Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Cue Dan Hicks and his Hot Licks.


Wrong. Although I think you are being purposefully obtuse here, I will clarify: it is horrific that someone (i.e. you) would say that trauma experienced as a child has no impact on that child once they are adult.

That trauma doesn’t give anyone license to hurt anyone as an adult. But it does mitigate some behavior. It can give subsequent behavior context.


I think we’re reaching “pile on” territory here but I will say that @RND’s ignorance is sad but not uncommon.

People trivialize abusive/neglectful childhoods All. The. Time. People mock it by saying things like “oh well maybe so and so wasn’t hugged enough as a child” or that girl has “daddy issues” or things of that nature. They take something that’s actually pretty serious and flip it around to make it an insult.


destroying mental health care does that.
very profound and yet utterly callous: ‘it’s all in her head’ I heard a guy remark about the mental issues of his GF


Yep. The worst for me is dealing with all the condescension from family members about how there’s something “wrong” with me when those same people are the ones responsible for the trauma in the first place.


We can all discuss the revelations of MB’s mental health issues but we tiptoe around the perceived mental health issues of the other party. While he had apparently learned to cope with his demons and become successful and productive, the same can not be said for others involved in my opinion.

I’ve said this before and I will say it many more times in the coming months I’m sure
there are no winners in this situation. Mental health problems are a staggering issue in America. Only recently has a spotlight been put on issues to highlight available confidential help.


Is it a pile on when you offend many people to the point they feel the need to rebut your statement?
Generically speaking


Pfffffttt LOL. Ok sorry I just laughed so hard I spit out my iced coffee. :rofl:

“We” do not tiptoe around that AT ALL. Some of us have been saying we probably should. But no, nobody is “tip toeing” around that other party’s mental health when they’re constantly antagonizing her.

And no, talking about the case isn’t “antagonizing” but tagging her in comments, replying to her, mocking her, and name calling is the worst attempt at tip toeing I’ve ever seen in my whole life. You don’t get to regularly call someone a “whackadoodle” and then turn around and say you’re “tip toeing” around their mental health. No no no.

Again, not everyone but a lot of people. zips fire suit back up

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People trivialize all sorts of mental issues. I get the “just calm down” or “suck it up” regarding anxiety and panic attacks. Like that helps. It’s slowly becoming less taboo to talk about it, though. I’m sure I annoy people sometimes talking about issues, but you never know when someone needs to hear they aren’t alone. And things are recognized much more these days than they used to be, therapy is more readily available. Still a ways to go though.


“but we tiptoe around the perceived mental health issues of the other party.”

That is because per CotH rules, you can’t speculate about members.

Barisone is not a member, so we are free to discuss his health. This loophole also permits me to give armchair diagnoses about that piece of floating ambergris (but far less useful, valuable or interesting) and traitor- Donald Trump.


I guess Ms @Equkelly missed the moderators admonishments of using terms like whackadoodle, looney, crazy, etc.

No, we freely respond to La-La’s posts because, honestly, it is what she wants. The more off the wall, outlandish, train of thought posts the better for her attention grabs.

The Barisone civil suit has excellent descriptions of their analysis of “her” issues. It is worth the read because it says what we can’t.

Most of us here have been ridiculed by others and some have had the moderators issue a private warning for posts after they (the moderators) have edited them. Most of us have been here for the long haul and been lectured by others. Your option is to always scroll on by.


So many posters have spitting issues!


I’ve read all the Barisone/LK threads since the beginning and I haven’t noticed even one person who seemed in the least to be a “Barisone fan girl”. He’s not exactly Brad Pitt.


I don’t recall anyone on these threads I would describe as a “Barisone fan girl.” Seems that hardly any posters stated that they knew him or knew much about him before learning about this incident. Most of us are pretty shocked and appalled that he took the action he did, and shocked and appalled by the circumstances that led up to it.

It is up to the legal system to decide on the civil and criminal cases, but what stands out in my mind is this - of the two main protagonists in this sad drama, only one had a lifelong pattern of 'bad behavior" toward other people.

Time was in this country - indeed throughout the world and throughout history - where individuals without the self-discipline to stay within the confines of behavior expected in their community, were “removed” from that society. Before laws and legal systems, they were usually removed violently by someone they had horribly wronged (and yes, this of course still occurs but I hope most of you are astute enough to get my point). Civilized societies designated groups such as police to deal with people whose behavior threatened the peace and security of the society, and developed legal systems to ensure that people weren’t willy-nilly taking the law into their own hands and (for example) killing their neighbor during some trivial dispute.

In this instance, no one - not her family, not her boyfriend or other friends, not the police or legal system - did much of anything to stop the ONE person with a lifelong pattern of bad behavior from continuing to act out and conduct her little “reigns of terror” against whatever target she selected. It is horribly sad and tragic that she got shot by one of her victims, and sad and tragic that no one was able to rein her in before things hit the flashpoint.


It’s definitely a thing.


This! A million times this!!! If there has been one post to sum up this entire drama of tragedy, it is this perfect post. Thank you @DownYonder for expressing this so succinctly!


In your mind apparently.


Sometimes things we can’t see are because we are in the middle of it :woman_shrugging:


I wouldn’t know Barisone if he showed up on my farm and trained a horse.

This has nothing, not one thing, to do with “fan girls”, which is a term I find juvenile and trite.


As @CanteringCarrot asked upthread - could you please provide a few examples of all this blatant, gushing, gooing Barisone fangirl stuff? I do not recall anyone adoring MB, completely excusing his behavior (or complementing him on it), swooning and singing his praises. There may have been some sarcastic comments
 or granted, I do not follow these threads slavishly as a real fangirl would - so I may have missed some posts that were “definitely a thing”.

The only time I have been an actual fangirl was when I was little and loved The Monkees