Let’s revisit a post by IM which specifically stated (but paraphrased) “in order to charge for CONSPIRACY, much specificity is needed such as hearing, “We are going to kill X and Y at 1pm on Friday.” So…. No. Again, your ridiculous theory fails to make “perfect sense,” but, instead, makes zero sense at all. Do you even bother to read anyone else’s posts, aside from the few “usual suspects,” with whom you are confident will take the already nonsensical crap you spew & (completing what one might believe impossible) twist it into something even more nonsensical than your own crap? Better yet, do you bother reading your OWN posts?
At some point, you’re going have to square yourself up with the fact - you know nothing. Some may have forgotten, though my screenshots have not, it wasn’t long ago you were still stating (not speculating) that there were “several other houses on the premises,” so (paraphrased) “LK & RG could’ve gone to another house but chose to stay where they were to torment MB & co,” until a poster corrected you to state, “No, there was only a farmhouse and barn.” That must have been embarrassing. Caught, having exactly no information.
I stated at one point, “MB had just received a large insurance check.”
Your (again, false) accusation: “Omg, isn’t it obvious they were going through MB’s MAIL!!! Isn’t that a FELONY!”
(Bc, there aren’t about 50 other ways that we, and every other inhabitant on the property would have known this, or anything.) EYE ROLL.
You state: “Don’t forget, the only information the authorities had to go on came from only 1 source! RG!!”
In response to that, I’ve got 3 words for you, one (rhetorical) question & one statement: 1.)GRAND JURY INDICTMENT.
2.) Are you asserting that a Grand Jury granted a “true bill,” indictment on ALL charges “as is,” bc the prosecutor presented only 1 statement made by 1 witness/victim at the scene?
3.)Sorry, that is not how indictments work.
Add on- from now on, you will state only facts and back them up with evidence. Oh, wait. Silly me. If you were truly forced to back up your claims of “fact,” with actual evidence as Coth rules dictate, you would be unable to post anything at all. (Perhaps, KM can open her “vault,” of “evidence,” and help you out a bit?) That said, as long as you write the words, “this is only speculation,” prior to or after your fictional declarations, you are free to continue embarrassing yourself. However, you are not only failing horribly to add anything of value to this discussion, you’re depriving both readers and those with honest questions, the ability to be provided with such, to the extent they can be provided. That is fact. Not “speculation.” Here’s another fact- this is the amount of bathroom work performed by RG at the house or barn: ZERO. This is the amount of stars provided by each client survey for BR installations completed by RG by the BR remodeling company by which he was previously employed: FIVE (Bravo, the latter being 1 fact EB actually got right!!)
Add on 2: (to others) yes, words DO matter. Therefore, you may want to think again before using these words/phrases/sentences: “squatters,” “RG’s shoddy work,” “evicted,” “illegal recordings,” “it was LK’s gun,” “grifters,” “not a murderer,” “first level rider,” “LK’s Olympic dreams,” (never mentioned once by me) “MB’s clean record,” “RC never charged,” “Suboxone dealer,” “terrorists,” “clear pattern of harassment,” “in-laws have a restraining order,” “met that lawyer 5 minutes before detention hearing,” “brought 4th horse without permission,” “brought 5th horse without permission,” “arsonist,” “RG threatened/bullied minors,” “ignored fire marshal’s instruction to vacate” “MB told them to leave,” “LK shot RG,” “Lk shot AT RG,” “LK has a pattern/history of convictions,” “RG & daddy made threats to staff on 8-8,” “they planned to get themselves shot,” …… Did I miss any other disgusting, false, victim blaming/shaming phrase, sentence or word? Probably. But, 1am. I fully expect Coth to locate ALL of these and comply with its own rules & guidelines.