Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851


If you were to give yourself a grade on how well you have persuaded other people on the forum to your point of view/position, what would it be?
- Has anyone said, gosh, you’re right, we’ve been too hard on poor Lauren, let’s post about something else now?
- Has anyone said gosh, you’re right, the shooting eclipses EVERYTHING else in both their histories, so Lauren is now always and ONLY the victim, and MB is now always and ONLY the perpetrator?
Nope, because most crimes and most interactions between people are not that clearcut. There’s also shared blame, shared consequences and shades of grey.

In fact, I think your vehement defense of Lauren and insistence that people posting in this thread are being unfair to her has made people double down on their assertions and made them become more entrenched in their opinion.

I think the best thing you could possibly do out of sympathy for Lauren is to stop freakin’ bumping this thread and giving a longevity far past what it would have otherwise.

Your grade for prolonging the thread is A+, btw.


Maybe that was her purpose :thinking:


I’m not trying to persuade anyone of anything. I’m entitled to my opinion as much as everyone else here is even if it’s an unpopular one.

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So, will this suit also be suspended until after the criminal trial?

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She would get an “F” because the other people on this thread are almost all mostly in agreement. No matter the topic, if someone tries to go up against a group of like-thinkers, of course you’ll get a failing grade.


I think that is a good question.
It is on a slightly different timeline, so it might just be able to run its normal course while hopefully the criminal case does something…anything.


Then why continue to flog it once stated?

Why the compulsion (your word, not mine) to rebut everyone who responds?

If you’re not trying to persuade your audience or prolong the thread, what on earth is the point of coming back on the thread? What are you hoping to accomplish?


Nope, not the case. The other people on this thread are NOT almost all in agreement.

For instance, here am I, posting on this thread and I haven’t expressed an opinion on the Barisone case. I haven’t even had to invoke the disclaimer NODTBS.

Because it is possible to have an opinion, even a strong opinion, about something and not express it on the internet.

However, the metaphorical horse that Equkelly is flogging isn’t just dead, it’s decomposing.


As posted previously, the civil cases are stayed until the resolution of the criminal case. (This was originally posted at post 453.)

See post 591

Why are you criticizing me posting here when there are others who have posted literally 9 times more than I have…? :face_with_monocle:

OCD most likely.

Because I’m interested in the case and want to read what’s going on but I find some of the behavior here problematic and I’m entitled to my opinion no matter how much that’s pisses you all off.

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Doesn’t piss me off. Post to your heart’s content. We don’t have to agree or argue with each other.


This is the LK/MB/SGF/RC case. I think the original question was about if the MB/Police case will be stayed.

I think with 450 days of discovery allowed, it’ll be at least a year before it’ll be far enough along to consider the need for it to be stayed. Surely the criminal case will get along before it’s been another year.


Indeed…today is a sad anniversary for those involved. :pensive:


Is that all the civil cases? I thought that was just LK’s case against everyone. That applies to this case too? (This being MB’s case against the police, etc. that this thread was started about.)
I thought I was replying to someone asking about MB’s case against the police, etc.

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‘Some people deserve to be killed’ is the thought that the person who made the series Dexter started.

Because I have a problem with that thought I have never watched it.

This thread might change my mind!


Dexter was an amazing series.


OMFG. I tried to watch that show a couple of times I never could understand what was going on. (So, I never watched it after trying it a couple of times.) Your post is like a light bulb moment.

I heard it on an interview on the radio. He said not all serial killers could be bad.

Ahhhh so with that long a discovery period, no stay needed yet. We’ll see how that pans out.

It’s been 2 years today I think since the shooting… wish they would move forward with the case. It has to be horrible waiting for the outcome.