Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Anyone pleading insanity has an expert witness. The state will have their expert too. That’s why the defense is rarely used and even more rarely successful.
But you never know what a jury will do.


I know this is an unpopular statement in the US, but I can tell you that I feel so much more safety and freedom in a no-gun society than in the US. That makes me sad and I don’t say it lightly or with any insult intended. I think people who live there simply don’t know what it is like to live somewhere where you NEVER worry about getting shot. Not by a bad guy with a gun, not by a good guy with a gun, not by an LEO with a gun, just never. It feels so much more free than when I lived in the US.

To your point re: RC. I believe LK said she was barely ever there. LK, if I recall, challenged her calling herself a barn manager b/c she actually lived quite far away and was almost never on site. I imagine that would greatly lessen her chances of observing and assessing MB’s mental state.

I hope she has recovered from her heart surgery. That’s a tough, tough surgery, regardless of the type.


Sorry, typo. Should be 1871.


So if there is horrifying/great stuff on the audio tapes, did LK not listen to these? Or was the stuff said after she was shot. As I said before, we all have different thresholds and think “that would never happen” “they wouldn’t actually do that” “that wouldn’t happen to me” and so on, but if I heard horrifying things, I’d be leaving. But I say this as an outsider to the situation.

However, as a general rule I don’t give my money to people who act this way, threaten me, and I just think life is too short. If I hear someone plotting my demise, I’d just be like, this is too much whacko for me, I’m out.

I could see that maybe it was known that this was the work of/coerced by MHG, and there was hope that MB would come around and realize this was ridiculous, and that nothing would happen and/or he’d stop being under the influence of MHG.

It’s alsp possible that LK and MB got along quite well (although there were complaints at some point about body shaming, Idk where that falls into place), and LK liked MB as a trainer and otherwise had a good situation at the farm. When you find a trainer you really get along well with, that is good for you and your horses, it can be hard to let go of that. I get that.

I didn’t know and don’t know how much of an influence MHG was, but I’ve definitely witnessed an older man (coincidentally in his 50’s) be swayed quite heavily by an attractive 30-something year old woman. In the case I saw (a family member), all his sense went out the window :roll_eyes: I don’t know if it’s a mid life crisis thing or what. So I don’t find that totally impossible, but still, we’re all ultimately responsible for our actions.

Just sort of speculating and tossing around general thoughts here. Your post just brought a few things to mind.


[quote=“Inigo-montoya, post:2360, topic:762373”]

Which is it then? “Great” or “horrifying actually”? From an healthy psychological perspective, in the mind of one person, it can’t be both.


This thread has gotten genuinely sad at times. Despite your claims to want a civil conversation, you prefer to lecture and sneer (and still let us know that you know everything - well, expect for that bit… or that other stuff… ) - and regrettably, one tends to get back what one dishes out.

IMO, none of this is helping LK / La-La at all - which seems to have been your intent… and yet, you persist.

Sad. Genuinely sad.

Time for night check, water check and meds for a mare who is recovering from surgery - far more important than the endless imperious lectures and snide comments…


Interesting….I recall LK posting directly on RC’s Facebook page direct accusations of being involved in the planning of her murder via those tapes. That is in addition to several statements here as well.


It seems a convenient scapegoat has been found in MHG to answer all the questions about why LK didn’t leave, even after posting how afraid she was. What about the document that MB wanted signed?

Something feels off about this latest “here’s what happened” story after 2+ years. The idea that LK’s past behavior won’t be brought up is ludicrous.

@Knights_Mom and I are the big bad monsters apparently telling lies at every turn. To my knowledge I have not deliberately lied about anything. I have speculated and given my opinion, and I’ve posted the legal briefs and discussed them. I have pushed back on LK’s frequently changing story, especially in the early threads. I don’t apologize for that.

The trial will not be as cut and dried as we’re being told.


Possibly re MHG, I don’t know. There’s also a lot of extraneous matter floating around such as the document. We still don’t know what document it was that MB wanted signed or why.

There have been inconsistencies throughout this whole debacle. Could be for a variety of reasons.


I have been catching up on reading these posts and they have been interesting. I do have another question for those knowledgable in the law.

As I understand it, on the gun charges, MB is charged with 2 counts of 2C:39-4A(1) which is possession of a weapon for unlawful purposes with the purpose to use it unlawfully against the person or property of another. It is listed as a 2nd degree offense.

I am told that to successfully prove the charges, 4 things must be met.

  1. The item was a firearm.
  2. The firearm was possessed by the defendant.
  3. The defendant had the purpose to use it against person or property of another.
  4. The firearm was going to be used unlawfully.

As I understand it, there is no requirement of an individual or a specific property to be identified in order for the third requirement to be satisfied and possession alone will not establish the required purpose or an intention to use it unlawfully. If someone has a handgun for self-protection then the requirement of unlawful use cannot be fulfilled.

If this is all true, then the defense’s strategy to argue self-defense should address the gun charge and the attempted murder charge. I’m not sure where the insanity plea would be needed unless it is used as a back up plan. But, my understanding is that even if it is successful, a person doesn’t just go free that they are mandated to a certain amount of time in a medical facility.

Is this correct legal people? What are others thoughts on this? I will go back to my heating pad for my back now.

