Update: Purchased! I’m so in love! ❤️ - Thoughts on foal I’m interested in

The comment was not rude. It just wasn’t gushingly encouraging.

You’re VERY close to this, OP, and clearly emotionally invested. At a certain point you’ve got to buy the horse that speaks to you, but people here are also looking out for you by throwing in some reality checks. There’s a lot of yellow flags here in this whole deal.

Realize that you’re new to this, have some regrets related to a previous horse, and are maybe projecting those onto the older mare and this baby. Which is fine, as long as you realize that and make informed decisions around it.

Breeding and young horses are a big gamble, and there are some very knowledgeable and experienced people here giving you good advice. That doesn’t mean you have to take it all, but nothing here has been rude. Especially for the internet.


OP, do you have any more specific info on your riding and showing goals? Have you thought about what level of H/J showing you are interested in? Regional B circuit, regional A, AA shows, winter circuits and the like? Do you have a “dream” goal you’d like to accomplish with your hunter or jumper (showing at a particular show, placing consistently in a particular division, reaching a jumping height? etc.)? This information would make a difference when choosing a filly and considering her breeding.


I have no dog in this fight or any advice other than the baby is cute.

A friend of mine got a running bred TB mare approved and her foal inspected & registered. He’s registered as an Oldenburg (Hanoverian X TB).

I only piped in to say, while I don’t know the seller personally, she is in my general region & we’ve spoke through business channels. I’ve never heard anyone say anything bad about her selling practices, as she doesn’t sell a ton a year and they are usually homebred. She breeds pretty thoughtfully, does her own training, and has been successful up to the GP level. I have a hard time believing that she’d lead someone astray purposefully.

Always exercise caution, of course, but I think they baby is cute and if you like it & think you can get it registered with what you want - go for it.


What regrets do I have and what am I bringing to the table? Just curious. I love every horse I have ever bought. I do not have a single regret about any horse I have ever had.

It is the internet, which is why people can be big talkers and pretend to have something to contribute just for the purpose of feeling relevant. I would not call it thin skinned, but I am going to keep it on topic. I asked for feedback about this filly. I never asked for comments about my mare or her reproductive organs. The thing is that people I guess just don’t pay attention and, as is the case here, presume to know things that aren’t true.

Anyways, thank you to everyone who contributed useful feedback! :heart:

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I agree! I like the owner. I can tell she cares about this baby. There seem to be a lot of intricacies with the warmblood registries in the U.S. - probably more than are necessary. :joy:

We’ll have to see! She’s a cutie.


This is what I was referring to when I said you OP “have some regrets about a previous horse”.

Nothing wrong with that as a reason to look into breeding, and in fact it’s a common reason people get started. Just be careful not to project too much (hopes and dreams and goals) on ANY horse, as you know they’re all different. Square peg, round hole, all that. I’m sure you know all this, OP, but baby horses are an expensive and heartbreaking gamble - and that’s without hoping they’ll live up to any expectations.


Umm. Yeah. That’s actually highly inappropriate. I do not understand where you go thinking that referencing the devastation I have experienced in the past year with losing my precious heart horses one after another in discussing anything about Rhianna. I have owned horses my whole life. I am not new to hunters. Competing with my big man make up some of the happiest moments of my life. I’m not new the medical aspects - I study medicine. The only thing I’m new to is this over-complicated US warmblood registry mess. You think referencing my beloved, deceased mare is appropriate in claiming that sarcastic comments about videoing horses is a way of looking out for me? I have already addressed the haters that felt the need to judge my person decisions with my mare that I never asked for opinions about. I don’t care about your philosophy on breeding because you’re disrespectful enough to reference “regret” in association with any of these babies that were most precious to me. You have no right to reference my precious baby, who is literally ashes. If you have a problem with me wishing I could have gotten a baby out of my beloved first horse that raised me and that I never could’ve expected to lose when I did. How was I supposed to know that my beautiful, lively mare had the largest trachea tumor beyond what anyone could have imagined? I would love to know because if I could’ve know, maybe surgery could’ve been an option. So now, I have no regrets about that baby. I regret that I didn’t know and that I didn’t do better to protect her. There’s no amount of money I wouldn’t spend to have her or her baby or any of the precious angels I’ve lost. You don’t get to talk about them for the purpose of sharing your breeding views nobody asked for. Talk about your own dead horses if that feels appropriate, but don’t minimize mine to argue with me that others’ comments are protecting me. I don’t have any regrets about any horse I’ve ever had. Please have the decency to state your opinions about breeding that nobody asked for without speaking of my precious babies.
The post is closed. Thanks for those of you who were helpful about the registration, etc.
I met her and am buying her pending ppe. She’s lovely, and I’m excited about her.

