Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Let’s wait for the trial, okay? The psychiatric evaluation by experts will provide more information. Obviously you and I have a difference of opinion about how the shooting occurred.



I have no idea how the shooting occurred. None of us do. Therefore I have no opinion how it occurred. All I know is that MB is on trial, LK isn’t, so her past bad behaviour isn’t necessarily relevant, especially with no pattern of pushing people to the point they try to kill her. I’m not defending either of them, just dealing with the few facts we know.


we do not know how it happened, but we are seeing that the event was not a spontaneous one either. Apparently, the alleged victim’s behavior leading up to the events in question was not a one-off either whereas the alleged shooter’s behavior is. In this vein, the behavior is quite relevant in the criminal trial against MB.

And since we don’t know how the shooting occurred, we’d be jumping the gun by assigning guilt.


Just wanted to clarify that my post yesterday was not intended to imply that Knights Mom and IM are the same person.

I was instead trying to say that, much like Knights Mom, IM may be a highly trained individual who is well-versed in procedural aspects of legal processes and has access to legal documents available only to those involved in the legal system.

My apologies to Knights Mom and anyone else who was confused by my post. (I have edited it to make it clearer for those still catching up on posts.)

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This right here made my Spidey sense go haywire.



Well one of us is a trained legal professional. The other did stay at a Holiday Inn Express once.

But I’m not saying which is which!!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Good point! I should have emphasized “may”

“IM may be a highly trained individual…”




Perhaps, just perhaps, the previous LK targets weren’t the subject of the harassment 24/7 and weren’t in close proximity to do her harm. I don’t condone anyone being shot, but I really can’t condone LK never being held accountable for what she does to others. Yes, others have attempted to serve her legally and she somehow is never served.

For over two years LK and her friends have wrongly insinuated who I am
IRL. I don’t care about her snarky comments about my alleged identity, but it is unfair that the real people are the targets of her comments for her local groupies to delight in. Talk about “Mean Girls”!

Even after the tragedy of 8/7/19, LK’s behavior has not changed one iota. She has never accepted accountability for the mess she leaves in her wake. THAT is what I hate about LK and those who enable her.


Are you saying she and people associated with her are harassing someone IRL who they think is you? Someone who is not posting here is being targeted due to mistaken identity?

If that’s what you’re saying, that’s messed up.

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Why is she unable to be served? Seems like a lot of people on this thread know exactly where she is at any given time and what she is doing. Doesn’t make a lot of sense.


and I hope there is some proof to back up those rumors if that is being insinuated.

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I’m saying she refers to me as someone she “thinks” I am IRL on this forum and has since the beginning of these threads.

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Oh, okay, but that IRL person is not being hassled, is that correct? Just speculation on here?

Because apparently in the past she hasn’t answered the door for service. Fairly recently one of the people tried to have her served again when she was at a dressage show in NC. The sheriff told the person they “didn’t have time to go out to the showgrounds”.


Not to my knowledge.


Sounds like the issue is with the servers and not her really. They knocked on her door? Amateur move if they know someone is slippery. They should try harder.


I don’t disagree.


Perhaps because the authorities in multiple jurisdictions consider these claims of harassment made by “offended” individuals to be as blatantly ridiculous as the lying 911 calls Barisone made.
Eggbutt would have you believe police departments across the country are in cahoots to protect LK. Perhaps Eggbutt’s feelings were hurt by LK and she is on a mission to tell everyone that LK is a predator who must be avoided.
So all of you can decide for yourself which is more likely…are police departments around the country in cahoots to protect LK or is Eggbutt on a mission to vilify an individual who hurt her feelings even if it means siding with a person charged with two counts of attempted murder.


If they thought the complaint was anything more than BS they would have made the time to go out to the show grounds.