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Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Eh. It’s a free country, in the same way that Sky Masterson and Nathan Detroit agreed to disagree over cheesecake versus strudel in Guys and Dolls.

But it’s certainly worth trying it once, if only for the pop-culture reference to it.

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It is appreciated that you will not go back and edit.
It is just an all too common thing, for the forum and more so in these threads. LK has gone back and edited lots of posts.
Can’t really blame us (general us) for wanting to make sure things not vanish.

@Inigo-montoya are you aware that LK sent threatening private messages to many people on this forum that included lies about information she had and about information that the forum had been required to give her?

On the Babka topic. I would not know where to buy one even if there was one available at this hour. (And heck, going out to buy some Babka would require me putting my bra back on and that is so not happening.) They do look interesting though. I might have to ask around about them. There is a woman at work who I have no doubt would know where to get such a thing.

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I edited my post changing the word may to day.


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How can we square this statement with this:

@Sdel, am I correct in understanding that this was an FB comment posted by LK? I.e., an accusation that MB was involved in teaching minors to engage in sexual assault of other minors? And filmed such behaviour and was planning to release video of same?

If the above assumption is correct, how can IM’s assertion also be correct? Those two things seem difficult to square but I’m open to more info that would clarify.


Babka tangent alert.

Side note. My hometown bakery produces the world’s best black and white cookies, and I will not hear any arguments to the contrary.


OMG gimmee a break.

Do you know MB? He said stuff like that all the time. Yeah it’s rude and boorish but he didn’t mean it as badly as it sounds. That’s just MB.That’s what he does. He’s not a bad person.

As one of his lawyers has told me…“he may be an idiot but he’s our idiot.”

LK understood that after seeing him everyday for 18 months.

That’s why that may have been posted on FB but she told SafeSport he was not abusing the minor children.

MB is a “character.” LK knew MB and liked him…maybe not so much now that he tried to kill her…but, even now, she doesn’t hate him. He was lovable…just an oddball. All his friends would tell you that.


No need to get so shirty. I thought responding respectfully was the theme of the day.

Nothing I asked above was asked in an uncivil manner. Yet, you seem to reply me with some weird exclamation at the start of each response. I calmly asked for clarification re: two contradictory bits of data.

If MB “said stuff like that all the time”, which would include encouragement of mocking people with disabilities, then we must agree to disagree. I don’t find that indicative of one being a “character” or “boorish”. I think it’s disgusting. If he really told boys to untie girls tops and touch their breasts, that’s repulsive, not colourful. Ditto mocking paralympians.

You say that what @Sdel quotes, “may have been posted on FB”. Was it? I think that’s a threshold question here (and one that I asked about in a civil and respectful manner).


Sorry if “gimmee a break” was over the top. I didn’t mean it to be.

And I agree what MB said was disgusting. I could quote you racist, homophobic, anti semitic stuff he said all the time too. But he kinda didn’t really mean. Hard to explain. That’s no excuse…but, for better or worse, that was Michael.

I don’t know what LK may have put on FB. If she did she was probably letting MB defenders know about stuff MB did and said. Personally, I don’t think what she posted was important…or will matter to anyone at trial. I understand when LK was in the ICU she thought a big jar of hand wipes was MB coming into her room to finish the job. She did flatline twice and I know her parents were told the doctors didn’t know if she’d have brain damage if/when she woke up.


With all due respect, if you don’t know what she posts/posted on social media, you do not, in fact, know “EVERYTHING”.

So much of the social media stuff was produced for the case. If it wasn’t/isn’t important, why would that production have been compelled? [ETA: This is a sincere question about the legal side of the case I’m hoping someone can answer.]


@Inigo-montoya can you answer this question. You seem to have missed it. Since you know EVERYTHING.


There’s 30,0000 pages of discovery…most is not important. MB won’t be able to say LK posted bad stuff about me on social media so I shot her…that’s not self defense.


No one even remotely has presented that idea.

Did you know @Inigo-montoya about the threatening messages LK sent to several posters of this board?


This is the most believable version from LK’s position I have read anywhere. I believe I truly know who you are IRL, and understand your position.

Please explain why Rob and Jonathan Kanarek came to Hawthorne Hill less than 24 hours after the shooting, cross police tape to go into the house and then go to the barn? Witnesses have said the two “stormed into the barn yelling”. Speculation is recording devices and/or tapes were taken from the property. Did they think MHG was harming the horses or stealing them since it is now so evident LK and MH turned on each other.

IF LK truly wants MB off, there is a lot she can do to facilitate that possibility and I think you know that. MB has tremendous respect in the dressage community and has years of skill to offer others. I believe you also know IF MB actually shot LK, he was further provoked or attacked. He still remembers nothing about the incident.

LK, as I am sure you are aware, has burned bridges in NC for her social media attacks against others. That behavior is unacceptable. Her contempt on this forum toward so many is strange. She doesn’t know any of us to my knowledge.

Interesting twist for sure. I also would like to know if you are aware of the threats LK made to many on this forum.


Cheers, and no worries about the exclamations.

It does not need to be the case that MB can or cannot say, LK posted bad stuff about me on SM so I shot her, in order for the material to be useful in the case.

I understand that a lot of what is produced in discovery ends up being not important. But, I don’t think an entire category (i.e., SM posts, or cc receipts, for example) is not important, or it wouldn’t have been produced. [Criminal law types, please correct me if that is wrong.]

A big part of your knowledge about this case is personal (by your own description): talking with the various actors, being interviewed by both their legal teams, witnessing the behaviour of both LK and MB over a long period of time. That is all genuinely pertinent and illuminating.

But LK seems to be one of those people who live a large part of their life on-line, through social media. Several of the disputes and bad behaviour we have seen discussed here are predominantly, if not entirely, based on line (racist review of barn owners; the exchange with GJ; the cyberstalking charge mentioned by Haleybot).

If, as you say, you don’t know what LK puts on FB, how do you square that with knowing “EVERYTHING”?

I understand this may be an uncomfortable question given your previous assertions, but I do think it’s a fair question given your stance on the scope and breadth of your knowledge and your claims about the unassailable truth of what you post here. A fair question, fairly and respectfully asked.


And please @Inigo-montoya don’t miss the question for the 4th time if you knew that LK sent threatening messages to several people here and what your thoughts are about that.




In your case I’m not interested in how many times you ask me anything. Knowing everything about the case doesn’t mean I know about private messages. LK might have ordered a pizza last night…I wouldn’t know that.
If she sent private messages I would suppose they were a bad idea…but given all the horrific things you openly say about her …anything is possible.
But, I can guarantee you this, any private message she sent to you is not relevant to this case.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

A) I was sent the message because I posted that I remember her saying on FB she had a Ruger. I have proof others saw that too AND your assertion I was sent the message due to “things I said about her” is false.

B) I was NOT the only person to receive such a message. At last count it seems at least 10 people did. We can’t be sure because every so often and as recently as a few days ago we hear about another.

C) MBs attorneys seem to disagree with you as to relevance. I wonder how 48 Hours will feel? The readers of COTH? The public. Most people don’t like to be threatened to have a lien put on their farm or home while stating their identity was found using a made up COTH subpoena.

Would you like it if someone did that to you? Over a post that just asks a question or makes a comment?

Seems to show a pattern of behavior to me.


Indeed, and why I frequently say she isn’t held accountable for her shenanigans. There’s always someone excusing her behavior and “fixing things” for her.