Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

This article has been withdrawn from the site. Interesting!!


Yes, the article is gone. Looking forward to the next release of information. I believe there was a April hearing. Which the prosecutor indicated he would have a plea ready for. It may have been continued, though. Maybe something is happening, which is keeping lk off the boards. I mean, why shut silent now, when until now nothing else kept her from spilling her persona all over SM.


She might have been banned from this particular forum? In the same way as YD was excluded from CE. Short of asking the mods I don’t know of anyway of checking.


It does seem she couldn’t see posts in this forum and was only able to post on the one that migrated over from CE. But I could be wrong. It’s just the posts at the time seemed to indicate that to some extent as far as what was written at the time.

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COTH: “LK shouldn’t post here or read comments because it’s not healthy and it’s bad for the case!”

LK stops posting

COTH: “I wonder why LK isn’t posting anymore


We are free to wonder what might have changed given that her routine had been to come on here and post waves of semi-incoherent and arguably unhinged feedback.

It’s not like we are asking her to return.

ETA: Likely better for her wellbeing and her case(s) that she does not return.


I think most people think her not posting is for the best, like they have always said.

It does not remove the wonder of why someone who had posted so much might suddenly not be posting on a topic that was something they posted in.
The same question comes up about other posters from time to time too.

In other words, not everything about LK is more than it would be for any other poster here.


Pot, meet kettle:

Equkelly: I’m done. I’ve had my say and I’m going to stop posting.

Equkelly: Wait a minute, I’m not done. I want to post another critique of other’s posting style, telling them they’re too focused on an individual.

Equkelly: Now I’m done.

Equkelly: Posts another critique of other’s posting style.


The compulsion to respond to comments for me is OCD related. I think I’ve said it here earlier but when I’m in a healthy place I can log off and go ride my horse but I’m not always in a healthy place. :woman_shrugging:

Edit- I’m also not “critiquing anyone’s posting style”. I just thought it was strange that people are wondering why she stopped posting when for the past two years everyone’s been telling her really good sensible reasons as to why she should stop posting. I just assumed she obviously stopped because it’s unhealthy and bad for the case.

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Oh, the irony!


Weird how Jumping Queen has also miraculously disappeared 


There is a pattern. Give it a minute. BUT, please do not say “Beetlejuice” three times in a row!

How about we try not to provoke LK? This can all be discussed without her input.


Where on earth did you get that from my post? I was referring to Frugalannies post, which wasn’t about LK at all.

Not everything is about LK no matter how bad you want to have an excuse to hate on her.



If I wanted to “hate on her”, I wouldn’t need an excuse.



Sowwy couldn’t resist.


Smacking your patties @Knights_Mom!!! LOL!!! :joy::joy::joy:


well, some people lack the ability to remain silent.

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True, it was strange that she popped into the thread on CE when there were 2 concurrent threads on Dressage which were completely ignored. So my suspicion would be that she’s blocked from Dressage.

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But she continued posting when the CE thread was moved to Dressage. It really makes no difference.


That aspect made me wonder if you can continue to post on a thread where you’ve already posted, even if it is moved to a forum where are you are suspended.

Which really has nothing to do with her personally, but just as a curiosity on the workings of the BB.