Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

That actually perfectly describes you…why are we giving engaging/giving credibility to someone who’s statements are in direct opposition to LK? How is that not you?


Which very well could cause MHG to have reservations about this student.
How this fell apart may end up a chicken/egg conundrum that each person has a very different viewpoint on, depending on many factors, including possible mental health issues

The Dressage world at that level isn’t so vast that news wouldn’t travel, and word may have reached MHG how LK acted towards others who LK adopted as her “rivals”.
True or not, that info might make one push to clean house before it gets too messy.


You have really lost me. Are you saying you interpret IM as making statements “in direct opposition to a known player: LK”?

I think IM has provided a coherent, detailed picture that is consistent with most of what LK has posted.

I don’t necessarily believe that IM “knows everything about the case”. But I also haven’t noticed that anything he says is contradicted by any known facts.


Consistent with what LK has posted? As a brand new user, have you actually read the thousands of posts from the beginning in the various Barisone threads?


But several users, yourself included, have theorized that I really am LK. Are you saying my posts are inconsistent with myself?


Because I’m not using my own words, I’m quoting LK.

For example:

The bold is in direct opposition to the statements made by LK:

Directly on COTH: “ “ And their names are Robert, Cameras 1-3 , Audio 1-50, phone videos (too many to count), MB, MH, JH, RC AND LK. Only 4 of these named peopled have a motive to lie. They planned the whole thing! ”.

And then on reported to be on LK’s FB:
“What’s on my mind fb asks.
Justin L Hardin
Ruth Cox
Mary Haskins Gray - move to a non extradition country. You are horse abusers & complicit in conspiracies to commit violent crimes. Get comfy. Please! You didn’t find my recorders fast enough. 🙊 Oops 4u!”


“ Katie Whalen Maninger that’s the plan. It doesn’t matter what I say now. They can’t escape it. I had to wait until certain other pieces of the puzzle 🧩 were in place- so, the last remaining pieces just need to be “put in their places,” (so to speak.) I was never going to rest properly until the people who plotted, conspired, straight up INSTRUCTED a man being threatened with a break up if he didn’t “off me & off me now Bc the cops aren’t getting the job done,” were delivered legal justice and justice by the sports oversight bodies.
The bears up thing is a Mary Haskins quote, that last bit. I have them. They can have something I didn’t get- a small head start. They’ll need it. Bullies always lose. Cheaters always lose. As do liars & attempted murderers. It would be better if they weren’t so unbelievably STUPID. No such luck.
They already lost MB his NJ barn completely. What’s hilarious is this: the only people ALLOWED on the premises is US! The ALLEGED “squatters!” Guess the real owner of the farm didn’t see us that way. We ll be waiving from our apartment at the birds 🦅 atop the empty barn. Of course, the story doesn’t end there. It’s just beginning…”

And then directly posted on RC’s FB:

“ In America, it’s forbidden 🚫 by law to knowingly lend your gun to a person to commit two murders. Surely, a nurse with a PH.D would know that. Just bc mB is whispering with you doesn’t mean the forensics lab can’t HEAR YOUR CONVERSATION.
You are not the barn manager. You’d show up once every few months. Also… remember when DD had that throat problem? Remember when you wanted to have a say in the treatment? Do you wonder why I even know about that? I’ll tell ya. MH and MB told the WHOLE BARN you have NO SAY and you think you’re a bully. Michael made sure to let everyone know- HE IS THE BIGGER BULLY. In any case, any barn manager (since that’s the story you’re going with - even though many people from Newbern can account for your whereabouts during ALL the times you were NOT in NJ- making it impossible for you to have been “barn manager,”) is negligent at best for allowing your pink and black 9mm Ruger to just go missing -especially with two 12 yr old children running around- and reckless negligence plus aiding abetting plus conspiracy to commit murder at worst. FYI- MH hates you. Just ask her. If I had a penny for the amount of times she has said “Ruth is so old, anyway. She ll “kick the bucket soon so I’ll have full ownership of DD,” I’d be billionaire from pennies.
Given I don’t care at all about your moronic deals with criminals- you should ask yourself- “how does Lauren know all this?” Did I make this up? Pretty detailed a story to make such stuff up. You hitched your old wagon to the wrong trailer. When MH wants you out of your deal with her… what do you suppose her limits are to get you out of the picture? 🤔 Hint: she is stupid. Stupid people who have no limits are a danger to themselves & others. Do t you know that “DOCTOR 🤣🤣🤣 Ruth???” Laughable.”


This is the day before you conspired to commit two murders. Luckily, your idiotic c & tacky pink Ruger jammed … putting only two bullets in my chest- center mass. That third one grazed me & missed Robs head in our own apartment as we peacefully sat on our porch. Wait until you hear yourself plotting with Michael on my recordings of ALL barn conversations which I know you know exist. I want you to know… I won’t test until the police & FBI throw you in jail. That’s where you belong. The only thing making me wait to AGREE with the state of NJ to go forward with charging is this: That would be giving MARY Haskins exactly what she wants. You, out of the picture. Get it? Or are you too redneck??? You fkng cue tip looking man.”

Bolding mine. And for the record, I did read the ones to RC on her page in real time.


I absolutely don’t think you are LK!

