UPDATES! Michael Barisone Released! FREEDOM! Plus Insurance Settlement

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


You rang?

Is there some reason you feel the need to mention me during this joyous time of redemption for Michael?? Are you sad you will no longer have a platform to cause your drama and obsession of hate (or whatever you called your theory)? Maybe it’s now time for you to move on and enjoy life. As others have indicated, you have been wrong on every issue.


Her last trainer was a guy with the initials AW. From what I hear that working relationship didn’t last long. She’s still at the same barn where she has been for years but no idea who is coaching her.


Reminder that she proclaimed on here that she was deathly allergic to cats in defense of her explaining away doing nothing for a cat that she said was being neglected by MHG.


I’ve been travelling and only just seen the news!
Absolutely wonderful to read and aren’t the pictures from NJ’s article lovely to see.

A heartfelt hurrah from across the pond


Just for funsies.


What is the next step to getting the SafeSport ban removed?


I think it’s for SS to interview him based on a previous news article. Hopefully that interview will result in SS taking other actions.


If I had to guess SS has no choice but to reinstate him. But we shall see.


Assuming SafeSport now regards him as able to respond to their sanctions, he would have to ask for an appeal/mediation and present his side of things to them, like any other individual would be able to. This is a new ground for SafeSport, due to the NGRI and his confinement. That being said, we don’t know how this is gonna go or what’s going on and none of that will begin to be sorted out until next week, unless there’s been back and forth between his camp and SafeSport while he was held in confinement, and that isn’t something that seems to have been happening, so we’ll have to just wait and see.



Does anyone know what the status of the lawsuit against the insurance company is?


Congratulations to MB and his team. So happy he has been released and can start to rebuild his life


Wrong on every issue? LOL.

What about this issue: I’ve said for months that for MB to regain his sanity and mental health, he needed to come to terms with the fact that he shot and nearly killed someone while delusional. That it was not a matter of expressing remorse, per se, but of coming to terms within himself as to what he did.

In the 48 hours episode, when asked if he had shot LK, he responded “I’ve been told that I did”. You (both you Eggbutt, and you (g)) have made thousands upon thousands of posts denying the fact that he shot LK and heaping abuse on LK (the victim).

As reported by Nancy Jaffer, in this most recent, successful Krol hearing, it was reported that he felt terrible about what he did and was grateful she survived. The fact that he acknowledges what he did— shot someone—and realizes that it was not self defense is a major milestone. I continue to think that mental progress was probably important to his release.

He’s not home in Florida training horses, yet. He is on a conditional release and will be periodically evaluated.

Posters here continuing to taunt and trash the shooting victim, or her family, and continuing to claim there is no evidence he shot anyone, or that it was self defense, are not helping him.

He needs to consolidate his progress on his mental health both to achieve an unconditional release and to deal with his Safe Sport status.

I am happy for MB, and especially happy for LO. This is a huge step in his reclaiming his life, but he still has a ways to go.


Just because the NGRI verdict excuses him on criminal liability, that doesn’t necessarily prevent a ban from SS.

It is by no means clear what SS will do.

It is by all means clear what the public wants.


Is the ban intended to be punitive or preventive?

The court and mental health system say he is not a danger to himself or others.


I hope he has the opportunity to get on a horse, stat.


Sure. I’ll file your opinion where it belongs.


The evidence is that SS altered the previous sanction in response to the verdict of the criminal trial. I see no reason to believe that they will not do so again in response to the mental health release acknowledged in the Krol hearings.

The situation was very specific and limited to a particular set of circumstances: a student going well out of their way to provoke a reaction, even to to the extent of engaging in illegal activities. I do not think SS will be able to ignore that in their considerations. Also, now that the civil and criminal trials are concluded, Barisone’s team is able to freely share their evidence with SS, something they may not have been able to do already.

I do hope that if Barisone has been unable to turn over his evidence to SS, that when he does do so they will re-evaluate LK’s suitability to remain active in sport.