Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends


On this BB that would be extremely unexpected. Lol.


The idea that LK has turned her destructive, irrational eye towards one is indeed scary, and if it were me, I would indeed consult with an attorney. Sneering at people who are bullied is more bullying.


I just love that song from Beauty and the Beast so I couldn’t help myself


Didn’t know where it came from .we’ll written


I don’t know MHG, have never met her and couldn’t pick her out of a crowd of three. She may be a miserable selfish witch or she might be the next Mother Teresa, I really have no idea. However, the whole idea of blaming the entire situation and MB allegedly being driven to violence on MHG smacks of the old catty “blame the other woman” trope.

It’s like when a husband cheats on his wife, and the wife proceeds to blame the entire situation on the other woman (who may or may not have known he was married) for “seducing” him, rather than on her husband himself for being a cheating dirtbag.

In this case, it’s presumably not intimacy we’re talking about, but status as the Next Big Dressage Star. Instead of blaming MB (rightly so or otherwise) for allegedly neglecting his training clients to focus the bulk of his time and energy on his girlfriend, the blame is shifted to the girlfriend for “stealing” his attention away. MHG is presented and conniving and manipulative and motivated by malice toward LK rather than affection toward MB or genuine desire to take her riding to the next level. MB is presented as helpless to control his own interests and make his own decisions 
 i.e., MHG is the “homewrecker” of the perfect relationship in which MB was going to train LK for the Olympics.



I’m not ashamed to say we are a family of Disney dweebs. My all time favorite song ever is one they had for the Magic Kingdom fireworks. Didn’t care for the show, the singing isn’t all that great, but I think the message is amazing.

Happily Ever After

Ready to begin, let the wonder take hold
Feel it draw you in, watch the moment unfold
Spark a dream that we’re meant to follow

Setting out for a new tomorrow
Every step we take, brings a new hope, a new day
Every choice we make helps us find our own way
Every wish finally put into motion
Diving in with our hearts wide open

The story comes alive, when we look inside
A new adventure there in your eyes
There in your eyes
It’s just beginning
Feel your heart beat faster
Reach out and find your happily ever after
Find your happily ever after

Now we’re on our way
Leave our fears behind us
Not so far away from the dreams that live inside us
Moving down this road we’ve chosen
There’s no limit to where we’re going

The story comes alive, when we look inside
A new adventure there in your eyes
There in your eyes
It’s just beginning
Feel your heart beat faster
Reach out and find your happily ever after
Find your happily ever after

The battles, the stories, the losses and all the glories
We’re changed by the way we live every day
Just look up and reach to the sky
We all have the courage to fly

The story comes alive, when we look inside
A new adventure there in your eyes
There in your eyes
It’s just beginning
Feel your heart beat faster
Reach out and find your happily ever after
Find your happily ever after
Find your happily ever after
Find your happily ever after
Find your happily ever after


Please allow me to quote eggbutt: :snowflake:


I am curious what the other boarder’s reactions were when they learned of the recordings? Does anyone know?


I agree with this, except it does not sound to me like the situation deteriorated around her. To me, it sounds like she imploded it. She smothered it in gasoline, added newspaper and fat wood, grabbed a box of matches and set back to fiddle while it all burned. She just didn’t count on getting caught that close to the fire.

Funny how no one else there seemed to be having such outrageous issues with MHG. Funny how no one in the dressage community has come forward with complaints about MHG. Funny that MHG has not threatened or bullied anyone here.


She stays very focused on her own goals and always has.


It is amazing when you focus on your own goals, isn’t it???


She has always been quite successful and is a beautiful rider. Whether you like her or not, for sure she is a talented equestrian.


Raise your hand :raised_back_of_hand:t2: if you called one or both judges to discuss the case(s)!


The thought occurred to me there are approximately 12 - 18 regular posters on this thread from all walks of life. Obviously we all have at least one common interest in horses. Anyway, the folks here with all their various questions and thoughts could definitely mimic a prospective jury.
My point is hopefully a thoughtful jury will be selected with open minds to thoroughly process the evidence and make an intelligent decision. The questions many of us have asked over and over will, in all probability, be the same questions a jury will have.


Well, yes. However it deteriorated, she undermined her situation all on her own. I do agree she set it all up to go up in flames.


I considered quoting the part you added - thanks!

signed, fellow Disney geek


I would except few, if any, of the jury members to have more than a passing interest in horses. I think that common interest likely colours the way we see this case in a way that the general public wouldn’t.


Has it been a week already?



Just wondering - weren’t there some reports of drug usage at the farm?

As we all know, serious substance abuse - as in addiction to particular classes of drugs - very often leads to a lack of impulse control, a complete disregard for legalities and social mores of society, as well as utter disdain/contempt for others (esp. if they get between the addict and whatever it is they want).

And if the individual also has a narcissistic personality disorder perhaps coupled with other more serious mental health issues (dissociative personality disorder, schizophrenia, paranoia, etc.), I can see how things could get completely out of hand very, very rapidly.