Upcoming Barisone Krol Hearing- Tuesday, February 4 at 11 a.m

See, the example you used was the grocery store in your original post. Not at your own home. I still would do whatever I had planned and if said neighbor tried to suck me in to a convo, I would firmly but politely tell them I was quite busy and needed to just get this done.

I don’t live my life paranoid, but I also don’t have this crazy family intent on ruining my life. That’s not paranoid to me, that’s assuring that they can never again do to me what they did 6 years ago.


I see what you’re saying, but I also don’t have the deep history with the people in my examples that MB does (or, with anyone in my life). If I did, yeah, I’d pack my meal and get out of there. If it became a habit of theirs to show up where I was, it would be handled differently, but if I had to do it once a year - worth it, 100%.

EDIT: He doesn’t HAVE to leave. He is choosing to avoid the crazy, the potential drama, the potential interaction. He is taking the high road and removing himself from any of it. There is no “safe” place to be in the vicinity of the likes of the Klan.


While he is under Krol, it is probably the wiser move to just leave.


I could also see the Ks making the argument to Taylor that this type of behavior indicates his continued guilt and he is still a danger to them. It’s why were it me, I would just ignore them in public, but be sure that I have irrefutable evidence that I did absolutely nothing to initiate interaction.

But this is a bit based on whether they have a TRO against MB or not. I don’t know how TROs work In PBC - is the party the order is against expected to initiate the distance if they were in a public location first? Since I’ve never filed one or had one taken against me I don’t know the fine print and expect each state/county would be slightly different.

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Perhaps Mr. B and Mr. D went over with him what he should do if an encounter would occur from a legal standpoint. It sounds like his therapy has also given him proper tools to deal with the situation if they crossed paths in the future.


I don’t think Taylor would care. He’d only care that “there was an incident”, and the K’s would make sure to make a scene and go running to him as soon as they could.


Remember that video she posted online where she followed a woman around a store mocking her weight? I can absolutely imagine her looking for ways to show up to disrupt his life. She thinks it’s fun.


I just came upon this and have been wondering, how the dressage community has treated LK. Is she generally considered a pariah and avoided or have people moved on. Has she been successful and lastly, did she ever marry the boyfriend?


At least here in NY, if I walk into a place and the person I have a restraining order against is there, I’m not staying. Unless he was intentionally showing up somewhere he knows I’m going to be, then that’s not considered him breaking the order. If you fear someone enough to have a restraining order against them, and then continue to show up where they are to weaponize the restraining order by making them leave a place they were at first, then the judge is likely to void the restraining order.


She did get her bronze after recovering but I don’t think she has shown much since. Her family bought a house in Loxahatchee (sp?) after the trial and as far as I know she is not married. She occasionally posts on FB as does her boyfriend, under the pseudonym of Jim Stark. She sometimes posts on the YouTube videos of the trial and also Reddit.

She and her family have been banned from COTH. Evidently her user name referred to a sex toy.

ETA. I occasionally see posts from her on FB, mostly about cats. The people who respond to her posts don’t seem to be horse people going by their profile pic.


Her user name was a sex toy? How did I miss that conversation :joy: Reminds me of how DMV will filter out vanity plates that have rude meanings but sometimes one slips through. How was the name discovered? Did one of the coth sleuths figure it out?

(WTH was her name? LaLaPopPop?)

LaLa PopRider, iirc


I always read that as LA LA as in Los Angeles. Silly me. Easy enough to see how that was a sex toy when written that way

Ive never been quick on the uptake


I guess I thought it was a child’s candy. People choose names that have meaning to them so :woman_shrugging:


I wish I could find the post where the source of her name was revealed. IIRC it resulted in the mass banning of her and her associates. The mod was not amused


Now I cannot un-see " it. I sure as heck am not going to look for it.


A quick Google search will show you an image for those who are interested

Yet another reason for the parents to be proud.


My memory is that she was banned after the day in court during which, under oath, she declared she lied on social media.


Wild horses couldn’t make me google that term.



Could be. Her thoughts sometimes ran together