Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Yeah, but remember only MHG will be mentioned in the trial! Nothing else will matter or be admitted if we follow Inigo-montoya’s information. :crazy_face:


Well, ya’know that pesky “loss of time concept” due to the pandemic……


Your sarcasm is always about making a negative point about LK. How do you start your day thinking about this BB? You have zero interest in the facts of this case…all you do is spew on about how LK was mean to you so therefore she couldn’t be the victim of an attempted murder which was egged on (excuse that expression although it fits here) by his girlfriend. Must be LK’s fault, must have been her gun, RG must have jumped MB…what a ridiculous crock.

MB’s own lawyer said at the detention hearing MB was pissed that CPS came to visit him and that’s why he did it. You must remember that. LK DID NOT call CPS… but even if she did…you can’t try to kill people for that. But in your world it’s ok to kill people who have been mean to you. Get a grip!

Enjoy your day on COTH making excuses for a would be murderer.



Funny, none of those things have ever been said here. @Inigo-montoya, maybe you would be so kind as to provide us with direct quotes. Yes, we will surely wait for them!



I have a question for @Inigo-montoya. You mentioned that GirlJoey tried to get Trump to intervene in the case (while President). I was thinking about how Trump possibly could intervene, and all I could think of was a pardon. I also remember that there was talk of Trump possibly giving blanket pardons before a conviction.

Did GirlJoey try to get Trump to pardon MB? Before conviction?

Trump was mostly pardoning his fellow thugs and, I suspect, people who could bribe him, so it’s not surprising it didn’t happen.

ETA. I just noticed that you (having said you know everything) just said that “LK did not call CPS”. My reading of the thread is that most people assume it was LK who called CPS, and that was the final straw that “triggered” MB.

At the trial, will evidence be provided as to who actually called CPS?


Sounds like a sequel to the O.J. Simpson book.


Actually, my quote was about YOU and your posts indicating MHG was the total cause of it all and would be destroyed.


I was under the impression that LK posted here more than once that she did in fact contact CPS.

Fellow posters, is my recollection accurate?


Who actually called CPS?

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As I recall it has gone back and forth from LK calling to SS calling based on LK’s SS report of abuse against minors. IM said they’d seen the report somehow or at least knew what it said, but who knows?


I’m pretty sure she said she didn’t recall calling them. That doesn’t mean she didn’t, but her reports to SafeSport may have caused them to call CPS


In regards to the secret recordings, would they be considered hearsay even if they were admitted?

Excuse me - BOXES of a controlled substance?

In addition to the additional points - BOXES of suboxone would be a problem in my state. This is not the case in New Jersey?

ETA: The quote about boxes of suboxone being a problem was my own from upthread.

There was a question about drugs on the property further down thread.


Used for opioid addiction…


Bold = my comments.

ETA - LK has always portrayed herself to be well above average intelligence and street smarts, and that’s part of the issue so many of us have and question constantly…if she was so afraid that she posted her fear on SM and installed illegal surveillance equipment, which apparently indicated to her that someone really, really did want to do her physical harm, WHY DID SHE STAY?


These are all quotes of mine from this thread circa July 2021. I thought it would be easier for readers if I grabbed them and put them together.


GJ tried to reach Trump via Twitter…I’m sure she has no idea what a pardon is.

The defense might try to provide evidence of who called CPS if they thought they could prove LK called them.

But even then …for what purpose? You can’t go shoot someone because they called CPS. Obviously, that’s NOT self defense. Maybe it made MB mad. But you can’t shoot someone because they made you mad That, too is NOT self defense.

Let me take it to the most extreme example. Let’s say MB got information that LK had assaulted her previous 10 trainers. Could he then get in a car, drive to where she lives and shoot her?

Of course not…that’s not self defense either.

Self defense is gonna be pretty hard to establish…that’s the reason the insanity defense was added. Unfortunately for MB that’s very tough too.


That’s a fair question. These are the answers.

  1. She had 4 horses with MB and a mare in quarantine near by. Not easy to find an appropriate place so quickly.
  2. Trying to find another place WAS being worked on.
  3. RG was owed over $50K for his work and Sweetgrass doesn’t deny that. You need to understand that MB’s relationship with Sweetgrass was also going downhill.
  4. And when lawyers did get involved (amicably and professionally) and MB’s lawyer sent LK a letter saying you need to leave by xx/xx/xxxx, MB, for whatever reason. decided he had to kill LK and RG even before the date his own lawyer had asked them to move.

I don’t mind if you want to offer other circumstances and theories… that’s fair enough. But since you’re a Trump hater, like me, I’ll give you this advice (and I swear I mean this as friendly advice). Be careful about defending MHG. I promise you there are tapes and you will think far less of MHG, as well as her parenting, once they’ve been played.

Thanks for your post. That’s the kind of reasonable discussion/debate I’d prefer.


Let’s clear this up…Suboxone is only available by prescription…why is it relevant?

But more importantly…when someone is going to AA or says. “I’ve been clean for 5 years, 10 years, whatever” they are applauded and praised.

If LK once had a problem with alcohol or drugs and has been clean many years, why is she berated rather than applauded here. That’s despicable and anyone doing that should be embarrassed and admonished.


Because a person actively practicing sobriety does not go out of their way to hurt others. Because a person actively practicing sobriety takes responsibility and account of their actions. Because a person actively practicing sobriety does not lie.

Since you want to throw the AA card out there. Clean is a relative term.

I would want to know if an addict, recovering or otherwise, was living in my house, on my property, with my family and my business there.

Believe me, I am in no way judging. But, those of us who have played this game know that rules come with addiction and recovery, and the term “sobriety” does not just refer to whether or not you are abusing substances. It also refers to behaviors and state of mind.

ETA: People truly in recovery, who are serious about being in recovery, are up front with those they have close personal interaction with, about both their addictions and recovery. Honesty and transparency are essential parts of the recovery process.