That mare you inferred I regret was never quite sound after the age of six. It did not make me love her any less. I had several lifelong horses with short careers, but my most treasured relationships. If I could have that mare’s baby, just the presence alone would have meant the world to me. Even if it never could be ridden a day of its life. There‘s no amount of money I wouldn’t pay to have that. Rhianna has nothing to do with my grief over Willow. I don’t project anything on her to get my hopes up. I see her for what she is. She is even more beautiful in person and as sweet as can be, and I see her potential. Yeah, something could happen, but if she passes the ppe, I will love her for the rest of my life regardless.

@EquestrianDawg92 you can’t close a discussion on COTH.

The easiest way to make it go away is to not post in it anymore, not revive it after no one has posted in it for 12 days.

I will add that putting Closed in the title will just get more people reading.

Good luck with your foal.


Yes I only read because it said closed, and I have read every post. I bet I will not be the only one.

Such good advice from the COTHers.

The only person being rude is the OP.

My advice is pull your head in if you are going to enjoy COTH in the future.


Came to the thread for exactly that reason :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Same. I thought that the comment about regret was very sage and kindly delivered. It’s so true when buying or breeding any horse.


I think the poster inferred that you regret you lost an opportunity with the mare, not the mare herself.

I have a mare - my heart horse - who was retired at 16 from a surgical scar that never healed enough to allow her to be ridden. Nine years of looking at her wistfully. Never finding that same connection. My next mare, dead of colic.

Do I regret? Every day. I regret those rides I will never have. I have bought and bred a number of horses since to fill the void, and none have. She is dying now, and I will either regret that I took her life away “a day early” or that I was selfish and her life was taken from her under painful circumstances.

If I could have my time again, I would have bred a foal from her. So there is another regret.


Have you talked to a professional about your grief. You might think about it. Because it’s obviously weighing heavily on you. I’m sorry for your loss.


At the risk of poking the Bad Faith Bear, I just wanted to clarify that this is exactly what I meant. Regrets of missed opportunities or unavailable options for various reasons, not anything to do with the horse itself.

I did not read the three responses by OP, but I do apologize if my intent was unclear.


Yeah. @fivestrideline absolutely did not deserve that. Not one iota of it. If we cared about apologies around here, you would owe them one. But what we actually care about is not being on the receiving end of wadded panties when we respond to a request for guidance. Ain’t no one got time for that.

But since this thread is “closed” may I offer one small suggestion: Please think twice before offering up all kinds of identifying details to a horse you do not own, linking to its ad, and then telling the whole world “oh yea, seller said they will take $X” when $X is significantly less money than what the horse is publicly advertised at. If you buy the horse, great. If you don’t buy the horse, you’ve created a whole mess for the seller and there’s not much they can do about. In terms of manners demonstrated in this thread, a lack of respect for the privacy of the seller is what stands out to me.


Ditto what dags said and shes in a position to comment on buying and selling. We can argue back and forth but involving an IRL named third party not participating, linking to their ad, photos and telling the world seller will take 30% less then the advertised price? Not what COTH does.

Putting aside the sellers feelings about this, anybody reading this thread who sees the price reduction could easily go buy the filly. Maybe even offer full price based on your research.


Here’s the thing. Discussions take side trips all the time. You brought up things but then don’t want posters to comment on the things you bring up. That’s not the way a discussion board works. The discussion had run its course until you opened back up after12 days for the sole purpose of chastising another poster in your mini rant. You don’t get to decide who talks about what.


The irony.


Oh I didn’t even see this cause I didn’t read the posts.

Hello, born and raised southern belle here! :wave:t3: In fact, I’m still in the southeast!