Ultimate Dressage is closed

Well, I loved the UDBB, and only a week ago decided that I was on the board so often that it was only right to pay the fee, which I did. And a week later it closes down.

I mostly lurk on the BB’s but occassionally posted a question. So sad to see the end of this. I hadn’t been on that board for a couple of years and just started going back there a few weeks ago. I was surprised at the reduced number of posts each day.

I have already registered for the new BB. After all, I need all the help I can get. :slight_smile:

I checked UDBB several times a day and was gobsmacked to see it disappear in a few hours. It was up Saturday morning and gone Saturday evening. I’ll be over at the new board because I like to hang around in the lounge and talk non-horse. I wish Mark the best of luck in whatever path his life takes him.

I also wish Mark well and happy. However, if I had just spent $$ to subscribe the day before it closed, I’d be filing with PayPal for a refund. To keep that money is rather unfair. Hope Mark does right by those who spent money so close to its demise for something that doesn’t exist.

Having an internet board is important to me

I had used the UD forum in the past and enjoyed it. I use the ChronofHorseForum primarily now. I support the presence of the forum by subscribing to the magazine. If the magazine went taking the forum with it I would miss the forum very much. PatO

I miss the forum, i hope that the person considering buying it does. I like the somewhat casual style of moderation, and not the micromanagement that the new board is showing. I suppose that is why i had over 10 K posts there, and a mere hundred or so here.

I miss the forum, i hope that the person considering buying it does. I like the somewhat casual style of moderation, and not the micromanagement that the new board is showing. I suppose that is why i had over 10 K posts there, and a mere hundred or so here.

Unfortunately the so called ‘casual’ moderation was erratic and not extended on a fair and level basis to everyone. :wink:

Unfortunately the so called ‘casual’ moderation was erratic and not extended on a fair and level basis to everyone. ;)[/QUOTE]

I had my share of warnings, and if something was reported it was investigated, however, i said it was what i liked, i was not intending to start an argument, i believe i am entitled to having a personal preference, even on COTH

Crockpot you are so bitter! Who were you on the UDBB?

I mostly lurk on the BB’s but occassionally posted a question. So sad to see the end of this. I hadn’t been on that board for a couple of years and just started going back there a few weeks ago. I was surprised at the reduced number of posts each day.

I have already registered for the new BB. After all, I need all the help I can get. :)[/QUOTE]

hahaha, i registered and left all i two days. i found the trolling post horrid, and it showed up the difference of opinion i have with the moderation, so i asked to be removed. Did you know there is no way to leave a php Bulletin Board, you have to be removed by the admin

Unfortunately the so called ‘casual’ moderation was erratic and not extended on a fair and level basis to everyone. ;)[/QUOTE]

It’s true! The moderation even turned a blind eye to sales ads (the wink-wink these are just super cute photos of my horse that just happens to be for sale…wink-wink) to “favorite” posters. Those on the sh$t list got pounced and flogged for posting photos of sale horses.

UDBB is gone; is it really worth raking over cold ashes?

Surely it’s better to look forward and enjoy the alternative boards and FB pages?

Did you know there is no way to leave a php Bulletin Board, you have to be removed by the admin

Not really. All you have to do is not go there again. :lol:

Not really. All you have to do is not go there again. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Your name, posts and contact information still remain. You are simply in active, rather than no longer a member. Of course the difference is subtle.

Because I don’t remember - did some of the subscriptions to the UDBB have automatic renewal thru Paypal? I’m assuming that those will stop if that was the case?

Your name, posts and contact information still remain. You are simply in active, rather than no longer a member. Of course the difference is subtle.

and as a member of both boards I notice you are still posting there.:wink:

UDBB is up but forums are locked…

From the hints I read on FB I’m guessing UDBB has been sold

The new UDBB owner has identified himself on the new board (Definitelydressage.com).

Crockpot you are so bitter! Who were you on the UDBB?[/QUOTE]

I noticed the same thing as crockpot regarding moderation of that board, so either I am also “bitter” or just maybe there really was erratic moderation. Something to consider. :wink: