Update: Puppy picked Lilly ! with picture puppy tax

Welcome to the family, black lab cross puppy no name! She is 12.5 weeks and was from an oops litter, but looking back at the history of the lady I got her from, this may be the second ‘oops’ litter she has had.

There is no white on her.

She was free from someone on the NextDoor app.

So far, she is pretty chill but we all know there can be a terror inside that sweet face.

DH offered Maggie as a name but I don’t like it.


I generally let them name themselves, if I don’t have a name at the ready. Look for a trait she displays.


I totally agree with you, but I am not opposed to suggestions.

Most of my dogs/horses have been boys so I am open to more girl names.



Dozen (12 weeks old).

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Oh my LORD what a cutie! I’m a sucker for a black dog and she is just too damn cute.

Do you like people names (Grace, Maggie, Sadie, etc)? Or more “creative” names (Mica, Pango(a), Darcy) ?

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How about old traditional names like Esther, Agnes, Iris? I used to think Esther was so fuddy-duddy now I love it for some reason. Same with Glenda.

Or easy to say names? Ruth(y), Cherry, Ruby.


I’m seeing a Sally or a Molly.

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Maya, Kenzie, Lexi

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That is a good one!!

Me too! She will be my second black lab cross.

These are all great suggestions.

When I had my last dog as a pup, I just called random names until he picked one.



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Surely her name is Punkin.


I had a great LabX many, many years ago.
Also from an Oops litter.
Vet thought Dad was Great Dane based on the size of the 8wk puppy we brought in & his coloring which was very blue merle Dane :grin:
He matured to 90#.

Because it’s near Halloween, I vote you call her Familiar, call name: Milly


I generally prefer non-human names for pets (although 2 of my 5 dogs have had them). Girl names are harder, but here are a few suggestions: Sparkle, Dazzle, Onyx, Sprite, Lyric

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My cousins had a dog that looked very much like her when we were kids. The dog’s name was Frisbee!

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Mavis. It means blackbird!


No name suggestions just an awwwwwww. The right side pic I love because of her shiny little eyes, flying ears and happy face.

Gotta love flippy floopy puppy ears!

I am loving these suggestions. I am going to talk with DH tonight. I love the halloween, fall influenced names. And the older names like Ruby.

but my favorite so far is Frisbee! Great suggestion @chestnutmarebeware


How to say “black dog” in Irish (wordhippo.com)

I like Dorcha