Upcoming Barisone Krol Hearing- Tuesday, February 4 at 11 a.m

I agree. All at the hands of a psychopath. But I feel he will be the ultimate winner in this sad, unnecessary drama initiated by a dangerous lunatic.


Very good to hear that he is back on a horse and is excited about one in particular. I hope his SS ban is lifted once he has satisfied the Krol guidelines.


It was good news today. But there continues to be in this and all the orders the wording about not having contact with the 2 people (Lauren & her boyfriend). I’ve read his farm is near hers, as crazy as they both seem to be it would not surprise me if THEY intentionally ended up near him, maybe in a grocery store, tack shop, etc., and screamed FOUL PLAY and gave Taylor reason to revoke all this. It wouldn’t surprise me at all. Michael can’t be a hermit and remain in isolation at his farm. What if they were out enjoying a meal in a restaurant and Lauren walked in, is he supposed to get up and run out the back door?


From the article:
“but an order prohibiting him to have contact with Kanarek and Goodwin remains in effect.”

Gee, do you think Barisone WANTS to see those train wrecks again? I’m sure he does not. But like cph1957 said, I wouldn’t doubt that Kanarek and Goodwin decide to manufacture something.


While I am not sure anyone wants to deal with those people again, the potential of these things happening were brought before the court before Michael’s release from Greystone.

At the time, Michael’s doctor was questioned by the court and prosecutor as to what Michael would do if this were to happen. Michael’s doctor testified that Michael had been given tools to use in order to avoid any interaction and diffuse such a situation, and felt confident that Michael would successfully use those tools.


I have little doubt that he can and will avoid such a situation. I just hope those two aholes avoid him.


Sadly, I hope until all limitations are removed that he never leaves the farm alone and whoever is with him is prepared to record any interactions that those who will not be named instigate to disprove anything they accuse him of.


It must have felt wonderful to be on the back of a good horse again. I wish him well and that he continues to move forward in life, unfettered by the Duo of Destruction.


Honestly, I’d expect him to be willing to leave the restaurant. If she shows that she’s following and harassing him, that’s different. But if it’s a genuine coincidence, yeah - after all he’s been through, it’s best he just pay the bill and leave.


It wouldn’t surprise me at at all. She wanted to destroy him. I can imagine her making a sport of finding ways to stalk him. Does anyone know if he has a restraining order against her?


I know he’s been ordered to have no contact with her by the dictator Taylor, but does she have an actual Florida restraining order against him? Unless there is one, I would not expect him to leave a restaurant halfway through a meal just because she showed up. That has to be one of the best places for them to be in proximity. Lots of witnesses to dispute any claims the unholy ones may make about his behavior.


I would think that most of the time when he leaves the farm, Michael would not be alone. I am fairly sure he has a small army of people who will make sure the terrible twosome have no ability to start anything. I guess the fact that LK bought property right near Michael doesn’t matter to Taylor.


I hear you, but I’d be damned if I’d take any chances over a plate of spaghetti. Screw that, I’m out. If she shows up where he is over and over and over again, that is different.

There’s lots of toxic people that when I see them out and about, it’s MY cue to leave. Don’t want any part of those shenanigans, thank ya very much.


If I was in a public place first I wouldn’t leave. Ignore them and have your phone ready to record. He doesn’t have to run away the minute he sees her, the order is for him not to go looking for her.


Body cameras are pretty inexpensive. Would be easy for either MB or a person accompanying him to wear one rather than pull out a phone.


I feel like I am doing something wrong in life. Is it just that I do not go out enough? I can not think of a single toxic person in my life that would be enough for me to get up and leave anywhere and you have lots of them. (And that is ignoring the whole spaghetti thing, I don’t think I have ever ordered a plate of spaghetti when going out.)

In Michael’s case, I think it is more a play it by ear thing. He has been given the tools to deal with all of this and I have no doubt him and his team have a plan in place for what he will do when he is out and about and any member of the Klan starts doing their Klan thing.


Depending on the situation, it doesn’t have to mean up and leave. I’ve lived in this area since I was a kid, there’s lots of people I see in the grocery aisle and say “yeah I’m not interested in engaging with that” and I’ll switch up my shopping order to avoid him/her.

Toxic doesn’t necessarily have to directly involve me, either. People show their true colors on social media constantly, and they get put on the same list as those who I have personally experienced problems with.

I don’t want small talk, I don’t want to engage with them at all. Avoiding is the easiest route, and leaves no ambiguity as to “who started it”. If I saw a person with the “crazy capacity” of LK, you bet your ass I’m going to NOPE right on out of there, whether I’m allowed to be where I’m at or not. It’s just NOT worth it, no matter what.


That’s a choice you can make for yourself. I don’t let other people have that much control over my life. I’m not going to change up my shopping just to avoid someone. If they are so toxic that you want to avoid them, then just ignore them and move on. Or just a quick “hey” and move on.

That’s more of what I am saying about the MB/EO eventual encounter. She’s had enough control over his life and leaving an establishment because she happens to show up is just continuing the reign of terror.

So long as he is protecting himself against her lies (cameras, other people around, etc…) I would think the best thing he could do for his mental health is to just ignore them. Though I would hope that the professionals that he is working with have given him tools or directions about how to handle a random encounter with the Ks.


It interesting that you would consider avoidance, control. I feel like I’m the one in control, because I’m making a conscious choice to NOT interact with someone.

Example: I see my crappy neighbor outside by the fence line, and I switch up my chore list so I don’t get sucked into a 15 minute conversation I don’t want to have - all the chores still get done, just not in Plan A’s order. That, to me, isn’t giving them control - it’s taking control. Doing things by the fenceline and pretending I can’t hear or see her is a dick move, sure to create a boatload more drama than just avoiding it by (example) spraying the side yard before the fence line.

We just see it differently. One provides room for interpretation, “misunderstanding”, etc. If they don’t have body cams on the entire time, each party will claim to be there first. I wouldn’t want to live my life with a body cam on all the time, personally. That seems like paranoia to the max.

Differing views!


More different situations than differing views.

I feel like what you just described is very very very different than being half way thru your steak and potato meal and getting up and walking away from it, because the Klan decided to go to the same place, which is what was being discussed, Michael having to get up and leave if the Klan came into a restaurant he was at.

What you describe is you having control over a situation, Michael having to leave half way thru a meal is the Klan having control.

Sure, if there is someone at the store that I do not want to talk to, I will go down a different aisle to avoid having to stop and talk to them. I do not abandon my groceries and run to my car and go home.