Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Thanks, it had some interesting points. The person who sent it to me is not a lawyer. I should make them check to see if it is a current version. :smile:


Iā€™m curiousā€¦are we now supposed to believe that had MB kicked MHG and her occasionally visiting children (she doesnā€™t have full custody) out on their ears back to the state dressage goes to die, that all would be just hunky-dory now with a cozy little team of MB, LK, and RG with an occasional boarder that LK approved of? <what a sentence!!> LK would be no further along in her Olympic quest nor would she be satisfied because she still wouldnā€™t be able to control MB!


You would also have to match the section numbers for that offense to be sure itā€™s the exact charge in the exact degree.

Then make sure itā€™s the version of law that was in place at the time of the incident.


So they would use the charging instructions for the time of the incident even if they had since been updated? That makes sense. Thanks

Yes. A person canā€™t be charged and potentially suffer consequences of a law that was not yet a law when they committed that act.


why they pay you cleaning ladies the big bucksā€¦


Ha!! I like to vacuum designs in the lawyer office rugs. Reminds me of raking dirt barn aisles all pretty with a criss cross design.


I have only watched a few episodes of 48 Hours and it was a long time ago.

If there is to be a trial, do they hold off showing the episode until after the trial is over?


you gotta wait for the end of the story!


Youā€™re pretty good for a cleaning lady!


Here is additional reading on Ex Post Facto Law


This seems more current but it seems to me the wording on the charges havenā€™t changed.
MBā€™s charge on the gun is 2C-39-4A(1)

According to the attorney websites that pop up, if convicted the sentence can be for 5-10 years


Now find out if multiple sentences run CONCURRENTLY or CONSECUTIVELY.



That is very Zen like. Where I worked, the cleaning people would do nasty things to the offices of the people they didnā€™t like such as peeing in their coffee cups then dumping it out but leaving the unwashed cup on the desk.

Now that will be tough!

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Uhm ewwwwwww

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Politely I say that I said exactly that in a previous post earlier today.


They donā€™t. Specifically for this case, since there are multiple copies of differing stories of what happened that were posted in real time, or generally in the greater scheme of life. The point of any given rant at any given time is to say whatever it takes to get the other person to not question them/what happened so they can remain ā€œa victimā€ or ā€œblamelessā€ or ā€œin controlā€ or ā€œobtain what they want from youā€.


Exactly. If you can afford to be with MB. You can afford to be with another BNT. And she now is. She could have done that sooner and got out of a bad situation. At a barn where I had my horse - stuff came up that many of us where not comfortable with. Trailers (note the plural) pulled in, all hired, with in a day and many horse were removed to other barns , some temporarily, as a stop gap, then onto another high level barn - But all left. Very quickly. IN ONE DAY, some owners had multiple horses - others like me, one and I donā€™t have a lot of $$$. but I could figure out how to get my Mare outta there to some place temporarily as a safe haven - And BTW the owners with high level horses who keep there horses north in the warmer months and in Welly during the cold season all were able to get their horse out and into a good barn with in a day. it was impressive. and they packed their stuff up with in 10 minutes. (our stuff was very organized, one good thing about that barn) - and some had multiple horses - all out with in a day - 12 horse with 5 owners out! in a day! yes it is possible and this happened in an area that has far fewer barns than western NJ, with higher costs than NJ yet we did it in a day.


@Knights_Mom, I couldnā€™t find an answer to your question about the concurrent or consecutive sentences. There is information around page 163-175 about the charge and the Graves Act but did not give me the yes or no answer I was hoping for. Iā€™m afraid I am a terrible legal researcher and if my back doesnā€™t heal I am also a terrible cleaner.
Does anyone have the judges phone number? Iā€™ll call and ask him and say Iā€™m from 48 hours JK!

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