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***Update: 4/20/22 The consult** Any one have experience with an oronasal fistula?

well, the poor little fink has been home for about two hours now. I dropped her off at 0730 and they did not do surgery until 2 or 3. Plus, they called me and said that they could not proceed unless I did an ultrasound of her abdomen. “Based on her test results from the weekend.” ??? What - there was nothing wrong except her WBC was slightly elevated. Well, I have all the money in the world, so why not? (Insert sarcasm font here) Vet calls me and tells me that her kidney are looking a bit wierd - that’s because I am giving her a boat load of fluids because she is dehydrated - and that her liver looks wierd, too. That he thinks he sees masses on it and a bunch of other stuff. So I have to get report from them and make them sit down and explain this. LSS, they started to do the surgery and found that the hole - was not a hole at all. It was a broken tooth root from her extractions by another vet back in April. Color me not happy. So they removed that, stitched her up and she’s home. Still acting like a drunken sailor staggering all over and clearly not focusing. I just served her a small plate of food which she gumped up in about 2 seconds. I guess we’ll be okay. :grin:


OMG - you’ve got to be kidding! All of that for an abscessed tooth root?! Well, she’s got to be feeling better now! Hoping for a speedy recovery and that this will solve everything for her.

YOU have to be relieved too, I’m sure! A much less invasive surgery than was expected, yes? I am surprised they sent her home - my vet always keeps them overnight after surgery, even minor ones.


Well ? Color me confused and not liking your vet ?! Quite a strange outcome !

Grateful Smudge is home and eating. ((Hugs)) for her worried and stressed mother ~ Jingles for a full and speedy recovery ~ AO


Nobody out here really does the overnight thing. Staffing, I guess. Only thing I can figure why they did not see this is (a) we never asked for or thought of x-rays and (2) the fragment was pretty far up there so without digging around it would not have been found. Not happy with vet that did extractions - another clinic. But the US made me a bit mad - that’s like asking for an EKG for a manicure. But it’s done and I’m going to get to the bottom of that. Surgery was about as invasive as I thought but boy am I glad this is over with! She is glad to be home, too. Now for some happy drugs to get her to sleep so I can go to work to pay for all this. I swear they get better medical treatment than I do…lol


Glad little Smudge is home and hopefully on the mend. Abcessed tooth roots are so so painful.

Hoping things get better for her and you Shiloh!!

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Well, we’re a little draggy pants today but I think that’s because she spent until 2am pacing thru the house - which included multiple trips across my head. And that was with gabapentin on board! She finally conked out and slept thru the night and got up and ate two breakfasts! When I left she was drowsing off in a puddle of sunshine.


Poor Smudge. I hope the kidney and liver appearance is nothing to worry about and I’m so glad she’s home.

Thrilled she’s eating and I hope she’s feeding even better tomorrow!


Hey Smudge, here’s hoping this Saturday is one without pain and belly aches and ouchies.
Hope things are a little better around the Shiloh house!


How is Smudge today? Hopefully she’s on the mend (and you’re getting some rest, too!).

She was so tired last night when I got home but perked right up for dinner which she inhaled. She is back to her perky little self. The nose started again but the antibiotics that she missed for a day slammed it right down again. Right now she is parked in front of the space heater (conveniently blocking me from getting any heat at all) and snared up dinner. If her liver is bothering her I don’t know about it. Curious because how is the US showing abnormalities and her blood values are fine? I am happy she is ok! She won’t let me look at the surgery site so I will leave that alone for now.


So Smudge got a little bit of an URI and I could hear her coughing softly at night and having a runny nose so hauled her off to the vet. Doc pops open her mouth and there’s the hole - again. It’s very small but nevertheless, it’s returned. This time he recommends we go to veterinary dental office. We had a long talk about her age and the outcome and all that has gone before and decided that maybe we could wait and see if it healed on it’s own now that the foreign body has been removed. Worst case scenario I go have a consult with someone and see what they say. That gonna be interesting as the nearest dental offices are either in Monterey or San Jose, necessitating me taking an entire day off. And that’s not gonna happen - all time off requests are denied until further notice with this recent uptick in Covid cases.

She’ still being her happy little self. Loves to cuddle with me when I go to bed and was actually down the hall last night shouting and scurrying about. Little goof… :heart_eyes_cat:

OMG! You just can’t catch a break. Fingers crossed again for you and Smudge. Since she’s acting OK, hopefully she’s feeling OK and it will get better on its own.

I just finished reading through this saga and your anxiety and concern choked me up!

Obviously not an expert in animals, but I’m a dental hygienist so some of this is sounding very very familiar. If possible, I’d see if your vet can get a clear x-ray of the area to see what’s happening. Pus typically doesn’t show up on radiographs, but the path through which it’s draining or where it’s sitting shows up. (You know because like you said, you’re made of money. :wink:)

I do also think, if your schedule allows it, that a dental/orofacial specialist might really narrow this down. It’s amazing what we see some ER docs or general physicians diagnose before a patient comes to us, and it’s no fault of their own. There’s just NO overlap between the areas of medicine, and it leaves both at a disadvantage.

I’ll be thinking of you and Smudge, you’re doing so wonderfully for her.


Dang it! I was hoping it was all said and done and over with!

Has your vet done dental x-rays (assuming, of course, that he has the necessary equipment, which I know many don’t because it’s pretty specialized)? Or is there a vet close by who has the right machine, and you could do the images and send them to the specialists? We were trying to do with this one of my cats before we had to let him go - finding a vet with the dental x-ray in my area was impossible. Are those dental clinics open on a Saturday maybe?

I’m so sorry it’s back. I’m glad she’s feeling well regardless and I hope an appointment with a dental specialist can be arranged soon.

I think they did xray and couldn’t see anything, so to me, based on my experience with xrays in general that says soft tissue. Nothing interesting showed up. Nothing flushed out, no food, pus - nothing. I wish that something had - it would make things so much easier. But NOOOOOO…I got a look at the hole and it does appear much smaller so I may just let this sit and see what it does.

Srsly - the hole that will. not. die.


Any update yet?

No. Because all days off have been cancelled until further notice at my job.

The hole is back - like it never went away. She seems fine as usual. The sniffy nose still with us and probably will be until that third nostril in her mouth gets closed up.

The nearest oral/dental surgeon for cats is an hour away whether you go north or south. I would have to take the whole day off for that expedition.

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I’d just have the stomach flu one day and go! :slight_smile:

I’m so glad my department chair has animals and understands that sometimes, they are more important than being at work.

I’m still on double secret probation because I missed two days due to reaction from covid booster.
So have to mind my manners for a bit. Because, trust me I thought of that. :smiling_imp: