that for them, that they work very hard to produce and to produce with a degree of quality.

PS. you should be careful about asking for personal experience…you might get it and from what I have heard, that might not be what you want to have on a public board. It is only libel if it is not true. Official records would protect those and Coth has a way of digging up everything.

Isn’t the why part obvious? Now Tye Dye shows up. Hey Tye Dye, shouldn’t that be Tie Dye?[/QUOTE]

Sheesh, haven’t you ever heard of a typo?

As far as many of the other statements, well, they are personal opinions. I do not think, personally, that it is good breeding practices to allow stallions that are not tested, have an inadequate pedigree (draft cross or ottb) to breed mares by accident or otherwise. Then advertise them as Wb’s when they are absolutely not eligible for inspection.

What an odd statement.
You seem to think that OTTB is a separate breed?
Or do you think that TB’s should not be allowed to breed?
You do know if an OTTB or TB is approved by a registry the offspring are eligible to be registered as Warmblood’s. Or maybe you don’t know that?

Eligible is operative ;).

I would like to ask those that are posting here to list their credentials for making these claims against this business as well as to give specifics re: their personal experiences with Tye Dye Equines. I wonder if I should give any creditability to comments here or if this truly is a witch hunt against someone that no one here has actually done business with. Do you believe everything you see on the web unquestioningly (like opinions on this forum)? Have you never publicly made a mistake or a typo? Are you an expert at web site design? Are you rich enough to buy everything you need? Have you been publicly held responsible for someone’s actions that you had no control over? How would you feel if your reputation was being tarnished by a bunch of faceless people who act like they smell fresh blood and go into a feeding frenzy? As the sole proprietor in a service-based industry, my reputation and good name is my only asset. I feel this business’ reputation is getting trashed simply because you all don’t have anything better to do. So unless you stand up and list your expert credentials and/or detail the personal experience of a transaction with this business and can back up your opinion with fact, I think you should stop harassing Tye Dye Equines.[/QUOTE]

Share your expert credentials with us too, pretty please.

Something for people to consider when they decide to go in to the horse business - horse people are very critical. It’s the way it is. If you can’t take the heat, you should probably stay out of the kitchen.

Better yet, hold off on your horsey enterprise until you have proper facilities to allow your animals to be at less risk of serious injury. Learn to breed discriminately. Produce some records of your animals to help promote the offspring (as in show records). Don’t buy or breed (or sell) without a focus. And most importantly, don’t make stuff up. People aren’t stupid.