Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

happens when you hang with illiterate boobs.
repent! Quote Shakespeare!


@Inigo-montoya, one line of inquiry that has been fraught here is the gun charges and RC. I got a nasty PM from LK b/c I merely inquired if there were records that corresponded to her statement that RC had been arrested.

Since you know so much (and that is not a swipe, you have shared a lot of detailed knowledge here), can you tell us about that aspect?

Was she arrested?
If so, on what charge(s)?
Was she convicted?
If so, has she been sentenced or done jail time?
If no to the above, why not?

I understand from folks here who are much more knowledgeable than myself that NJ is a true FAFO state with respect to guns, so I imagine this part was pretty open and shut.


Maybe - now clutch your pearls for this - maybe I DONā€™T WANT TO GO TO THE OLYMPICS. Maybe I choose not to spend the money nor make my horse, my friend and partner, get to live not the best life for the sake of my ego. Maybe I can contribute to the horse world in a better way.

I find your attempt to demean me far more telling about you than it is about me.


You do realize that whomever flagged my Mark Twain will flag this as well. :roll_eyes:


We donā€™t believe her because she has been caught LYING to all of us.

Her record adds to suspicion of her version of events.

Not hard to understand really.


Shakespeareā€™s ā€œHeat not a furnace for your foe that it do singe yourselfā€ seems apropos. :wink:


Yes, I too, do not want to go to the olympics. Itā€™s just not my scene. Their loss! Just in case any of you were curious as to why Iā€™m also not an Olympian, I thought Iā€™d clarify.


Super. Now I know I will sleep better.


I believe RC was arrested and charged with a felony although NJ may not be as interested in seriously pursuing charges against out of staters who bring their guns to NJ as one might think. I canā€™t say if she will be a witness but she is represented by counsel.

One interesting thingā€¦RC has been a psychologist/therapist for over 30 years. She had a much closer than an arms length relationship with MB. She knew him well. If she gave him her gun (she 1000% did) then she clearly didnā€™t notice any mental breakdown going on with MBā€¦thatā€™s a problem for the defense.
If she did notice a mental breakdown and gave MB her gunā€¦Thatā€™s a big problem for RC.
Despite her relationship with MB she could very well make a deal and become a prosecution witness.

Now despite your fair questions some will jump in and say ā€œI thought you knew everything, Inigo.ā€ No, I canā€™t know what might happen, only what did happen.


I said, as the better readers will note, MHG has zero chance of going to the Olympics.

You responded that neither do LK, or you or a zillion other riders. That was YOU not ME.

And now you say I dissed you for agreeing with you?


Interesting, indeed. Many thanks for that info.

I got the impression that the NJ gun thing was so airtight that it would have been a slam dunk re: RC doing jail time. Surely itā€™s not a jurisdictional issue that would prevent them going after her to the full extent of the law, right? Someone posted a lengthy but informative breakdown of NJ gun law and how it seemed impossible to escape the consequences thereof.

What would be RCā€™s role as a prosecution witness?
Would it be just to testify as to his mental state?
If RC wasnā€™t in a treatment relationship with MB, would she have any obligation to assess his mental state in the same way LEOs would be professionally obligated in the context of repeatedly dealing with him in all the chaos going on in those two weeks?

I have zero experience with guns, coming from a no-gun culture and living, mostly, in places were not even the police carry guns.


Another attempt at twisting my post but not quite good enough.

I corrected your assumption. You assume much. You are often wrong. So here I am, taking my time to help YOU.



ā€œHe likesā€?


Why on earth would someone flag a Mark Twain quote?! Dang!


See post ~1871.


What is post 47?

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So I didā€¦and itā€™s not a typo cause I would never refer to myself as ā€œsheā€ either. I always say she/heā€¦but I am answering lots of questions quickly so who knows?


If only we lived in a no gun culture!

RC is 70+ and has had recent heart surgery. Probably not going to jailā€¦nor should she. Thereā€™s great stuff on the audio tapes ( horrifying, actually) but RC was not part of the ā€œget rid of LKā€ discussions.

She has no obligation to assess MBā€™s mental state but given her professional experience it would be fair for the prosecution for ask if she noticed anything ā€œoffā€ with MB.

Itā€™s funny that in MBā€™s civil suit vs the township and police he asserts the police should have noticed his fragile mental state. If cops should have then a trained therapist, a lot closer to MB, should have noticed it too.


Uh huh. Sure.


Iā€™m confused. I recall LK saying RC was a nobody not certified as an expert in much of anything (paraphrasing here). LK also said RC came every couple of weeks for a few days and then went back to NC. Something tells me, if LK is to be believed in her assessment of RC, that she wonā€™t be much of a witness for the prosecution, particularly against an expert witness. But, Iā€™m not an attorney or a psychologist so what would I know.