Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

The “story” about Jay-T is a delusional twist on the truth as one would expect coming from LK or daddy!


I guess it is because I am older than dirt and at this point I see no reason to hang in places filled with lots of drama, but I am still not getting the whole story.

Going with the story that the whole world is collapsing because of MHG being a greedy younger woman.

I don’t think it would matter how great my horse trainer was, I would not be staying around while they:

  1. encouraged minors to sexual harrass another minor.
  2. said rude and inappropriate things constantly.
  3. my trainer was such a weak person that they allowed their world to be turned upside down by someone else.
  4. the environment at the barn was so caustic because of a person my trainer insisted on having around.

I would think that someone with the means, talent, and horses that LK has could easily find another wonderful trainer that did not have the drama.


The irony continues to roll thick through this thread doesn’t it :smirk:


Are you talking about me personally here? I have no opinion regarding blame; I merely stated that I wouldn’t keep bringing it up publicly for months and months afterwards if it did happen to me. But I’m more of a deal with it and move on kind of person.


MHG has not posted here??? Really?? How would you know that?


Do you know that she has? Really? How would you know that?


Royalty or fleas. You be the judge.


I guess I don’t see why this matters to anyone here, unless you have the misfortune to work with her, live next door to her, or ride at the same barn as she does. I hear that Madonna is a total bitch, but I don’t sit around on the internet talking every day about how awful it must be for the people who are near her because why would I?


I would like to add to the discussion about LKs actions of messaging people threats.

I think some education on PTSD and trauma is needed. I know a lot of you claim to understand but I really question that when you can’t understand how a person acts out and is irrational or has bad behavior after significant trauma. Especially if said person already had mental health issues as previously mentioned in these threads. Unsure what is fact, but I will say, its a known FACT that people who have severe trauma can act out, be impulsive, and not act like themselves after it happens. Then you add on the countless hurtful and abusive messages on here, people stalking her every move online…

So while I don’t agree with threats of any kind, I also don’t know how these posters thought the threats were credible when they claim LK is apparently a huge liar, or that it wasn’t at all expected after how they treated LK on this thread for months and months and hundreds of posts.

These posters say that LK acted in a way that brought on her getting shot by MB. But the same posters can’t accept they possibly acted in a way that brought on them getting these threatening messages.

Take some culpability in your actions just like you expect LK to. If you won’t well, maybe you understand why she won’t.


I didn’t say she had, DID I? I asked a question, DIDN’T I?


That’s a lie!
Why don’t you give us the truth since you challenge my story.


Yes, just as I did.

Although I did not feel the need to scream in all caps.


LK has had a history of threatening behavior for years. Is it all from PTSD from years ago?


Im referring to the messages here, please don’t deflect because you hate her so much. The question was about the PMS here. I don’t know LK from before so I can’t comment other than again, more reason to stay away if you are that worried about her based on past issues.

As one poster pointed out, she was with MB for a long time and there didn’t appear to be issues then? Or do you have information to back up she was a problem all along?

It’s a lot nicer when can actually have discussions here without every post going on and on and on about how terrible LK is. Its been said over and over and overrrrrrr


It’s of interest to those of us who are trying to figure out how such a crazy chain of events could have happened. Barn drama is not unheard of, at all, but most of us have never seen it reach these dizzying heights.

So it’s natural to try to figure out what made the situation different from all the others many of us have seen.


That’s a long time?


True…what triggered the collapse of the relationship? We are told it was MH demanding MB get rid of her. Personally I believe part of the issue was MB giving less attention to LK and her jealousy took over.


Oh it is certainly a lie and you know it! The truth will come out eventually! I have not and will not go into detail on here as this is not the time nor the place.



See how this plays out?


I feel like you are closer to the situation and would know better than I would.

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