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I cannot comment as to the application of NJ State law. I can say if a charge carries various elements as described in their Penal Law then the elements must be present for the crime charged That being said I’d have to say I just don’t know for sure. I’d have to guess the D.A. knows how to charge but I’ve been wondering why MB was charged with attempted murder which carries on it the burden to prove intent to kill someone via a planned action.


It’s interesting that those who agree with everyone who is adamant that GJ and others from LK’s past are relevant to MB’s case, are able to believe at the same time that MHG, who was actually there in the time leading up to and including the day of the shooting, is not. And it’s apparently hugely important to acknowledge that MHG hasn’t been charged with any crime whatsoever, but they’ve created literally thousands of posts on all the things LK is guilty of despite also not being charged with any crimes. Critical thinking skills and self-awareness are certainly lacking around here.


I guess I don’t see how that is relevant to this thread at this point in time. If a COTH member had threatened me via private message, I would have handled it privately through a moderator. It certainly wouldn’t occur to me to continually bring it up publicly for the next six or more months later, and admonish others for not giving me the attention I think I deserve for it. But hey, we all handle things differently.


Well get ready for the best sleep of your life because I, too, have no interest in riding in those stupid Olympics. NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY BEG ME I AM NOT GOING AND THEY CAN’T MAKE ME SO THERE!!!

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:


Nuance is the key if this simple concept is alluding you.

It seems MB is claiming he was affected by mental disease or defect which was a direct result of emotional trauma from his past combined with emotional trauma from his present caused by the actions of LK.

LK and by proxy her supporters say that MHG is to blame despite the fact that MHG isn’t arrested or charged.

What I and others are saying is that what we know of these parties is that both MB and MHG have been law abiding citizens up to this point. Neither has posted here (jailed or not) nor has either of them lied to us or threaten us. To our knowledge they have no prior record of arrests or egregious behavior. One of them was able to lawfully attain the pinnacle of his chosen sport.

Long story short there is nothing derogatory from their past.

Then we have LK who has been a constant here with arrest records, bad personal experiences spoken of by other members, a history of threatening numerous posters here, and lying to the members of this board citing subpoenas that don’t exist in order to bully others to silence.

We are not trying the case. We here are discussing the case and in doing so we are assessing credibility of the parties involved. We can only use those elements we are presented and that we know. The version of events told by LK has differed through time and even a most recent version presents inconsistencies that we are discussing JUST LIKE OTHER CRIMES ARE DISCUSSED ON MESSAGE BOARDS ALL OVER THE INTERNET. What we are doing is a natural occurrence in this electronic age.

The insistence of LKs allies to impudiate our lack of mental function does NOT help her case at all BTW.

Had LK never posted, threatened or harassed people here and had a clean history of not firing a gun at people as MBs attorneys have claimed in papers or any of the other drama MB attorneys allege then we would not be having these discussions.


Maybe you’re being myopic?

Looking more broadly:
The person who threatened members, and said subpoenas were on the way is one of the subjects of this incident. Her behavior was brought up a long time ago, and could have been denied since none of us were there and or involved.
But then she pulled that stunt, and, well, its makes the previous assertions more believable that she pushes buttons, perhaps incessantly, perhaps to get a reaction.
That she acted this way on COTH makes it plausible that she does this more often than had she not.


The Mods were notified about 3 weeks prior to any mention or open posting until an assertion made by LK made posting of the threats the correct action to take IMHO.

Don’t want messages posted? Then don’t send lying, threatening ones.

Of course you won’t EVER blame LK for sending them in the first place.


Just a little correction: she said that subpoenas were issued and responded to and as such the identities of the mentioned posters were already known.

The Mods then came on and verified that no such subpoenas ever existed at all.


It is fascinating to me that MHG has become the reason this violent situation occurred. Of course it was MHG to:

  1. Cause RC to sleep outside her horse’s stall with a loaded gun.
  2. Cause CPS to arrive at the Farm.
  3. Cause LK to enter her children’s private rooms to take photos.
  4. Cause RG to do shoddy work without a license and call the building inspector.
  5. Cause RG to threaten two minors.
  6. Be the reason there is little to no anecdotes of positive stories involving LK from the public at large (the story about Jay-T was touching).
  7. Cause LK to be banned from the family home.
  8. Cause restraining orders to be issued by LK’s ex-husband or his family.

Regardless if MHG is a golddigger, younger woman or not is not LK’s concern, nor was MB’s relationship with her. It is true that LK has always targeted other women with her taunts, threats, harassment. Jealousy has always seemed to haunt her.

@Inigo-montoya 's ultra closeness to the situation is also fascinating. When commenting on their posts I feel compelled to refer to LK as a family member for some reason. In my experience only a family member would have such focus to defend and protect. This poster says they know everything but they obviously were not there 24/7 and they take the word of LK and RG as they apparently always have. It’s always someone else who is to blame, from multiple women attacking LK in a bar to threatening messages sent to anonymous posters on a forum…and there is a lot between those two events!

I don’t believe the prosecution willingly shared SS transcripts with anyone without a subpoena. I don’t believe CPS appeared through no involvement of LK. I don’t believe RG’s version of events, nor do I believe there is some letter MB has written saying he remembers the shooting.

Sorry…too many holes and history for a rational person to swallow.


It also brings up another obvious and relevant question.

If she acts that way to random strangers over the internet, what on earth would it be like to deal with her every day in person???