Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Well, realistically, if someone managed to get another person to kick out a girlfriend/fiancée, that sounds like they were already exerting quite a bit of control over the other person. But that did not happen.


But it’s interesting to note that not only did they think they had a right to an opinion as to that couple’s relationship, they thought they could control it and when their attempt failed it seems they sought to punish for it.

Maybe this happened. Maybe it didn’t. But the optics tell it’s a definite possibility.


Judge Taylor…Criminal Division 862-397-5700 Ext 75275

Judge Sceusi . Civil Division…862-397-5700 Ext 75431

I’m here to help.


Has she been involved in violence at a boarding facility?


The comment that incited my threatening PM was an observation that it might be better if LK found the posts here upsetting that she stop reading them.
For that, I was accused of bullying.
And was told that she knew who/where I was and would be facing legal action.

I don’t think that is particularly attributable to PTSD.
Especially since it appears to be in line with stuff she did before the whole MB incident.


You mean has she been a victim of violence!


I said what I meant.


It probably came close that day some years back when the reporter in the bushes spooked her horse and she fell off.

Madonna is certainly an example of somebody who started from scratch and became hugely successful through grit and determination, even if she did not have the most talent in the world. I would not necessarily want to be anywhere near her, but I have to give her credit for her accomplishments.

Did anyone else see that interview she did with David Letterman years ago when they were talking about horses? It was hilarious. Not on purpose, but hilarious nonetheless.


I don’t know the date of these posts but I can’t imagine why LK didn’t call the police and let them hear the threats at the time. Surely that would have been one way to move MH out of the way.

Common sense says to get the heck out.


Early…. They were posted to first thread within a couple of months of the start….


This is what I have concluded, frankly. SHe has ranted and raved about MH from the start, and its none of her business. Even her “friends” rant about MB’s girlfriend. For her to go after the children the way she did is unconscienable. She seems to be angry that MHG wanted her off the property, and blames her for convincing MB to ask her to leave. If I had people acting out the way LK and RG did on my property, I’d want them gone, too, and advocate for my children and fiance.

Its interesting how LK blames MGH for what happened. Is she claiming that because MGH wanted them gone, she had every right to do what she did to that family? She’s justifying the cameras and good gad, she’s a nightmare. Hardly a case for getting involved with MB’s relationship. Sounds like the situation deteriorated around her, and she didn’t have the good graces to find another trainer. What a mess.


No, her behaviour towards people in general, and specifically towards MB and MHG is directly attributable to her personality disorders, and I would guess from the behavior of her father she comes by that honestly.


Why would that matter? Both subjects are people that those complaining about have nothing to do with. Here’s those lack of critical thinking skills rearing their ugly heads once again.

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OMG. That is so scary. Are you okay? Did you have to hire a lawyer?


Says all we need to know.


Your reading comprehension appears to be abysmal, so you might wish to eschew commentary on the critical thinking skills of others.
I’d type slowly and explain both posts to you, but I gotta go feed the horses.


Apparently they think any feelings of alarm you had is funny. Funny enough to warrant sarcasm that is in very poor taste.


…because they would have a called a lawyer because they think their way is the only way for everyone else. Pffftttt…what an attitude… self-righteous and narrow minded…everything critical thinking is not.


Lol no need. I’m not the one who has nothing to do all day every day but post on this thread. My weekly check-ins tell me all I need to know. See you in a week!


It is an oft-used and tired trope on message boards/forums that someone will post in a superior and condescending way, suggest that other posters have nothing else to do but post in a thread that they profess disdain for (and yet posted in) …and then do a grand exit alleging that they only “check-in” once a week or month or whatever as they “know” everything… and so on and so forth.

Tale as old as time…