Ultimate Dressage is closed

It was such a great board so many years. Sad to see it closed down.


I wouldn’t know what it was like to be a part of the board since I applied for membership nearly 2 years ago and was never approved.

I will say moderation is much better here.

LOL a negative nellie and a bitter broad right off the bat!

I will not miss a few posters who were the correct dressage brigade but there are quite a few posters and discussions that I will miss. Wish we had some sort of warning so I could keep in contact with a few people I was interested in watching their progress.

I hadn’t logged onto the UDBB for a day or so, but had left open the site on my computer. Started reading it this evening and saw the post from Mike Matson that the board was closing and then when I tried to look at another forum for more info, click, the board was gone. Was extremely surprised at the abruptness of the closure, particularly when there are people who had paid subscriptions and paid ads. :confused:

M Susol had expressed his tiredness/lack of enjoyment with running it repeatedly. When he complained, he was invariably smacked around by people who told him to ‘shut it down or shut up.’ Not really surprising he eventually gave up. The domain name is available for sale for anyone who wants to give it a go at being a public punching bag.

Very sad at how quickly it closed down. No chance to get information or even say goodbye to people who had become good “friends”. :no:

Wow, just tried to log in and see that it’s closed! How sad, not surprising though. It would have been nice to have a couple of days to say thanks and goodbye.

I have been lurking and sometimes participating on UDBB for at least 13 years. There were such a variety of topics and personalities. It will be strange not being able to read it anymore!

:confused: What a bummer!

Would the threads be archived somewhere?

I won’t notice its absence since I tried to join several years ago and was rejected because I did not have a “proper” e-mail address.


Well, I haven’t been there in years, but I guess it’s kind of sad. I left after one of the psychos used that board to do really bad things to me and Mark was a complete ass about it. That person was banned here. I do think the mods here do such a good job things don’t get out of control. It seems everything is covered here anyway.

Would the threads be archived somewhere?[/QUOTE]

No. It appears that Mark S. the owner(who is also a software engineer) has completely removed the board from the web. There is no cached copy of anything regarding the board, just his message that the board is closed and his contact if anyone wishes to purchase the domain name and board structure.

No. It appears that Mark S. the owner(who is also a software engineer) has completely removed the board from the web. There is no cached copy of anything regarding the board, just his message that the board is closed and his contact if anyone wishes to purchase the domain name and board structure.[/QUOTE]

Not entirely accurate… the main index is down but the subforums seem to be working (for now):

I tried to log in to message a few people, but no luck :no:

I wonder how much he wants for it? You’d think since he just doesn’t care anymore and shut it down cold that he’d sell it for not much…but I’ll bet he’d want a good chunk of change.

You have to go in through the link above. (Thanks cnm161). You should be able to log in, stay on the observation forum to log in. I tried several searches, etc. to pull the board up and couldn’t , but going in directly through the subforums as the link takes you worked just fine.

Well, I haven’t been there in years, but I guess it’s kind of sad. I left after one of the psychos used that board to do really bad things to me and Mark was a complete ass about it. That person was banned here. I do think the mods here do such a good job things don’t get out of control. It seems everything is covered here anyway.[/QUOTE]

I had the mirror image experience. I am going to miss the UDBB and the kind, generous, intelligent and thoughtful people. I hope to find a community here but, except for this thread, will probably lurk a while to get a feel for things.

I had the mirror image experience. I am going to miss the UDBB and the kind, generous, intelligent and thoughtful people. I hope to find a community here but, except for this thread, will probably lurk a while to get a feel for things.[/QUOTE]

I think there are a lot of the same people here. But, I did the same thing. It took me a long time to feel comfortable, and after slowing PMing some people and getting there, it’s gotten better. And the psycho being banned here doesn’t hurt, either. Feel free to PM me. I sure know it helps to be able to talk/write about it.