Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

No one had a clue who she was, except for a few, in the beginning.
The stories about her would have retained a degree of “ax grinding” had she not come on and clarified.
Her reputation was a DIY endeavor.


Again - look at your posts. You say EVERYONE does this or EVERYONE says that. And in the one I quoted, you insist that the entire FORUM empathizes with MB - as if you know this for a fact and have talked to each and every one of us - even those who have no idea who MB or LK are… and only post in the Menagerie forum.

The disclaimers started due to ridiculous assertions that if anyone posted in any of these threads or dared to have a thought, concern or opinion (or even suggest to LK that posting, raging and ranting was not a good idea), that they must be condoning MB shooting LK - which is what you seem to accusing people of doing as well. Posters got tired of that BS accusation - and eventually shortened it to NODTBS.

EXACTLY. Why do you feel this need to antagonize, Equkelly? To point fingers, make sweeping generalizations and accusations? Good heavens… let’s try a half halt here… down to a collected walk… then a free walk on a long rein… and breathe…


I think that’s fairly accurate.


WRONG. My posted messages prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that LK, in her attempt to bully me, is in fact, a bully. And, she did it with repeated, written lies.


Do you understand how disingenuous it is to say “nobody deserves to be shot” and then in the same breath go “now let’s all dig up her Pinterest and Facebook posts and share screenshots and laugh at what a narcissist she is! Omg what a lunatic alcoholic LOL!!! Hey @Lk why did you do “xyz”?

Do you guys really think putting “NBDTBS” exempts you from crappy behavior?


Can you quote the posts stating the bold?

It’s certainly better than behaving badly, and then doubling down on it when it’s pointed out.


Disclaimer first - I am not saying that what you claim was posted was actually posted.

Do you not understand that they are two very different things?
One can want to follow the case, including the latest public ‘look at me’ posts by LK. One can be interested in the details of the case. One can comment on the actions of both parties in the case.
All while being very sure in their very own head (someplace I am pretty darn sure you do not have access) that they do not think LK deserved to be shot and also think that LK’s actions before and after the shooting qualify as being a bully.

The TV in my house is now playing an episode of Snapped while some boring indoor chores get done.

Edit to add: This case might be good for an episode of Snapped, don’t you think?


No, a bully does not need to be in a position of power to attack someone. LK has habitually threatened, and tried to intimidate people on this board who she may or may not have ever interacted with before the shooting. She’s trying to bully, but has been unsuccessful in that attempt.

As far as sympathizing with MB… you can think that all you like, but some of us knew neither party before this and have no side to take. I think he should be in prison for what he did.

Perhaps as you’re telling us all how we should feel, act, and post, you should refrain from putting words in our mouths and thoughts in our heads.


Sympathy and empathy are not the same thing and I think a lot of people here are getting confused because of this.

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Sympathy? Empathy?

How about logic? What I see here is people trying to piece together facts that follow some sort of logical track.

It’s not having sympathy for an alleged shooter to wonder what brought them to the point of allegedly shooting ESPECIALLY as they’ve managed to live 50+ years crime free - or to our knowledge, crime free.


her reputation here has no bearing on anything.
Reporting him - falsly perhaps - to authorities IS a powerplay. Making full use of her persona as ‘little scared woman’ and ‘think about the children’
Playing the field if you will.
She has been reportedly been brought to the attention of SafeSport a few times, but nothing, not even an investigation. Definitely the small woman bonus here.

Don’t antagonixe the poo stirrer?


I’m definitely not confused between the two, I think perhaps you’re the one misinterpreting empathy for sympathy for MB.




Shooting someone as a way of dealing with an argument is reprehensible. I don’t care if the victim is the most odious, malicious person on earth.

There is NO excuse to point a gun at another human being, unless that human being presents an IMMEDIATE, genuine threat to your physical life.

As far as we know, that was not the case with LJ / Barisone. At some point if there is a trial, I guess we will find out for sure.


A bully does not have to be in a position of power in order to bully someone, that is a harasser (a boss or supervisor, like Cuomo). A bully just needs to have the desire to make someone they see as vulnerable fear harm or feel intimidated.


Since we have not been present I don’t think we can say one way or another for sure.
Did she deserve it? Who knows.
Maybe we find out.
Perhaps not.

I mean, this seems to have drifted far off from an argument into real or perceived threats to harm and cause damage.

Our views differ here.


I was put in such a position at a barn with an insane trainer/barn owner and was packed up and moved out in a matter of hours. Same state as LK/Barisone. It can be done.


For those who ‘get’ Pinterest, is there anything different/new posted in that linked page?

Just checked and there is nothing new. The posts to Pinterest were a year ago.


She may not have gotten the traffic she hoped she would get.