Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

To me the Pinterest post just bolsters the point that some people like to be the center of attention, negative attention is still attention.

No one Deserves to be shot (from a distance or close up).



I think everyone here is on that page.

Just for the record, the effects of trauma and PSTD just donā€™t magically disappear by the age of 50.

That is just about the most ill-informed position that I have read on this BB. Otherwise weā€™d all be cured by now and psychologists and psychiatrists would be out of business


You are being a bit naive and simplistic. No one has said anyone should have been or should be shot.

If you knew your child had such behavior that they were prohibited from the family home, who consistently harassed others including total strangers, who had no reasonable aspirations and you were continually having to come to their aid in one way or another, would you feel one iota of responsibility or guilt for not finding that person some help rather than enable the behavior?



Funny how everyone has no problem empathizing with MB for being a victim child abuse/ trauma 50 years ago but canā€™t seem to empathize with LK for the trauma of getting shot two years ago.

Iā€™m not saying one party deserves more empathy and understanding than the other, I just feel like this is very lopsided and thereā€™s a double standard.


I think everyone ā€œempathizes with LK for the trauma of getting shot two years agoā€.

No one deserves to be shot.

Getting shot two years ago does not negate the LK that was there before the horrible shooting situation.


Yea no, sorry having to put a disclaimer on everything doesnā€™t count as empathy.

Empathy would be not engaging, not tagging and quoting her, not mocking her, not cyberstalking, not calling her an alcoholic or a lunatic, while sheā€™s here in the thread. That would be empathy.

And while weā€™re on the whole disclaimer thingā€¦ if youā€™re in the position where you feel need you need to add a disclaimer to like thatā€¦ thatā€™s probably a bad sign. Itā€™s like when people say ā€œno offenseā€¦ BUTā€¦ā€ or ā€œIā€™m not racistā€¦ BUTā€ or ā€œIts not my placeā€¦ BUTā€


We all add the disclaimer because we can say the most simple thing and then are accused of saying that we think LK getting shot is OK.

I do not think LK getting shot is OK. I think it is horrible.

I have not stalked anyone. I am the person that Google hates. I canā€™t read the court website.

I read these threads with interest. The same interest that has me watching ID right this very minute.

So spew all the hate at me you want. I will still think that LK did not deserve to get shot. I will still include the disclaimer because some people refuse to believe that. I will also continue to be thankful that those who find information post it (back to the whole watching ID thing).


Uhh YEA. And why do you think that is? Just because youā€™re not saying it directly doesnā€™t mean youā€™re not still saying it indirectly.

I get that and Iā€™m interested in the case as well but you can be interested without antagonizing the shooting victim. Iā€™d love to know details too. Iā€™m curious. But would I tag the parties involved and be trying to catch them in lies? No freaking way. Some of you let your curiosity overtake common decency.

Itā€™s ā€œspewing hateā€ to talk about how thereā€™s a double standard in the way this forum empathizes with the shooter but not the victim? Really?


I want to add - I can think (and do think) that LK did not deserve to get shot AND think that some of her previous behavior is deplorable.

You can poke me all you want @Equkelly. Go for it.


Interesting thought.

If the alleged victim wasnā€™t discovered to be a toxic individual
Did she deserve to be shot? /shrug.
Seems she was engaged in the pursuit of doing damage to MBā€™s livelihood and reputation.
But hey, a big man canā€™t be threatened by a little woman, can he?!
Apparently the little woman did all she could to escalate the situation.

No, some people do deserve to be shot.
Even woman.
Like that nut job that partook in the insurrection and capitol riots on Jan 6th. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

She was definitely pushing the envelope, and she seems to have a long track record of doing so,
Did she deserve to get shot?
I donā€™t know.

Does Barisone deserve to be bullied and threatened? I mean, he is a big old famous man, right.
There is a lot to be unpacked there as well, childhood trauma aside.
How about the sexist cops who took her side?
The assumption he could handle a toxic person out to destroy him with mere words - donā€™t forget, if the big guy would have seen the need to hit her, he would be no better off.

LK seems to try everything in her mind to stay relevant as THE VICTIM when the case is the state vs Barisone.

it seems this case shows the other dark side of sexism.
A guy canā€™t possibly be victimized. He has to be the aggressor.

Nobody deserves to get shot
But there are instances I am willing to make exceptions.
I have not met LK, so I canā€™t say for sure.


Iā€™m not saying donā€™t empathize with MB, I absolutely do and Iā€™ve said I hope the trial goes well for him. Iā€™m just also saying that even toxic people go through trauma. I donā€™t know LK and I donā€™t know what happened so I canā€™t speak on that but I do know she was shot twice in the chest and experienced trauma so IMO we should be sensitive to that even if you think sheā€™s a terrible person.

You donā€™t have to feel bad or have sympathy for her, Iā€™m just saying maybe donā€™t antagonize her.


Perhaps the differences in level of reputation, respect, achievements, history relating to others, public posts by both parties, testimonials of others who have interacted with either party in the past, etc. have caused many to look at Barisone as much of a victim as Kanarek. So much goes into what we think and how we react toward someone.

The majority of us would have accepted the many offers to flee if we were so afraid (per public posts). I suspect there was an agenda of destruction that backfired horribly. Simply my opinion on a very public forum. A forum she does not need to visit unless she wants to.


that seems to be the operating manual for abusers, no?
the bully goes to the well til (s)he gets a comeuppance.
(I have a feeling that you didnā€™t mean it this way when you said ā€˜antagonizeā€™ - vilify perhaps?)

the thing is, sometimes the shooting victim is the aggressor in the situation.
Iā€™ll wait for the court case and Lifetime movie (wanna bet she is selling her story right now, or trying to? the whole world is after the poor little woman!)


As we tend to say in my neck of the woods, ā€œThatā€™s the kind of behavior that gets someone shotā€ā€¦ā€¦

Why do we say thisā€¦.because the behavior is threatening, its unacceptable and we know that if nobody intervenes and puts a stop to it, bad things happen.


A movie from Barisoneā€™s perspective along with many others who have encountered this personā€™s behavior, would make for a much more interesting story.


but he wonā€™t talk until after the trial
a L&O episode or Criminal Minds?


He will probably never publicly talk and when released, will rebuild his business with the help of many friends and former clients.


If you assume and insert that into someoneā€™s comment, that is on you.


The ā€œbullyā€ is also is usually the one in a position of power attacking someone who is vulnerable so on these threads, LK is not in a position of power as she is very unpopular here. Also most people here are anonymous users so idk how that wouldr really make anyone ā€œvulnerable.ā€ For those reasons I would not say LK is a bully on these threadsā€¦ as far as what happened with MB, I have no idea what happened.

I did mean ā€œantagonize.ā€ I think thatā€™s exactly what a few people on here are doing and thatā€™s the part that I take issue with.

Narcissist, substance abusersā€¦ They all get everyone around them to tip toe on eggshells lest they get upset.
Itā€™s classic.