Tye dye equines

I must ask what type of ponies will you be crossing her with ? May produce a “my size” warmblood that I would like to try ![/QUOTE]

We stand four pony stallions. We just had a couple of them inspected and approved Oldenburg GOV, ISR/Oldenburg & RPSI this year. :wink: www.daventryequestrian.com/stallions.html We are having trouble deciding who to breed her to next year, but I think we will choose our Section D Welsh Cob stallion Goldhills Brandysnap for next year and then cross her with our Section B, Daventry’s Power Play the next year.

Sorry, you and I must be looking at a different horse. I just can’t see myself paying $40,000 for this horse (if I even had it), but there will be someone out there willing to pay it! I agree 100% with what Stoicfish said, he may be a very nice gelding and worth the price if he is competitive at the ULs.

I just don’t see him as being extremely competitive, and I think that is what most people want. .

He IS competitive at 4th. He has quite a few decent recorded scores. And an AA Championship.

There are really not very many horses available for sale right now who actually have scores at 4th. Especially in a Regional Championship. Most of those cost more than $40K.

You wouldn’t pay $40K…ok, fair enough. You said that the price was “outrageous”…indicating that you’d expect to pay substantially less. Like $20K? $10K? Are you actually in the market for a horse to do 4th on right now? Really hitting the streets looking? I don’t mean prospects…I mean FINISHED AT 4TH. Wherever you’re finding the discount horses with the scores, let me know. I have multiple friends who’ll fly to wherever you’re at, right now with $10K in hand to fork over on a young, sound, finished 4th level horse.

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He IS competitive at 4th. He has quite a few decent recorded scores. And an AA Championship.

There are really not very many horses available for sale right now who actually have scores at 4th. Especially in a Regional Championship. Most of those cost more than $40K.

You wouldn’t pay $40K…ok, fair enough. You said that the price was “outrageous”…indicating that you’d expect to pay substantially less. Like $20K? $10K? Are you actually in the market for a horse to do 4th on right now? Really hitting the streets looking? I don’t mean prospects…I mean FINISHED AT 4TH. Wherever you’re finding the discount horses with the scores, let me know. I have multiple friends who’ll fly to wherever you’re at, right now with $10K in hand to fork over on a young, sound, finished 4th level horse.[/QUOTE]

Weren’t those classes against one or two other horses? I wouldn’t call that competitive.

I said the price for this particular horse of his particular talent was outrageous. I didn’t indicate another horse with more caliber or training wouldn’t be worth 40k+. Maybe you should have read more into my post before the snark about a 10k 4th level horse. I know what the price range for that type of horse is – this horse is not that type of horse. :rolleyes:

Weren’t those classes against one or two other horses? I wouldn’t call that competitive.

I said the price for this particular horse of his particular talent was outrageous. I didn’t indicate another horse with more caliber or training wouldn’t be worth 40k+. Maybe you should have read more into my post before the snark about a 10k 4th level horse. I know what the price range for that type of horse is – this horse is not that type of horse. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]

He’s doing 4th. WTH are you talking about? He gets decent scores. Since when does the size of the class determine a Dressage score?

I don’t read “into” posts. I read them. And comment on what is there. You were pretty unambiguous. Find me another draft cross doing 4th for substantially less than $40K. Honestly, do it. Even with ZERO capability to move further up the levels, $40K is not out of line in this market. He got those scores THIS YEAR.


He’s doing 4th. WTH are you talking about? He gets decent scores. Since when does the size of the class determine a Dressage score?

I don’t read “into” posts. I read them. And comment on what is there. You were pretty unambiguous. Find me another draft cross doing 4th for substantially less than $40K. Honestly, do it. Even with ZERO capability to move further up the levels, $40K is not out of line in this market. He got those scores THIS YEAR.[/QUOTE]

Agree with the above. Why does it seem like the same people on this forum like to gang up and trash others’ horses/breeds?

Thank God there are some people with sense on this forum. I completely understand yours.and Ruby’s insights. There are bullies on here as with everywhere that think they own the board and anything other than their own is unworthy. Hope lance finds someone truly deserving of such a horse. May not be a popular choice of breeding but he is holding his own. Can’t wait for the day he got put against some of the bullies horses and won. I’d love to see those scores posted !

