Tye dye equines

OR this is what happens when you lie and post pictures of your foals living in unsafe conditions. But witch hunt, yep, carry on. Eye roll.

How could anyone be so stupid in this day & age (of internet) to try to not just missrepresent a horse but an entire breeding program? Properly represented & marketed the horses in question have a nitch (draft x) market. Honesty IS the best policy. :S

Yeah sorry - I like to expose blatant lies and irresponsible breeding. I do not think they are things that should be tolerated, and should be exposed.

As for “credentials” – I am not a breeder, I know that I do not have the facilities, or the funds to breed horses. One should not go into the breeding business without those in place.

Like our dear breeder here – I am a graduate from Pony Club, earned by B before they had these specialized ratings. As a fellow Pony Clubber – I am appalled by the barbed wire fencing, the ribby horses, and the irresponsible handling of a stud.

Like our dear breeder – I have evented to prelim, and groomed for ** riders back when we had long format – I can assure you that the care level the dear breeder has shown, would NOT be acceptable to them.

From “Tye Dye’s” listed experience, it sounds like she should KNOW BETTER. I do not think it is shear ignorance like some back yard breeders. Why she chose to ignore the basics of good horsemanship, and create “opps babies”, keep horses behind barbed wire, and allow them to get pot bellies with ribs protruding is beyond me.

On behalf of Tye Dye Equines and SRU

This is to inform the persons making slanderous remarks on here pertaining to Tye Dye Equines and SRU. The content of these posts will not be tolerated and legal action is being pursued. If the negative comments are not removed the parties involved will be contacted by a private attorney and charges will be filed. I have never before seen such distasteful content posted about individuals without and legal documentation.

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Thanks for being a part of the Chronicle of the Horse’s forum!

I have read, and agree to abide by the Chronicle Forums rules.

sigh…the slander card always follows the house guest.


You should get out more! ETA: (Okay, sorry that was rude). What I meant was: you will need to get thicker skin if you want to be in the horse business :).


Sport horses are us. Why did you say your draft cross stallion was an imported Polish Warmblood - complete with a predigree listed on your website - that belongs to another horse?

Why did you do that? Why did you take it down from your website after this thread started?


Does one need legal documentation to post a photo and state what is in that photo? :confused:

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Does one need legal documentation to post a photo and state what is in that photo? :confused:[/QUOTE]

Yeah - I guess we do not have “documentation” because Tye Dye and Sport Horses Are US took their websites - and all of their pictures down.

If there is nothing to hide, why have all of the photos and websites been removed? Nothing has been stated that was not true. The fences were barbed wire. The horses had visable ribs. The stallion has been represented as being various breeds which he is not approved with.

Please - point out the libel statements?

Yeah, if you are trying to state that you are not committing FRAUD, you probably should have legal documenation to back up your claims! (ie: PAPERS)

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This is to inform the persons making slanderous remarks on here pertaining to Tye Dye Equines and SRU. The content of these posts will not be tolerated and legal action is being pursued. If the negative comments are not removed the parties involved will be contacted by a private attorney and charges will be filed. I have never before seen such distasteful content posted about individuals without and legal documentation.[/QUOTE]

Can you please list specifically what remarks were slanderous? Honestly, if something that has been posted on this thread about you or Tye Dye Equines that is slanderous, please feel free to elaborate and clear the air.

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Ha! This just got interesting. Pass the popcorn, I’ve got the wine…

I can’t WAIT to hear from the person who committed FRAUD by posting a stolen pedigree for her stallion what exactly was said on this thread was slanderous. :lol:


Slander = spoken
Libel = written

That is all. Carry on.



Pretty sure the accurate term is neither slander or libel. I was thinking exposed might be a good one or perhaps busted is more accurate. If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!


So lovely to get a dose of the terms and conditions, I needed that refresher…not. I figured this would turn into a trainwreck eventually. Entertainment on a Friday when work is just too boring. Proceed please (:

This is to inform the persons making slanderous remarks on here pertaining to Tye Dye Equines and SRU. The content of these posts will not be tolerated and legal action is being pursued. [/QUOTE]

  1. I believe you mean libelous as slander is spoken and libel is written, but to be qualified as either slander or libel they must be untrue (that’s a lie)

Negative comments are allowed (see first ammendment). It’s only libelous or slanderous comments that are a problem. So go ahead - produce your horses “Polish WB” papers and I’ll gladly recant everything I said about his pedigree being fictitious. Produce his CWB or CSHA papers and I’ll remove anything said about him not being a Canadian Warmblood. People on this forum have access to those databases though and they say he’s not listed… If you can clear up the confusion, I’d love it! Or go ahead and post his RPSI COP and make his true pedigree public!

As for the bit I mentioned about EVA, well that’s something everyone breeding should have info on, especially if a stallion owner has also bred a mare to a carrier stallion, and therefore has either had a mare that was vaccinated and had to be quarantied, or just took the risk of exposure. No one said your stallion was EVA positive - it is just apparent through your past breeidng to Redwine that the potential for exposure is there.

Show us YOUR documentation.

I haven’t seen anything vulgar posted… Only people pointing out what APPEAR to be blatant lies posted on your websites. Want me to pull up the cached copies to refresh your memory?

[QUOTE=sporthorsesRus;6475820]Outright inflammatory, vulgar, harassing, malicious or otherwise inappropriate statements and criminal charges unsubstantiated by a reputable news source or legal documentation will not be tolerated and will be dealt with at the discretion of the moderators.[/QUOTE] Having a lie pointed out is not harrassment. I haven’t seen anything that qualifies as vulgar or malicious.

The rest of your post… check, check, check, check… Not even relevant. Good luck with your stallion. He may be a really nice draft cross, but let him be the best of what he really is. Don’t lie and then threaten to sue when you’re caught in it!

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Is that a Polish Warmblood eating popcorn???

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I don’t think SporthorseRus should be speaking for the moderators.

I also think that threats of private legal action on public message boards rarely scare people in this day and age, especially when they are critiquing a public website.

The content of these posts will not be tolerated and legal action is being pursued. If the negative comments are not removed the parties involved will be contacted by a private attorney and charges will be filed. I have never before seen such distasteful content posted about individuals without and legal documentation.

Also, you made a typo. I think you meant “any.”

Could I suggest that a better use might be made of your hard earned dollars than playing an attorney $250 an hour to write cease and desist letters to a lot of people?


Darn it. I saw the Dreamhorse ad for the Buckskin Overo ‘Polish WB’ stallion a few weeks ago. I knew I should’ve saved it, but it’s gone now.

PS - Sporthorses R Us, you forgot one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPZAWD2UR2I

Might want to rename that video. Maybe I’ll be seeing you at some shows this season, since we’re from the same Region.