Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

It will be interesting to learn details of this.


Reposting this as a refresher regarding this person and the boy friendā€™s past. Leopards donā€™t change their spots. Iā€™m surprised someone hasnā€™t located court records regarding the banning of this person from the family home.


That does not necessarily involve the court system.


I would guess in the case of this family, and how they seem to work so hard to keep a certain reputation, that carolprudm is 100% correct.


Something tells me this person would ignore anything but a court order, but I understand what you are saying.

Perhaps the threat of no longer financing the current lifestyle is enough.


This whole idea that LKā€™s father intervened to keep her living at the farm because she wasnā€™t allowed to live with her family doesnā€™t make sense to me. Why would it matter to him where she lives, as long as itā€™s not at home? She is an adult woman and apparently has financial means. She could have rented or bought elsewhere, gone to a hotel or rented an Air BnB. Itā€™s not like home or farm were the only two options so why would her father care so much?

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Her father intervenes a lot to help her get her way. I honestly donā€™t think this person has financial means and her father supports her and her boyfriend for the most part. It is common knowledge they live in a small RV in an RV park in FL - not saying that is a bad thing but this time of year there would be inventory for bungalows and apartments with more creature comforts I would think.


Maybe I watch too much ID (and the like). It does not seem like a rare thing that an enabling parent will frequently do things to make their wayward childā€™s life how that child wants it to be, even if it does not seem logical to the outside world.


Who knows? Perhaps in this personā€™s mind they liked the idea of living on the Olympic trainerā€™s property, like one of the team. Perhaps she perceived she would become one of his trainers or sole client because she was so talented (remember she saw herself as having Olympic potential) and perhaps sold that idea to her financial backer and demanded he help her stay. Who knows? I donā€™t even think she knows! It is apparent over the years her father would do anything to keep her out of trouble and away from the rest of the family.


Agree. In fact, after she was discharged from the hospital but still in the area, didnā€™t she and RG do just that, stay in a hotel?


She said she ā€œhadā€ to live onsite with the horses.

Her rational for calling the code inspector was that them living in the barn lounge was a fire hazard to her horses.


Only if you, yourself, are doing things that would create the hazard! :smiley:


why not?
mae her somebody elseā€™s problem.



Re: calling the inspector on the barn suite. Do you know this verified or is it speculation?

To me it is very plausible as the kind of thing conflict driven people do when they start to lose perspective. Iā€™m going to call the building inspector on your house! meanwhile ignoring the fact that your own house is not to code and will be condemned. Like the doofus pot growers (pre legalization) who called the police to report someone stole their plants.

As far as father backing up her desire to live onsite, perhaps he thought she would exhibit more wholesome behavior in a farm atmosphere with some level of supervision. And it was free.


She said it on one of the previous threads. She called them because she couldnā€™t have her horses living in a fire hazard.


Ah OK.

That makes sense. She thought she could get MB off the property or at least harass him, didnā€™t realize that the inspector would look at all the buildings and post her a vacate notice.


Does anyone have an inkling what her objective was for this entire plan? Maybe ā€œthe FB groupā€ will convene a meeting and give us the answer :thinking:


Was there a plan at all?



I have certainly seen people who love conflict and have a tendency to spiral into emotional states get to a point where they will do, or talk about doing, anything at all to ā€œgetā€ the other party. They can get really self righteous and obsessed if thwarted. There is also a much larger subset of these kind of people who will talk loudly about doing these things but fortunately never follow through.

I feel that for some people, various levels of LEO function like tattling to the teacher in grade school as part of ongoing interpersonal conflict. Iā€™m going to tell the teacher you said a dirty word, etc. Tattling to authority can be a kind of bullying. There can also be a level of exhibitionism or performance about it. Iā€™m calling the police right now in front of you! Or, Iā€™m calling the police and trying to emotionally manipulate them.

People who are like this are basically out of control, but itā€™s precisely the out of control people who often claim to have a larger plan that makes sense on a higher level that the rest of us canā€™t see. When in fact they are digging themselves into a deeper hole (I almost said shooting themselves in the foot, but that seemed tasteless in the circumstances).

I have to say, I see elements of Tattling to Teacher on both sides here.


Agreed. Only one had a compulsion to destroy the other with increasingly dangerous and threatening bazaar tactics. Obsession is the only word that comes to mind.