Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851



I haven’t said police departments are in cahoots with LK, I’m saying she has never been held accountable. My post was in response to a post saying none of her other victims had shot her
true, but they also weren’t subject to her 24/7 either!

MY feelings haven’t been hurt by you, her, or anyone else in this situation. You really do need to stop the juvenile comments.

Always playing the “follow the shiny light”.


I don’t think it is on them to decide if a complaint is worthwhile or BS.


well, it is extra money serving papers. $$$ should be motivation in itself.
so no, police are not doing their job when they fail to serve the papers. I would be majorly ticked if they didn’t do their job.
Alas, it has nothing to do with Eggbutt, try as you may.


Since when is it the decision of local authorities to determine what is and isn’t BS? I thought that was the decision of a judge.


Bull! She hasn’t been held accountable??? Accountable for what? You don’t like her so she should be held accountable for some perceived slight to you.
Go ahead and hate her but what is with this campaign to convince the world she is a predator who deserved to be shot. Wait
let me re-phrase that. You’re on a campaign to convince the world she is a predator who left her assailant no choice but to shoot her
even if he did it at all.
How repulsive.
And your tagline/disclaimer
“no one deserves to be shot” fools no one.


Again, your reading comprehension is lacking. Has she ever been held accountable for GJ? Nope
wasn’t it you who recently said she was a lunatic? Has she ever been held accountable for Haleybot? Nope.

You, and she, haven’t slighted ME. You attempt to smear others. That is disgraceful.


That’s not their call


It is kind of scary to me that someone thinks that it is their call, to point of posting it as a reason. Strange.


GJ and LK have never met each other. They had an online spat in which BOTH made terrible remarks to each other. It’s all in writing. So what? You think that’s police business? And GJ did try to contact Trump and get him involved. That’s in writing too. I guess we have different definitions of lunatic.
Haleybot is a disgruntled LK employee and a known grifter to the NC authorities. She has attempted bogus collisions with high end vehicles to extort money. She has plotted to extort Walmart with a ridiculous lawsuit. She now tries to extort LK. She is a grifter!!!

More bad news. Both the prosecutor and 48 Hours know everything they need to know about GJ and Haleybot. You put your faith in quite an eclectic circle of individuals. Sad!


Shows a level of arrogance, doesn’t it?


Yes, the constant sniping and insults is repulsive.
I wish we could just stick to discussing the case and all its myriad issues without the endless insults, LOLs and similar dismissive sh-stuff.

The No One Deserves To Be Shot thing came about because of repeated accusations form some posting here claiming that most of us were saying LK deserved to be shot, or that we were happy she was shot, or that we wanted her to be shot - and endless variations on that theme
 just because we were not all going along with LK’s rambling rhetoric and ranting posts full of threatening accusations.

So we started adding the NDTBS as a matter of course - due to the endless accusations that I mentioned above. Yankee Duchess in particular excelled at that. Most of us no longer finish with that because it is accepted that that is the case
 and there is no attempt to “fool anyone”.

Maybe we should have started another disclaimer - NAF. NOT a fangirl. Because that has become the newest nonsense tossed about in these threads
 unless you are praising LK for some reason, you must be an evil Barisone fan. :roll_eyes:

Most of us keeping up on this case just want to follow along as events unfold, discuss the news/evidence, speculate on this and that, not be a FAN of anyone
 and try to step around and over those who wish to make things personal, jump to conclusions, point fingers or wallow in derisive and dismissive insults.


“The lady doth protests too much, methinks.”

Have a nice day.


Is this an admission that you are stalking them?


Who cares if anyone contacted Trump? With all of the legal talent at LK’s disposal, if Haleybot was trying to extort LK, why not take legal action? Notice also SHE has decided an alleged lawsuit filed by someone else is frivolous.

Always deflection.


so it is okay for you to make accusations about another poster
 but if anyone expresses any concerns about LK’s documented behavior, it is not “allowed”.

GJ does have some issues as was sadly made clear - but to gloss over LK’s actions is just - as you say in a very Trump way - SAD!

And pray tell, how do you know what the prosecutor or 48 Hours knows? It may not be what you think it is
 and where in hell has anyone ever said they put their faith in GJ or Haleybot??! This repetitive grasping at straws, tossing squirrels around and hinting that I Know Something You Don’t Know is




That the law be unevenly applied, adjudication is for them but not me
It’s odious.


You are right as you speak for most (but not all) of the posters. You say we should stick to discussing the case and all the myriad issues without the endless insults
and I support that view 100%

But a certain individual has said over and over that LK is a predator who needs to be held accountable. For what? Certainly not for anything that relates to what happened on 8/7/19. She has no interest in discussing the case rationally. She has a vendetta.

Another poster has accused LK of being a possible arsonist because she has spoken about her concern with barn fires. What horse owner doesn’t have that concern?

I have been away from the forum for well over a year allowing the discussion to go where it may. But when the terms predator and arsonist get thrown around, gratuitously, these individuals needed to be called out.

You don’t seem to be an LK fan and that’s fine. I’ve stated I know and like both LK and MB.

I agree this should be a respectful discussion of the facts as we know them without attempts to sully the reputation of either LK or MB.

Even if people want to theorize that it was LK’s gun
thats ok with me
 even though both the prosecutor and defense have written statements from the gun owner as to how MB happened to have her gun.

All “theories” are fair game. I’m happy to debate them. But constantly calling LK a predator/arsonist/monster/terrorist is unacceptable. And it would be unacceptable to say such things about MB too.