Ultimate Dressage is closed

I had the mirror image experience. I am going to miss the UDBB and the kind, generous, intelligent and thoughtful people. I hope to find a community here but, except for this thread, will probably lurk a while to get a feel for things.[/QUOTE]

I think there are a lot of the same people here. But, I did the same thing. It took me a long time to feel comfortable, and after slowing PMing some people and getting there, it’s gotten better. And the psycho being banned here doesn’t hurt, either. Feel free to PM me. I sure know it helps to be able to talk/write about it.

There is a new board starting up to take UDBB’s place.

Very sad at how quickly it closed down. No chance to get information or even say goodbye to people who had become good “friends”. :no:[/QUOTE]

I think a lot may be here, or elsewhere, under different screen names, or will be soon. Some of us may have preferred UDBB, but if it really is closed for good we’ll just spend the time we spent there on other groups.

I lost my membership somehow as well and repeated e-mails to get it back were never replied to. I did eventually get one that asked for money for a membership. I didn’t reply to that one.
I do wonder whether the advertisers and people who paid for memberships are getting any refund.


I am sure most will migrate to the new BB

There is a new board starting up to take UDBB’s place.
http://definitelydressage.com/[/QUOTE] And it’s being run by Deanna (DJD), because being a vet, an MD, an active dressage competitor, and active dog agility competitor just wasn’t enough. :lol:

And it’s being run by Deanna (DJD), because being a vet, an MD, an active dressage competitor, and active dog agility competitor just wasn’t enough. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yes, she is just amazing.

I think she is a Cother as well but don’t know her username here

Thanks for the information - I wasn’t on the Ultimate Dressage BB recently, but have registered for DefinitelyDressage.

What a shame. I’ll miss it. Some nice folks there.

Sounds like good riddance IMO. I too was never able to register. And it sounds like a moderator/owner that would just close a community like that with no notice is NOT a nice person. How incredibly rude and kinda mean. How about just give it to someone else, sell it for whatever it is “worth”?

It was only a matter of time obviously.

[QUOTE=Perfect Pony;6938858]
Sounds like good riddance IMO. I too was never able to register. And it sounds like a moderator/owner that would just close a community like that with no notice is NOT a nice person. How incredibly rude and kinda mean. How about just give it to someone else, sell it for whatever it is “worth”?

It was only a matter of time obviously.[/QUOTE]

FWIW I am friends with Mark on FB and he posted a very sad note yesterday. I quoted it in the UDBB thread in Off Course if you are interested. He has lost a lot in the past few years, his marriage, stallion and farm. I hope he is OK

Yes, she is just amazing.

I think she is a Cother as well but don’t know her username here[/QUOTE]

Yup, I’m here. I do NOT have a partner (significant other) nor do I have kids, so I have time for stuff like this and, even more importantly, I enjoy it.

I’m also in dialogue with Mark about purchasing UDBB content but there is a time limitation put on the purchase and the price is dear (but understandable) so I’m not sure I’ll go that route. Time will tell.

In less than 24 hrs, DefinitelyDressage.com has 250 members. I think things will work out just fine one way or the other.

FWIW I am friends with Mark on FB and he posted a very sad note yesterday. I quoted it in the UDBB thread in Off Course if you are interested. He has lost a lot in the past few years, his marriage, stallion and farm. I hope he is OK[/QUOTE]

:no: That is just really awful to hear. I think it was a long, thankless task. Mark attempted to keep the BB friendly and supportive. His rules on signing up were pretty strict - to stop people from creating multiple alter-egos (which sadly we do see here on COTH - I’ve experienced the alter-ego gang up and it was pretty rank - beware anyone who is posting for the first time, sad to say).

I hope things get better for Mark… And was happy to join the new BB.

FWIW I am friends with Mark on FB and he posted a very sad note yesterday. I quoted it in the UDBB thread in Off Course if you are interested. He has lost a lot in the past few years, his marriage, stallion and farm. I hope he is OK[/QUOTE]

I hope he is OK too, but things like that don’t happen overnight and I do know (even though, like I said, I could never get on there) that is was a close community. It didn’t need to just cease to exist overnight with no warning. Even if your life is going to hell in a handbasket there was no need for that. And no need not to sell it off to someone for whatever someone was willing to pay for it.

I am sure most will migrate to the new BB[/QUOTE]

over three hundred in 24 hours have found their way

[QUOTE=Perfect Pony;6939088]
I hope he is OK too, but things like that don’t happen overnight and I do know (even though, like I said, I could never get on there) that is was a close community. It didn’t need to just cease to exist overnight with no warning. Even if your life is going to hell in a handbasket there was no need for that. And no need not to sell it off to someone for whatever someone was willing to pay for it.[/QUOTE]

There was plenty of warning, Mark had been begging for help for months, even years, and no one seemed to step up. I’d been waiting for this to happen for a while now. But I was sad to see it come to fruition this weekend, and will miss the UDBB. I’m glad many have found their way over to DD, and hope the community continues.


I’m also in dialogue with Mark about purchasing UDBB content but there is a time limitation put on the purchase and the price is dear (but understandable) so I’m not sure I’ll go that route. Time will tell.

In less than 24 hrs, DefinitelyDressage.com has 250 members. I think things will work out just fine one way or the other.[/QUOTE]

Much of the content is very valuable and it’s a shame to to lose it. Not like the library of Alexandria, but close :wink: … at the same time, I think it’s time for a new name and fresh start.

I’m so bummed that this site is closed, I have ben on it daily for ever it seems, it has been my family on the computer ( kinda sad !?!) I have shared my life with it and will miss the very generous and kind folks that were on it, maybe someone will buy it and resurect it, thankyou everyone who have bin so kind to me over the years I will miss you all,

I also assumed at some point the plug would be pulled. I suspect Mark has a lot going on in his life and just didn’t need the burden and headache of running the UDBB. There must have been a quick tipping point as someone posted here that they had just been given moderator rights just before the plug was pulled. I do feel he should have given us a heads up and given people time to contact each other or say their goodbyes etc. I hope all is well with Mark and he is moving on with his life in a direction that will bring him joy and peace.

I haven’t posted on UDBB in about a year. I would go back occasionally for a quick read but noticed that the # of posters seemed very much reduced. It is sad to see the board disappear so suddenly.

I do prefer COTH as there seems to be a much wider range of posters and therefore more to learn. All the same, I have joined the new board and hope that it will flourish.