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Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

But you like it, you keep coming back for more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I know, glutton for punishment.


And have also told people what to post or not post… as well as lecturing… so there ya go. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Two things can be true at the same time. A person can be a self absorbed narcissistic mean human and also a victim. Does her behavior contribute to her Injury ? Perhaps. Doesn’t justify it. Maybe it just explains how a noxious person can drive someone to make an incredibly bad choice. Both are responsible in a way. Who is more culpable will weigh out in court.


@Inigo-montoya I am glad that mod 1 says you are not LK, because if you are LK I am surprised some by this form of you. Lala could rant away at us (general forum) but was typically willing to discuss.

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Ok here goes. Just to get one thing out of the way…when I said this has become an LK bashing site I was not referring to COTH form itself. I should have said the threads concerning LK/MB have become an LK bashing site. COTH has many other discussion forums which, of course, have nothing to do with LK/MB.

To give you a general answer to your questions about LK’s past behavior…if you think about what I’m gonna say I believe you’ll start to understand. Clearly there are two sides to every story…I have no doubt LK had conflicts with certain people including several here. That’s fine and they’re free to hate her…I have no problem with that.

But as to what when wrong between LK and MB consider this. LK did not arrive at Sweetgrass weeks or months before the shooting. She came nearly 18 months earlier after the 2018 Florida season…around March/April 2018. LK had been living in NC for several years and was in Wellington with her trainer (from NC) when she met MB. MB liked LK and her horses and did everything he could to get her to move to NJ along with her horses. He told her repeatedly, “NC is where dressage dreams go to die.” People here refuse to believe that but, of course, it’s true. And MB didn’t mean to disparage NC or anyone from NC…that was just MB being MB.

Anyway…LK went to NJ and spent 2018 training with MB. There were no problems. Apparently MB did not have the issues with LK that posters here seem to have had. They went to Florida together in December 2018 until April 2019…again all was fine. LK was clearly not the person people here like to say she was…MB certainly did not think so. He wanted her to come back to NJ with him for 2019. MB told LK there was a problem, however. There was a burst pipe in the house on the property at Sweetgrass where LK would stay. LK said, no problem. I’ll go back to my house in NC with my horses and you can let me know when there’ll be a place for me to live in NJ and I’ll come back then. But MB didn’t want that…he said, no, no, no…don’t worry…come back with me and we’ll figure it out.

And that’s what started the problem. There was only one house although there were 3 levels for separate living quarters. However, MB had recently been divorced and now had a much younger girlfriend. This girlfriend had children and expected that she, MB and her kids would live in the house and a floor would remain unoccupied for when her parents came to visit from NC. There’s nothing wrong with that…except MB promised LK that if she came back for 2019 she could live in the house. LK had a house in NC but no place in NJ unless MB provided one.
The girlfriend was enraged and told LK she had to leave. MB continually told his much younger girlfriend to STFU. MB, to his credit, insisted he had made a deal with LK and he intended to honor it.
In June, LK brought another horse to NJ at MB’s insistence. LK was in a position to pay MB what he asked and the more horses the more money for MB. This further enraged the young girlfriend. In July, just weeks before the shooting MB encouraged LK to bring yet another horse to NJ.
And …this in out of sequence but it’s important you know this and maybe it’ll help you know what kind of person LK really is. Either right before they left for Florida in 2018 or when they returned in April 2019 MB wanted to sell one of his own horses who was 16 years old. The last thing LK needed was another horse…but she loves horses and had gotten to know this particular horse. She was heard to say “this horse has lived his entire live in this barn and shouldn’t have to be sold to a stranger and go to a strange barn at his age. I’ll borrow whatever money I can to buy this horse and keep here where he has lived his entire life.” And she did. So when people try to tell you LK is a monster…keep that story in mind.

Now back to our timeline. Ok, speaking of certainly not being a monster, LK had now been with MB for nearly 18 months and he certainly didn’t think she was a monster. But, unfortunately, the girlfriend wanted LK gone. MB, on the other hand, encouraged LK to bring more horses.
Now no relationship is perfect. LK had been bitten by a recluse spider in early July and was often sick. She sometimes canceled her lesson with MB at the last minute. HOWEVER, she paid for her lesson whether she came or canceled. So, this was an annoyance to MB but certainly nothing more. LK was MB’s biggest customer and she always paid.

By late July, when LK had brought another horse to NJ from Europe, the new girlfriend had had enough. She regularly threatened to leave MB if he didn’t get rid of LK. I felt horrible for MB. He had just divorced his wife to be with this younger woman who was now tormenting him and threatening to leave him.

So now it’s 17 months LK has been with MB and he’d never suggested she leave. What happened in the last 10 days I really can’t discuss. But as I’ve said, and certain people here refuse to believe, poor MB actually was tormented and cajoled and put in a difficult position. But it was NOT LK or RG who tormented him.

Here is the bottom line…I hope you now understand better and can accept this fact. MB took a gun and shot LK but it was definitely the girlfriend who put the gun in his hands, figuratively (of course).

And one more thing that may shock you…if LK could press a button and have MB released from prison and the girlfriend put there instead, she’d press it without question.

OK…I’ve told what I know to be true and what I can discuss. And one more thing…just so some of the liars on this thread are clear. In the last days MB and LK called Safesport to complain about each other. They didn’t call the police because it wasn’t that kind of complaint… it was probably dumb of both of them in my opinion. But one thing I know for certain…one of the questions Safesport asked LK was…“is MB abusing the minor children?” And LK answered, “NO!” And believe me there is a transcript of both their calls. So anyone whom says LK accused MB of abusing the children is a clueless liar.

Hope that was helpful.




Thanks. Saved ten other people the trouble. Lol.


Can someone who remembers the details remind me, wasn’t the topic of calling SS on MB something that LK said that she had not done? Or was that just the calling CPS thing?

Laugh. Ten more people will still do it.

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That’s fine. It just will provide more confirmation that it was not changed when it was quoted.


I venture a guess the page was wide open prior to the fallout of the shooting.


Who on earth has a transcript of both calls? Other than Safe Sport, which seems to be extremely tight lipped about such things.


don’t be so hard on the Iberian swordsman…


@Inigo-montoya, all your facts about how things were going at various times are because you were actually there or because some party involved told you?



Doesn’t change a thing. The conflict on that day could have gone down any number of ways. This treatise ignores LKs past transgressions and history, the lies and threats told to others, the illegal surveillance and a host of other things.

The Chronicles of Indigo Montoya make for a cute story intended to sway public opinion but it is nothing more than a story lacking crucial elements.

I also remind that despite this version told of MHG being the evil doer it would be easy to get MB off by LK simply refusing to testify or press charges. But she is. So I for one don’t for a moment buy into this version.

Are some elements true? Most definitely. But the meat of the matter has been covered in lawyerly deception.


Some of both…but as you can see already…some people here have no interest in the truth. They can make up their own truth…I really don’t care. CanteringCarrot asked me a bunch of questions, respectfully, and I answered best I can, respectfully.


One down, nine to go.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I am sure they will be here in no time.


When directly asked about calling CPS she said “she didn’t recall”. But she mentioned she reported several things to SS, only one she has openly admitted to on COTH was body shaming.

However there was a screenshot of a FB comment posted that said this:

“Having your bf (mb) teach your son to untie girls’ bikini tops at pool parties to cop a feel to prove he’s not “gay”. Then, as if that weren’t enough, having the village drunk (barn drunk) teach your kid that making fun of Paralympic riders is A ok. Again, another video will soon be released.”


I don’t even know what QFP means…nor do I care.