Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

well, sort of.
It is a virtual pinboard so you can save the things on the net that interest you in one convenient place without using up your own stoarage bandwidth.
In turn the collectio is public for all to browse.
SO a writer might save inspiration for their work of literature, a crafter ideas or patterns to try, and other folks use it to keep their party planning in one convenient location.

this use I have not come across yet.
That is usually Facebook’s job to self promote you.

Definitely interesting.
(and the woman is somewhat interesting, seeing that this isn’t her only rodeo. Overdue to show the world her true face, maybe somebody else is saved the hardhsip of meeting with her ugly side)


I don’t think MB has recounted his versions of events anywhere


Not one word.


Her and his LG and RK not MB


I wouldn’t spend time parsing out the wording in newspaper accounts. They get these details wrong all the time. The basic facts, who shot who, are going to be correct. But the fine line between confrontation, altercation, conflict scuffle, can get very blurred to the reporter. Especially when one party has said nothing, and the other party has said they were just sitting on the porch reading when they were shot.

There was a tangent early on these threads where people pointed out how many victims of targeted attacks, gang members and such, just say “I was just sitting on my stoop minding my own business, I dont know why he shot me” but it turns out there was a huge big argument and escalating threats and etc first.


Actually, there is no “point” to any of the Barisone threads. So what? I doubt anything discussed on these threads will tilt any verdict other than possibly showing some of LK’s behavior at times. If none of this is of interest to anyone or provides any entertainment like any number of true crime or reality TV programs, scroll on by. :slight_smile:


Collecting ideas for her tell-all book?


In response to that fb post many people replied publicly with offers of trailering, stabling, and places for her to stay. She declined.


Wow. No words.


Do you really think cyber stalking this person is helpful?


Well, I’m not cyber stalking this person, but if something is put on a public site it is available for all to see and share. If sharing any of this stuff, from the legal filings to the insignificant posts anyone makes, helps one person recognize this behavior in someone in the future, it is helpful and worthwhile.

the repeated use of electronic communications to harass or frighten someone, for example by sending threatening emails.

I don’t think there is any question who has been cyber stalking others.


He’s so pathetic. Using supposed childhood abuse as an excuse to shoot a woman at point blank range when he’s in his 50s is absolutely disgusting.


:laughing: :sweat_smile: :laughing:

I’m wondering what age has to do with mental illness - assuming what has been presented in documents is true. Perhaps reading the complaint over a
journalist’s condensed effort would give you more info. Only two people have provided their version of events. I’ll wait for the trial.


Are you saying that abused children should be allowed to shoot people at point blank range as adults simply because they were abused as children? Mental illness is no excuse for shooting anyone, ever. What if I shot someone you cared about when I was an adult and claimed that I could not be held responsible for my actions because I was abused as a child? Would that really be ok with you?


I’m saying I don’t believe the story two people have given. I’m saying mental illness can be an issue at any time in one’s life and can be exacerbated by events at any time. I believe mental incapacity played a part in August 7, 2019.

I also believe individuals with the issues LK apparently has shown most of her life should be held accountable at some point for their actions. It is becoming obvious she had been an issue for some time and her family knew it.

Luckily our opinions won’t count, will they?

No one deserves to be shot or harassed to the point of desperation.


So if you or someone you loved had issues for most of your life and your family knew it, it would be totally okay if someone shot you or your loved one in the chest twice at point blank range for whatever reason, because hey, you or your loved one had issues your entire life and your family knew it.

I guess it’s nice that you don’t want the family to be shot too.


I can put any name I want on a Pinterest account, so we don’t know that’s actually hers or not. It does seem strange if it is.


stranger than the story that made her a ‘houshold name’?
Seems to jive though with her online footprint.


It seems not quite right for someone being shot to start a pinterest board on it. I don’t think it’s completely out of character for LK as she’s been participating online where people are talking about it etc… but, as I pointed out, anyone could have made that account.

