Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

It literally is word for word exactly as I described. You people are worse than the anti-vaxxers/QAnons on twitter. I’m out.


Oh noes!!!


Here are a slew of words @RND conveniently passed over.

So many on these threads seem to have reading comprehension issues.


Thanks, eggbutt. That whole mess she wrote is purposefully twisted. People who purposefully mischaracterize other posters set themselves up to be perceived as not very bright in the end.


If you were capable of reading my post for comprehension, you would have noted that I said that I was quoting the following:

  1. The part of my post that the person quoted
  2. The first sentence of the person’s response to the part of my post that she quoted
  3. The last sentence of the person’s response to the part of my post that she quoted

All of that is true and accurate. None of the personal stuff in the middle that I did not address had anything to do with anything in my post, which is why I didn’t include it in my response. Whoever it was who quoted me to begin with clearly felt the same way, because she only quoted one sentence of my post in her response to it.

I’m embarrassed for all of you Barisone fan girls. Especially the ones that I previously thought were smart.


That didn’t last long……


Why on earth are you embarrassed by anyone on these forums? Are you responsible for anyone other than yourself here?

As for being “Barisone fans”…no one has ever said that as far as I recall. Once again you have misinterpreted our disgust at the situation he and his clients/significant others were put in, particularly considering the history of behavior of the antagonist, as us being Barisone fans. Supporters at this point, possibly. Perhaps hopeful the entire truth comes out about this woman so she is finally held accountable, at least in the court of public opinion, for all she has done to others, regardless what happens to Barisone, would be a fantastic outcome.


But we are the ones who are not smart.


I have no blimey clue who Barisone is.
But I live with somebody whose childhood would be described as abusive my modern standards.
A grown man who regularly breaks down in tears when he considers the treatment he has been put through by ‘loving family’
And it wasn’t a one time deal, but ongoing for years.

And in this light, I find your remarks callous and disgusting.
And frankly in the same vein as what the loving family would tell their victim.
Suck it up, you are old now.

Remarkably how you double down on your nastiness when called out on it.

Idaho Rider was quite tactfully explaining why you are not a nice person.
Just, you know, make the flounce stick this time.


I’m embarrassed for all of you Barisone fan girls. Especially the ones that I previously thought were smart.

Fan girls? The least I would have expected as a fan girl would be a cool Team Barisone concert T shirt!

Where’s my damn shirt? I like the black ones.

Ridiculous statements deserve ridiculous responses. Literally.


Original quote by RND

As quoted and responded to by IdahoRider:

Follow-up post by RND quoted out of context by Angela Freda:

Just for clarification!


I think you’re confusing a few things (please refer to my posts #'s 609 and 612) here too. There are possibly some Barisone fan girls out there, but in this thread, they’re really a very small minority, if at all present. The fact that people are trying to understand the actions taken by MB, does not make them a fan girl. The fact that some can empathize, in a way, with someone who is driven to the edge by another individual, does not make them a fan girl, and does not mean that they excuse or allow MB’s actions.

Who exactly is “all of you Barisone fan girls” you can name names, and this may help a bit. As I’ve mentioned previously when people come in here with declarations such as “all of you fangirls” it’s sort of odd because no one knows who you are talking about, and it’s kind of offensive to put everyone in the entire thread in the same category. Posters often like to shout, “you’re all mean” “this place is terrible” and make big generalizations and broad accusations then flounce…and then come right back. It’s sort of…odd. I mean, you do you, but the point is sort of…lost.

As for thinking people were smart previously, well that’s your personal decision. You’re free to think like that. I will say that it is entirely possible to disagree on one topic in one part of the forum, but then see the same poster in another part of the forum and actually agree with them on a different topic. However, we all draw or own lines. I, myself, am incredibly “dumb” re some topics, that doesn’t make me “not smart” in relation to all things.

It’s just that making these broad claims and/or insults may feel good to you, and maybe that’s why you do it. I don’t know, but they don’t prove anything and weaken your points. If you feel as though there are fan girls, call 'em out. If you’re going to essentially call people dumb, have the courage to do it directly. It is easy to hide behind broad remarks though, so I get it.

In general, I don’t think someone’s past history of abuse “allows” them to shoot someone (point blank, center mass, yadda yadda). It explains why they did it, it doesn’t mean it’s allowed, accepted, or justified. I tried to explain this in my posts mentioned above, and if you glossed over that, or couldn’t comprehend the points I was and am trying to make, then I guess we’re at a stalemate here.

These threads, in general, have been both frustrating and interesting in terms of people’s reading comprehension (or lack thereof). Lots of twisting to fit a narrative going on. Which, I’m sure we have all done at some point, but it’s on a whole 'nother level here sometimes. Not all posters are guilty of this though, and sometimes there is a decent discussion.


I think the difference is that there are people who read to satisfy themselves on an emotional level, and there are people who read to satisfy themselves on a factual level.

“The reason so many people misunderstand so many issues is not that these issues are so complex, but that people do not want a factual or analytical explanation that leaves them emotionally unsatisfied. They want villains to hate and heroes to cheer - and they don’t want explanations that do not give them that.”


Yes, that’s definitely a good point.


And there are people who read to poke the bear within the fantasy of their own constructed narrative. :roll_eyes:


Reminds me so much of someone else involved in this topic.

No, I am not saying RND is the same person as them, but that they have the same way of dealing with life. Be nasty and when called out for being nasty, double down on the nastiness.
So mature.

I had no idea who MB was before this whole thing. (I clearly did not keep up on my dressage greats.)


Agree. That was sadly apparent too, and doggedly so.


Hey @RND, sometimes people don’t quote the entire post to save space and make it look neater, but it’s implied they are responding the the entire post unless otherwise specified. And this is what people had a problem with. Making it to the Olympics =/= having your shit together, it can often mean quite the opposite.

Just FYI.


Not to combine two hot topics but - to prove this point you are making, just look at the photos of the that rider having a meltdown in Modern Pentathlon.


I thought you were supposed to be gone.