Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

The FB group should have a fun meeting tonight :crazy_face:


Anyone have a snark emoji?

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I would guess it is easy to ignore the cues that an addict gets very good at hiding. A little thing here, a little thing there all can be explained away by other things.

And then they canā€™t anymoreā€¦


Iā€™m not sure they lived in the same home in FL or before that FL season.
Regardless, itā€™s not about the addiction, itā€™s about the behavior.
The addict in my life was fine, until someone says/said ā€œnoā€, then all hell breaks loose.


How does a change in prosecutors generally effect a case. I understand they are following the rule of law and charges presented, but what if the new prosecutor thinks the original charge is wrong? Can they revise the charge?


You said 2 reasons LK and/ or boyfriend had the drug(according to MB), being addicts or using to get high. Just pointing out another possibilityā€¦.some people are/were on with a legal prescription for it trying to get on with their lives and working on recovery. Call them recovering addicts, not the threat that an active addicts would be.
I have no idea what the situation was with LK and BF.

This was part of the issue with Cosby, was it not? One prosecutor offered immunity from further prosecution, but a subsequent person went ahead with the trial in which he was convicted, is that right?


When you are in recovery (which you never leave unless you relapse) you are an addict.
ā€œAddictā€ isnā€™t a bad word. Itā€™s honest.

Whether youā€™re using, or in recovery, youā€™re still an addict and the threat you pose depends on how well (g)you manage and commit to the recovery and sobriety.

Plenty of people in Recovery whoā€™s lives are a hot mess, who are ā€œworkingā€ the system of recovery, rather than working the steps, and behaving as badly as they had while actively using.


:shark: is this close enough?


Understand your position.

:unamused: It is an ā€˜unamusedā€™ face, sometimes used for ā€˜snarkā€™.

I love your shark find Ghazzu.


Hereā€™s the post I was referring to, in which LK states they were the ones who called the inspectors.



Thank the gods.so she was banned for repeatedly posting that she didnā€™t get why she was restricted from current events, and for repeatedly disagreeing with the moderation about not working out who identities are on the board. Seems to me that lalaā€™s confessions to subpeona-ing coth to reveal identities would fall under the same infraction. Dunno, just a thought.


As I said on the other thread before it got locked, I really donā€™t understand the idea of banning someone from just one forum of the BB. If somebody behaves in a way that deserves a ban in one section, why would anyone think they will behave any differently just because they are in a different forum?


Iā€™m also a wee bit concerned about JumpinQueen. Seems odd that some new greenie has stumbled on this story and ploughed through THOUSANDS of posts, yet still doesnā€™t seem to understand anything without running it past her ā€œFacebook Groupā€. I have a raised eyebrow.


I believe there are several posters who have been restricted from the CE forum, because it seems to bring out the worst in some people, unlike places where the topic is horses.


Remember YD is suspended, not outright Banned.

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I too have a family member who was heavily addicted to heroine, from age 14 though her thirties. She tried to get suboxone, but was only able to get it on the streets, ironically. Methadone is as addictive as heroine, gives a high. and in our state, she couldnā€™t get them to taper her down to get off the methadone. They insisted on giving her a high dose, which kept her on methadone. She was picked up on an old warrant, which put her in jail for 6 months, during which she withdrew cold turkey. She has since gotten those charges dropped and is completing her masters in accounting, and Iā€™m very very proud of her.

I Bring this up to say that in my state, if the police find drugs in your home (that the addict has hidden there), the homeowner is held responsible, and the property is seized and cab be forfeited to the state, even if the parent or homeowner had no knowledge of the drugs. If this is true in NJ, itā€™s another very valid reason for MB to want them off his property. If he knew of them using drugs on his property and allowed them to stay, there are varying degrees of culpability he might have faced if drugs were found. Imagine if he knew this, then come to find out those two had called a building inspector, and if during that inspection, they could have found drugs, I can imagine he was livid, and beside himself to get these bad actors off his property.

Suboxone has a street value. If there were boxes of it on his property, in the trash, itā€™s entirely possible they were dealing it as much as the possibility they were using it. If his property were seized because of them, everything he had was at risk, plus they were bringing his step children into it. It must have been a nightmare, and I have no doubt he wanted them gone.


No, sheā€™s gone, removed access ā€œfrom the siteā€ now. Zip.


Also someone found the exact charge for Cox. Although I had 4th degree that encompasses multiple possibilities. The exact charge they cited wasnā€™t a defacement charge but involved other things. Exactly what we donā€™t know. The section is quoted either here or the remaining post in Dressage.