Thank God there are some people with sense on this forum. I completely understand yours.and Ruby’s insights. There are bullies on here as with everywhere that think they own the board and anything other than their own is unworthy. Hope lance finds someone truly deserving of such a horse. May not be a popular choice of breeding but he is holding his own. Can’t wait for the day he got put against some of the bullies horses and won. I’d love to see those scores posted ![/QUOTE]

I don’t think many people here are “bashing” him for his breeding or bullying him. I think it has more to do with his past owner and her uh, misrepresentation of him that has the rest of us wary. :rolleyes:

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For petes sake the girl publicly admitted she was wrong has done so in her page and horse is in different hands consigned or not. Let it rest. And yes, some of the attacking has diverged from the owner or prior owner to the horse. Enough is enough !

For petes sake the girl publicly admitted she was wrong has done so in her page and horse is in different hands consigned or not. Let it rest. And yes, some of the attacking has diverged from the owner or prior owner to the horse. Enough is enough ![/QUOTE]

If I link you to this thread, does that mean you’ll stop commenting/white knighting?

Um no, if anything it makes the point more.

For petes sake the girl publicly admitted she was wrong has done so in her page and horse is in different hands consigned or not. Let it rest. And yes, some of the attacking has diverged from the owner or prior owner to the horse. Enough is enough ![/QUOTE]

Which “girl” are you referring to? Allie Helinsky of “sporthorses R us” admitted on the COTH breeders forum, to falsifying the pedigree of the stallion, and seemed to think it was no big deal.

It IS a big deal…

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The original owner was young, has likely learned and was probably doing what she thought best for the horse or trying to give him a better situation to someone that could give him more opportunities. It didn’t turn out as hoped. Sometimes when you sell a horse despite your best efforts that happens. Allie misrepresented the horse, I understand why, people would cross to him as a warmblood but not an unusual breed regardless of his merit. Don’t justify it but do understand it. Again she admitted what she did and it is done and over with. Leave it be.

You are now in the territory of defaming the actual horse. He has honestly competed and gotten decent scores. Last time I checked didn’t matter how many horses were in the class. The horse was scored against the correctness of the test NOT other horses. Hmmm seems a lot of you have forgotten that. Evidently you don’t think poorly of the person who currently has him and put additional time and training in him. Someone off this board bought another horse from her so she can’t be that bad. I read entire board and someone else bred to him so evidently didn’t think he was that bad. An idiot past owner doesn’t make the horse less. You have now gotten into the territory of bashing this poor horse and the current person attempting to sell him that well you have affected his sale likely which is unfair to the horse.

You guys need to get a life.

You UNDERSTAND why someone committed a very serious fraud for financial gain??? I am speechless.

I think the whole number of horses in the class thing came up - as early on, when Allie was LYING and representing and marketing the stallion with a STOLEN pedigree. At that time she was also boosting how the stallion “WON” at his first shows, in which there were two entries in the classes.

She was SELLING breedings based on ABSOLUTELY MADE UP BOLD FACED LIES - only she got outed as a cheat, liar and fraud that she was.

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… At that time she was also boosting how the stallion “WON” at his first shows, in which there were two entries in the classes.


That’s a fair point to make, especially in classes like Hunter Breeding (even some Hunter over Fences) classes, where the placings are strictly relative.

The point doesn’t really have teeth in ridden, rated Dressage though, scores are scores. Not the horse’s fault that there’s almost no one entered in those classes…that’s why he will probably sell for close to his advertised price.

I understand your point though, it is totally valid to check up on claims of “winning” horses…where they showed and who against helps to put a lot of boasting in context.

I think the whole number of horses in the class thing came up - as early on, when Allie was LYING and representing and marketing the stallion with a STOLEN pedigree. At that time she was also boosting how the stallion “WON” at his first shows, in which there were two entries in the classes.

She was SELLING breedings based on ABSOLUTELY MADE UP BOLD FACED LIES - only she got outed as a cheat, liar and fraud that she was.[/QUOTE]

This was my understanding too, that the only reason why he was “competitive” was because he had “won at his first shows” in which there were only one or two entries…

You UNDERSTAND why someone committed a very serious fraud for financial gain??? I am speechless.[/QUOTE]

I think every single one of us understands why she did it. That isn’t the same as condoning it or doing something similar ourselves.

Simply saying we understand does not mean we condone it.

Fire_911medic, your crazy is showing. On more than one board. Might want to hide that.

To keep up with is thread, understanding or not it’s not someone you want to do business with.

His ad is showing a pending sale. I was hoping a video would be posted first but oh well. He is cute, but I’m so glad he is a gelding.