Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

If you decide to binge watch, the end of the series is very satisfying. Michael C. Hall was excellent.

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Thank you I will put on the list of things to watch, the next time I am doing Bottle Shop Audits.

The last question is how long did this take you in minutes.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to put in it took me 3 movies and a TV Show to complete.

I really hope this case goes on Criminal Minds or L&O. We get those. I have not heard of Snapped.

Snapped is one of those shows that goes over a murder and the history of the players and such. Not a drama like Criminal Minds (great show). More like Dateline or 20/20.


I am in Australia. I donā€™t think we have Snapped.

Well, there are 96 one hour episodes currently of Dexter. A NEW season will premier in November!

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I work every day with children (adolescents) with trauma and it is fact that trauma can follow a person into adulthood. Even old age, let alone middle age. And, depending on the trauma, any number of situations can be a trigger. PTSD isnā€™t just for the military.

I would not discount MBā€™s claim of emotional trauma that was triggered by the situation. Just like we shouldnā€™t discount LKā€™s trauma from being shot.


I have not posted on any threads related to this issue even though I have read them all. Many comments have been made that I disagree with but this one takes the cake.
RND have you never heard of Complex PTSD? No one ā€œusesā€ childhood abuse as an excuse for anything. The damage of childhood abuse is extreme. It in no ways compares to the ā€œtraumaā€ a person suffers from when shot.
Childhood trauma is ongoing abuse suffered during a persons most vulnerable time. It has long lasting affects upon a adult person psyche. A sufferer of C-PTSD may relive, again and again, the trauma when triggered. Emotionally they are children again acting as the age of when they suffered the trauma(s).
Why do you mention MKā€™s age? Are you stating it would be OK to shoot someone if he was only 20?
Mental Illness is not an ā€œexcuseā€ any more than self defense is.
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.


Lol you are so cute. Barisone is for real using childhood abuse as an excuse for shooting his victim - all you have to do is read what has been posted here. If what you say is true that childhood trauma is ongoing and what you imply in your post is true that" A sufferer of C-PTSD may relive, again and again, the trauma when triggered. Emotionally they are children again acting as the age of when they suffered the trauma(s)", then Barisone should have been expected to be a complete mess for his entire life, because he was an abused child.

But he wasnā€™t a complete mess as an adult. For godā€™s sake he made it to the Olympics as a reserve rider on the dressage team. He had his shit totally together.

I mentioned Barisoneā€™s age because it mattered in the context of the point I was making in my post. I shouldnā€™t have to repeat this but I will for you: someone who was abused as a child is not allowed to grow up to be in his 50s and shoot someone at point blank range twice in the chest because he was abused as a child.

I will add this for you: No one of any age is allowed to shoot someone at point blank range twice in the chest because he or she was abused as a child.


Your seemingly willful ignorance and narrow minded thoughts on this matter is astounding.

Can you show me where anyone said that MB was allowed to shoot LK because he was abused as a child? No one is giving MB the metaphorical get out of jail free card. Itā€™s merely an explanation as to why he might have acted the way he did. Explanation does not necessarily equal justification, allowance, or the removal of responsibility.

There are people that, in general, do a good job of showing that they ā€œhave their shit togetherā€ but you donā€™t know the demons they may still face or the difficult road traveled to get there. Not everyone airs every bit of their dirty laundry either, so how do you really know. An accomplishment does not always prove that one has it together at all times or isnā€™t affected by past trauma. Thatā€™s incredibly odd to infer.

MB, might be using past trauma as part of his defense, it may or may not work, thatā€™s up to the courts to decide. We donā€™t know every detail, so I cannot, in confidence, say much about it. I can speak more generally about PTSD and surviving abuse.

This is one of the most ignorant bits of this post. No one is expected, or is, a mess for their entire life since they were abused as a child. Itā€™s not a constant state of ā€œmessā€ for many. It can be triggered and not a constant state. The individual(g) couldā€™ve sought therapy and learned to cope or live with it in certain ways, but caught in an overwhelming situation, may revert. Itā€™s not so black and white or linear.

I donā€™t know MB, I donā€™t care to know MB, and Iā€™m not justifying his actions, but offering a bit more explanation or thought, in general, on the matter and why we canā€™t be so narrow minded about it. Itā€™s even difficult for the courts and other professionals to analyze these matters sometimes. Itā€™s not always so simple and straightforward.


I wish I had more likes to give this post. Very good points throughout.


Forgot to say center mass.

And for the comment by RND which states he was not a mess his entire adult life that leaves it open as to how/why he allegedly would shoot someone at point blank range, center mass, would it not?


Yā€™know what (still) floors me is that there are legitimately people out there that believe that being abused as a child doesnā€™t affect you in your adult life. That someone being 50 or older, in this case, suddenly makes it all vanish. That having some achievements in your life, makes it all vanish. There is no magic age when it all vanishes. There is no star achievement that erases the past. Thereā€™s also people who put on incredible fronts, and you wouldnā€™t know their internal struggles.

When someone is abused in what is literally their formative years, how does that not deeply root itself in someoneā€™s entire being? It is also entirely possible that people cope a bit differently/process abuse and/or trauma differently. We canā€™t paint with some broad brush here.

This isnā€™t specially about MB, but just in general, before someone comes in here claiming Iā€™m ā€œallowing himā€ to get away with something. I am not. He will and should be held accountable for his actions by the legal system. Thatā€™s not up for debate with me.




Itā€™s a consistent lack of willingness to accept that folks want to learn the genesis of situations such as this.

Why would an otherwise law abiding citizen with a successful business allegedly toss it all away for some silly client?

How could a previously successful business relationship sour so deeply and so fast?

Questions like this we are allowed to ask.


You seem to be unusually provoked.

Let me understand, mental illness in a 50 something year old man is not okay, but ā€œapparent/possibleā€ mental illness in a 40 something woman (as evidenced in years of previous behavior) is okay?

Occamā€™s razor?


Thank you so much for this post. Childhood PTSD is very real and @RNDā€™a attitude is exactly why abuse survivors have such a hard time talking about it. I suffered from child abuse and have c-ptsd among other things but outside of a therapy setting, IRL, I canā€™t talk about it with anyone. Not partners, not best friends, not family because deep down I feel like people are thinking ā€œomg youā€™re still hung up over that, like move on already.ā€


By the same reasoning, Lk should have her ā€œshit totally togetherā€ after her trauma. It has been two years and clearly she has moved on, right? She is 40-something right (she said so). Thatā€™s old enough?

Wonder what your thoughts are on that and why trauma would be different for her than MB. Would also be nice to know where you earned your degree in psychology for creditably. Was it ArmChair U? Lol.

To 100% clear and put it out in fullā€¦one more time with feelingā€¦mental health issues are not an excuse for shooting someone. Nor has that been postulated in this case. The defendant has put on the table facts related to his state of mental health at the time. Itā€™s up to the courts to decide the veracity of that and how it played into the events of the day. Courts are concerned with facts, not excuses.


Edited to add, your response to @clipper reeks of privilege. ā€œLol. Cutenessā€ is not the way real grown ups speak about real issues. That is for kids.


In fact it appears he recognized the struggle he was having with the situation and reached out to LE, at least, for help. Which, from our vantage point, appears to not have been adequately forthcoming.

Thereā€™s mention that he was in therapy of some sort at some time also.

Sounds like he was trying to deescalate the situation.

If only heā€™d gotten the help he sought, maybe we all wouldnā€™t be here trying to untangle this mess.


Same for her!


She sought help? From who? Sounds like she was just looking to stir up trouble for him.