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LK and I are referring to different audios. RC was clearly not part of the audios before she was summoned to the barn and was clearly not there when MHG told MB to “wait one more day…RC will be here tomorrow.” Audios after RC arrived…that’s different…and I’m not at liberty to discuss.


So now there are video cameras in the barn too?


Sort of brings me back to the whole “why didn’t you leave?” There were multiple offers re places for her horses to stay. So staying for the horses…I’m not so sure about that. I wonder what the goal was in staying?

I also cannot believe that 2 of the horses were so amazing that someone would literally kill for them. I have a hard time buying that given the amount of quality horses there are out there.

It’s just, weird.


It’s like bad TV and episodes of The Real Horsewives Of New Jersey.


No, it is absurd!! Who thinks they would inherit assets if they killed someone none related? It’s all fantasy.


And then Mod 1 explained that you are not LK.

It is called a discussion.

There have been some inconsistencies. Which I realize is frustrating for you.

What you have been told might not always be what has been going on (not talking about anything specific, just a general statement).

Sometimes we tell those who support us things we think they want to hear, so their support continues because the real details would make them question their decisions.


Exactly! Like some children so desperate for their family to be proud of them, they will mislead them into believing partial truths? Isn’t that manipulation?


Just when you think it cannot get any more bizarre, it does.


When reading LK’s belligerent rages and rants that @Sdel shared, how do her own words and tantrums help her in any way? Serious question. No PTSD claims excuse all of that and there is a lot of paranoia there that existed before the shooting. It is alarming and very sad.

Along that same line, that is a mild version of how LK posted here many times. And yet somehow, we are all supposed to immediately make excuses for her no matter what she says and does - and quake in our boots about the many non-existent subpeonas coming down the pipe that will expose our real names and the multitude of conspiracies we have hatched against her.

Paranoia will destroy ya.

Before I get the usual tedious retort… no, I do not hate LK. I actually feel very sorry for her - and not just because she got shot. Nor am I a fan of MB - as some in this thread claim so many of us are.

Just a thought - when new houseguests suddenly arrive to praise the rhetoric used by houseguests who got here before them… and when said houseguests obviously have very little idea about what has gone on in these threads from the beginning and yet “know” everything, you cannot blame some of us for being weary, wary and suspicious.

Exactly. I am not sure why this is so hard to understand. We had one trainer incident and one barn manager incident (the two did not overlap - now THAT may have reached these dizzying heights - or more like excruciating lows) up the hill at our big boarding barn. Screaming trainer freaking out at the barn manager there then for not doing things she said were her and her clients’ responsibility. The endless lies. The trainer’s clients ganging up on the staff (including me) - as they believed every word she spewed. I had a sweet looking silver haired lady who was all charm and smiles at the shows send me the nastiest emails - along the lines of LK’s rages only with far worse language.

I watched from an adjoining pasture as I was fixing fence and saw said sweet granny go down the paddocks on a hot afternoon and tip the water buckets out… then came the angry emails and texts from Trainer & Co asserting that the farm was trying to create colic by NEVER watering their horses…

Fortunately I had my cell on me that afternoon… and you know, video told that tale. Just one mild example of the nonsense that occurred daily for far too long.

The barn manager that came after that fiasco was discovered to have used a pseudonym and fake references. She charged the barn for personal things for her horses and friends, collected cash from new boarders and just pocketed it in the stupid notion that no one would notice that board checks/payments did not tally with the amount of horses on the property (hey, I only look stupid) … and when her history of horse abuse was discovered under her actual name, her goose was cooked. Much yelling and threats ensued. I have NEVER been that angry but I was not the one making threats. She was stunned that the BO (who rarely got involved in such things and hates conflict) came up the hill from her house, stormed down the big barn aisle and fired her sorry ass. Alas, she had no way to haul her poor palomino mare out that day and threatened us with violence if we “shipped her for meat” before she could come back for her. It was not that sweet mare’s fault that she got stuck with that crazy owner. We took good care of her for another month before her devoted owner cared enough to come back for her… the free board was worth getting rid of that person. Sorry, mare. So very sorry. :pensive:

Anyway, long stories that I have barely touched on here. But yes, many of us have experienced excessive barn drama and are just following this case as it all plays out. The same way people watch 48 Hours or 20/20 or Dateline…


Wow. That person would have been kicked out by the end of the day at many barns. That is super sleazy.

And yet (presumably) that incident still did not involve a gun.


Nope, no guns involved - even though the Trainer’s hubby had a gun rack installed just inside the kitchen door. But at that time the Trainer B***h From Hell was also showing the BO’s horses… and the BO looked at the pile of blue ribbons and thought that the rest of us (including some long term boarders who TBFH treated like crap) were “exaggerating”. Plus she is only on site about half of the year. Then she actually dared to confront TBFH about something - and the nasty emails and texts starting coming her way as well… and she saw the light, so to speak. More like The Darkness.


I was sent this info in regards to the gun charge. Is this the instruction given to the jury on this specific charge?

It is written the way the Judge would charge the jury. I don’t know if this is a current version as I never was involved in the charging of a jury in NJ but it reads similarly to charging my state’s juries. The judge tries to explain the procedure to the jury and the specific elements of each charge the jury must decide on. For instance in this specific document the judge would be sure to reiterate that the Defendant is said to have possession of the gun for more than a fleeting moment.