Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Yes. What you’re allowed to say or believe or discuss. It’s about control and not justice.

Control who MB was with. Control what people post. And where control is resisted, punishment is threatened.


LK and you have no shot because neither of you is a good enough rider. MHG will never go because her plan, in which she allowed her minor child to participate, will be exposed. The tapes will be played.

And why to you think the tapes were illegal? One, they were in LK’s locker, which she paid for, in a common area in which LK or RG might have been heard too…one party consent. Secondly, they were concerned that people were plotting to kill them and it actually happened. I’ve made it clear before, although you don’t believe it, that no prosecutor in the country would charge someone for making a tape in which a plot to kill them was revealed.

It is possible the tapes would be excluded as evidence in a trial but the prosecutor doesn’t need them. But to think LK would ever be charged for making such a tape is just crazy. And if she ever were any decent defense attorney would get those charges dismissed in 5 minutes.


Who was killed in this plot that happened?


Lots of people think what you add is useful.


You don’t even know what time zone I’m in so I find it remarkable you can allege to know my riding ability and competence. But thank you for the additional proof that you are ok with posting false statements.


Wait what happened, I thought you said that people on here…

I’m confused. Seems like 4 of you are trying to dictate what @Inigo-montoya posts. Lordy I cannot keep up!


Ok I did some checking as promised. RG and JK did not go to the house on 8/8. They went to the barn and as they were leaving the police arrived apparently after having been called by MHG. They never saw MHG that day…even after the police arrived.
In order to avoid any further need to come to take care of the horses RC swore to the police she would be responsible for the horses till they were moved elsewhere.

The shooting took place on 8/7 at around 2pm. The police had 6 hours of daylight to do evidence gathering… but there was still police tape when RG and JK returned a few days later. The owners of the property also wanted entry to start cleaning up the place…broken glass, etc.
Both parties called the police and were told the work was done there (it had been a few days) and were give permission to do whatever they needed to do.


QFP 48 hours

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Thank you, that is very informative and helps move the understanding of that 24-48 hours along.


Why are you people still talking to her? Why are you giving her any attention? Just stop! What a waste of texting space!


What??? You just posted yourself that LK, you and a zillion other riders have no chance to make the Olympics.

I responded that’s because none of you are good enough.

You just responded that you find it remarkable that I allege to know your riding ability and competence.

Are you saying there is some other reason you have zero chance of making the Olympics? You are the one who said it.

Are you serious??? What is wrong with you???


Why is everyone so sure Inigo is a female? In fact I think if you read back a few hundred posts, somewhere along the line they referred to themselves as “he.” Are we allowed to speculate what male figure would have in-depth knowledge of the case, the incident, and the events leading up to it, and would so staunchly defend LK?




I am still confused about this letter @Inigo-montoya has seen written by MB from the jail saying he does remember everything about the shooting. Gosh, maybe the prosecutor should give that letter to MB’s civil and criminal attorneys.


Yes, you can do whatever you want. I’m not coming back to this brown on the ground stuff. Good grief. Why do you care about some sentence/claim which is entirely made up? Sure. Grind away about it.

And your reason would be wrong.


Maybe someone has some insight on the “illegal recordings”? Has LK been charged? If not 2hat makes them illegal?

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Did I refer to myself as he? That’s not likely. And, for the record, I defend LK only because she was shot and people here try to blame her because she sent them an unpleasant PM in the past. You may have noticed I also have lots of nice things to say about MB.


Well, if I said you’re not a good enough rider to make the Olympics and you say I’m wrong…what are we left with?
So you are a good enough rider to go to the Olympics? I stand corrected and apologize.
All behold KM…our future Olympian!


Once again I have a post flagged. This time for quoting Twain, last time for quoting Monty Python. Oh well… :thinking: