Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Once you are suspended you are unable to post anywhere. Many many threads have returned to sanity by having a member suspended or banned. I assume you csn still read threads.

On the old platform, it would say banned under their name on every post they ever made even innocuous ones from way back. That doesn’t seem to happen now.

LK has always been cyclic in her posting habits. She is silent for a while, then has an interlude of bizarre posts for a few weeks then disappears. The posts seem to be driven by things outside of COTH, she will start opening up dormant threads with unclear replies to things said a year ago.

It’s also possible she has been suspended this time, but I don’t think the new platform makes that explicit, suspensions and bans seem to be more discrete now.

Also people can be blocked from specific forums, typically CE when political debates go toxic.

However couldn’t you go on as a guest and read things? Ah, but guests don’t get to read CE. And maybe not OT.


The login YankeeDuchess no longer auto fills in the search for posted by. LK’s username is still searchable.


I feel a BB explanation coming on. Yay.

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Let’s please move away from the focus on various users’ posting habits. If there’s nothing new to discuss in the case itself, the topic can rest until there is…or we can close it until there is.

To answer a few questions on the mechanics of the site:

If you’re banned/suspended from the site, you can’t log in. Only logged-in users can see or post in CE, OT or Giveaways. We have it set up so that users can lose access to those individual forums as well, while retaining access to the rest of the site. If a thread is moved from a forum you can’t see/access, to one that you are, you would be able to post in it.

Nobody has been banned from the Dressage forum individually. Only one person recently lost access to the site, and that situation was already addressed in a previous post.


Thank you for posting this. Everyone is built differently. I know that I have been guilty of wanting to tell particular posters to STFU, and that isn’t only not nice, it is often not altogether their fault, and of course, they have a perfect right to post- even when they say that the won’t!

That doesn’t mean I won’t feel compelled. We are all built differently…


I think that’s it.

Ah never mind, Mods have spoken

The article that came and went about a deal being offered is very weird.


That was odd.

Sometimes online entities make mistakes. They might have unintentionally bumped it up to a recent date, or copied it off a news service without checking the date.


Most likely, it is automated, as aggregated news sites like that tend to be little more than collections of articles with no real moderation.




No words

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Stupid question(s) from someone who has no printerest experience. When I click on things at the link I get either a pop-up that I have to log in or in some cases something that says the link does not exist anymore.
Am I doing it wrong or is it one of those platforms that insists on you being a member to see things?

somewhere hidden is the X to close the popups
you can browse is without being a member.
It is free though.
You can pin many different things, and list a lot of different interests.
It’s a wormhole though.
/cue Spngebob: ‘Three hours later’

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Notice the date of this FB post she posted on the Pinterest post. I would bet hard earned cash the embellished call to SS took place immediately around this time.

I have not seen the SS report and I am the one using the word “embellished”. Although I can’t find the post where she admitted telling SS about child abuse in earlier threads (was it recently edited or deleted?), I recall reading it and firmly believe it was SS who called CPS, perhaps in conjuction with her also calling them. I wonder what her next steps would have been? Clearly there was plenty of time between 8/2 - 8/7 to pack up and leave.


Barisone pleaded not guilty after being indicted on two counts of attempted murder and two counts of possessing a weapon for an unlawful purpose in connection with the August 2019 shooting of the student, Lauren Kanarek, who was critically wounded by two bullets to the chest after a scuffle with the trainer at the facility in the Long Valley section of Washington Township.

After a scuffle. If not made up. That is contradictory to her and his recount of what happened.

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Re the Pinterest, I mean, so what?

What’s the point here? There’s nothing new. Is it odd? Yeah, but I’m not a shooting victim so who am I to say.

I’m not sure how it was found, but some people are wayy too interested in this woman.

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Isn’t that the whole point of having a Pinterest page, so others follow it and are interested in what you post?


Sure. You’re not wrong.

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