Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Physicians and pharmacists do not hand out BOXES of controlled substances to an individual. Particularly those with high street value.


Exactly. Drugs have street value and can be illegally procured on the street and not through a physician.


Let’s be VERY clear, I don’t and never have defended MHG. I’ve said she is a stunning rider and, her relationship with MB was none of LK’s business. Are we clear on that now?


Who said LK is the addict? RG also has a history of very serious problems with substance abuse.


Is there a reason why LK did not wish to involve law enforcement when she learned of this plot? I would think that they would have been able to investigate and make arrests if there was a credible threat.


I know for a FACT she had been offered several places to land temporarily, including transportation.

I’m thinking you have not been told a number of facts by either LK or RG, but rather the story they wanted you to believe.


If the work done was shoddy enough that the building inspector condemned the building, and since RG was not licensed, I wouldn’t have paid either, if in fact MB owed him the $$. As far as MB and Sweetgrass Farm, I have no idea nor care about that relationship because it is none of anyone’s business.


WHO CARES??? The trauma LK did to this woman REPEATEDLY for some time is UNACCEPTABLE. Rather than discuss that, you bash the victim! Yes, that apple definitely doesn’t fall far from the tree. I can imagine the belly laugh you people enjoyed with the Tweet. SHAME ON YOU ALL! Nasty bullies!


IM is winding you up as a game, and you’re letting him win. Don’t stoop to it.

“Walk on by 


While I’m no fan of I-M and their pot stirring in this thread, I think this summary of the situation cuts right to the crux of the issue. You aren’t allowed to shoot people. Period. Even if they are bullies, even if they are harassing you, even if they are the masterminds of some elaborate plot to ruin your business and your relationships. Even if your girlfriend is insanely jealous and begs you to do it. Unless they present an immediate threat to your physical safety, you aren’t allowed to shoot them.

So unless it can be shown that LK or RG were armed, the self defence angle seems weak on its face. As for insanity? Probably a better route but awfully hard to meet the standard of proof to find him criminally not responsible.


This point has always puzzled me. If on the one hand RG and LK are the ones responsible for calling the inspectors and getting the house declared unsafe to live in due to unlicensed or improper repairs, how can they also demand a $50k payment for doing those repairs?


Well it’s worth a try


The whiplash going from this

 to this

 as well as the apparent lack of awareness

As far as GJ goes
 it was readily apparent that GJ had issues apart from the tragedy that befell her and LK’s vicious bullying. IMO, continuing to use her as a tool or a pawn in this mess is completely inappropriate. Let her be.


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

Does anyone recall LK saying she was asked to move?


She mentioned “the lawyers were negotiating”.


I don’t know anything about GJ other than what was posted on previous threads.

However, anyone who would say so much as an unkind word to or about a grieving mother in that situation would have to be lower than a snake. Period. Full stop.




[quote=“smoofox, post:2539, topic:762373”]
As far as GJ goes
 it was readily apparent that GJ had issues apart from the tragedy that befell her and LK’s vicious bullying. IMO, continuing to use her as a tool or a pawn in this mess is completely inappropriate. Let her be.
Agree. MB bringing her into his problems and the continued use of her on this forum to try to prove a point is not any better than when the “former guy” used parents of a child killed by someone with a Hispanic name on a political stage as a scare tactic, incite hate and to get votes. GJ and LK had ended their online fight and moved on. They both made nasty comments to each other, perhaps LK got more dirty, however in the ones she shared of her conversation with LK years ago and those that got her banned twice on this forum GJ doesn’t come across much better than LK.
However a poster here calls GJ’s comments passionate and LK’s relentless harassment. Both behaved badly, fact it went on for years, both participating, is insane. Leave GJ alone. She won’t end up proving any point except woman are just horrible online to each other.


Really? Had both of them lost a child? Or just one of them?

This argument sounds a lot like the former guy’s description of Charlottesville, trying to claim there were equivalent people “on both sides.”

Except for the part where one side was comprised of, you know, an actual swarm of neo-Nazis.