Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Agree that from what we know this “up the ante” seems to have been one sided


Family Court matters including Orders of Protection issued in Family Court are not public records.


For the record: LK also stated she wanted to make sure her horses were getting trained as part of living there to make sure they were cared for. I guess this means some trainer was riding them.

She refers to an alcoholic and the way one post read made me think MB had Justin (is that his name?) riding the horse and that maybe it was Justin who was the alkie who also contributed to some of the mess.

Now I could be wrong, but the writing implied that. But maybe that was unintentional.

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No alcohol issues at Hawthorne Hill. More of her smear campaign.


I think she overall felt she wasn’t getting her way or having enough fuss made over her. It wouldn’t be the first time that a boarder with a lot of horses in a barn thought that meant they should rule the roost. She claims she wasn’t getting what she agreed to, but it also seems like her expectations and reactions to that weren’t on point either.

The list of sins thrown out included:

  1. She was stuck with a junior trainer and not MB himself
  2. someone was an alcoholic and ditched training/lessons
  3. entering her in the wrong classes at shows which she had to go back and fix
  4. illegal things being built at the farm resulting in potentially dangerous living conditions for the horses

There are people out there that just flat out don’t hear/see reality. You say ABC and in their mind that morphs to XYZ and they react based on XYZ.


I would dare say that unless you’re in the top student group at any famous trainers you’re not riding with the BNT until you’ve earned it. At least not regularly.


Scribbler, your description of those who escalate drama is right on target. Anyone remember the woman in Central Park, walking her dog off leash in an area posted “No Dogs”? A black man who had been walking and taking photos politely told her it was a no dog area and she went ballistic, called 911 and claimed he was assaulting her. I believe she was fined by the court. The thing that bothered me beyond the incident itself is that she got the dog back. (If you saw her handle it, you know why.)


One has to consistently show up for scheduled rides to reap the benefit of the training. Nothing ticks a trainer off more than have clients repeatedly be a no-show or feign excuses for not riding.

If this person put in the effort she says she puts in (minimum 3 hours a day/6 days a week) you’d think she would have her Silver Medal and be training for gold by now. No criticism from me but maybe Barisone’s assessment as stated in his civil complaint is very accurate.


Was it in writing? Plus she would have had to make some sort of commitment herself - right?


? I assume assume there was some sort of board/training contract even if there wasn’t a landlord/tenant lease. I personally think that was what these mysterious “papers” that were being refused had something to do with the boarding/training agreement.


Was it amended for each equine addition, or housing change?


No one has been inclined to discuss the details of these papers. I think it was about ending training because otherwise why wouldn’t LK sign a routine change to a boarding/training contract? It would also explain why things went bad so quickly. All that has been said is:

  1. She won’t sign “papers” -MB
  2. They weren’t eviction “papers” -LK
  3. They were about a release of liability - LK
  4. No lease/agreement for housing -LK and MB

However, LK is asserting that release of liability was for intent to murder her….which is absurd and evidence of delusional thinking. These “papers” were more likely a release of liability for horses that are no longer welcome on the farm. Even if MB’s contract didn’t require a written notice, his lawyer might have recommended it in this situation.


The court filing above is the decision in the stay of Kanarek’s civil suit against Barisone, etc, until the criminal case is resolved.


Thanks. Makes good sense.

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Covered all contingencies, disposition-wise.Jusy verdict, plea agreement, or “other” which could include dismissal of charges, heh, heh. Just thinking of everything, here.


I’m wondering if it’s interesting that this motion was unopposed.


I saw a YouTube of her riding with Barisone in a lesson. So she rode with him at least once!

Barisone gave a nice lesson from the clip I saw and was very encouraging. And it seemed like an upbeat, normal teacher/student relationship. Arena was gorgeous. The whole thing is such a shame.


And IF that was the case, those papers he wanted signed were a release of liability his lawyers advised he get… It suggests that to some degree he actually was following legal course of getting LK and Boyfriend off the property.


It’s in their interest not to be deposed, before the criminal case takes place, as much as it is in SGF’s or MB’s. They can all continue to collect all their other evidence and make motions.


This is a bit of a tangent but this overall situation brings something up that I have concerns about. Let me start this with NODTBS.

How long has MB been in jail without a trial, without a chance for bail etc.? He may or may not be guilty. Not up to me to make that decision. But theoretically, how many people who are innocent of the crime(s) they are accused of are languishing incarcerated waiting for something to happen? If/ when they are found to be innocent, will their jobs be there, will they have homes, will their families have survived? I get that there are clearly dangerous people who shouldn’t be allowed to get out of jail prior to their trial and there are people who belong in some kind of psychiatric situation lest they hurt themselves or others. I’m just wondering about those who are genuinely innocent having their lives ruined by a ridiculously slow judicial system. (And I don’t think it’s all due to Covid, either)