Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Yes!!! I am right there with you.

Edit to add - Thank you for saying this. I am glad to know that I am not the only one.


Apparently anyone who is appalled by La-La’s behavior (past and present) and discusses it on this forum is a stalker, harasser, victimizer, hater, antagonizer, and now a Barisone fan girl. Got it. I will grab my Girl Scout sash and prepare to sew on my well earned identity badges.


I actually find the term “fan girl” very demeaning.

As though a grown woman could not come to her own conclusion by looking at what happened, who was involved, and see the devastation caused.

But because we want to know the truth of what happened, the “hows” and the “whys”, so maybe we can avoid having this happen in our own lives, we get labeled “fan girls”.

Excellent way to slam and demean women @Jealoushe! Great job- with women like you we do not need men to attempt to make us look inferior!


It’s not a Barisone fan thing going on here. It is a intense dislike (even bordering on hatred by people like ringleader Eggbutt) of the victim. If this were some other person that didn’t have the history that LK has, I think the discussion would be quite different.

While I don’t know every single thing LK has been accused of doing, what I do know about are things not of the degree that is deserving of such loathing.


I think for me the fascination comes from to many years dealing with my BSC inlaws and learning that there are degrees of BSC and they were only part way up on the scale.


I stated early on why I followed the Barisone threads- I was rehabbing a horse, spending hours a day in a wash stall, had family in Long Valley, and found this very interesting reading. I have stated I have never met LK or MB.

I would challenge you to find any post I wrote on any Barisone thread that exhibited “fan girl” behavior. More than once, I have asked that we ignore trolls and not attempt to provoke LK.

LK has threatened me more than once, and boldly stated she knows my identity, as it was subpoenaed and released by COTH, and has stated that I am an employee of COTH, which I am not!

LK, at best, is a chronic gas lighter. If you think I am the only person she has attempted to gas light, you are sadly mistaken. This is based on my experience here with her. Many others have experienced this on the threads, as well as PMs.

When it waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck, eats like a duck and s**ts like a duck, it’s a duck- no matter how much you attempt to make it something else!


Why are you addressing me? Everything I wrote is true. This thread keeps going on because most of you either had a connection with LK or want to read about those that did. It’s a I hate LK thread no matter how you cut it.

I mean
all this fuss because some ‘threatened’ you or ‘exposed your identity’ or ‘accused you of being a mod’. Childish.

Maybe don’t put yourselves in a position to poke the bear.

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This particular thread is not actually about LK. Or was not when it was started. It was about the civil suit that MB’s lawyers filed against the police and officials for providing no support when he asked for it.

I guess, in other words, they too would not poke the bear even though the bear was chewing up someone else, once again.


Maybe walk on by.


What you do not seem to comprehend is that I did nothing to poke the bear except participate on this forum, which I have done for over 10 years.

Do you want to be threatened? Let me give you a clue- no one does!

That might be why so many do not care for LK.


Exactly! But is ISN’T some other person without her history!! One would have thought that being shot “point blank, center mass” would have discouraged her from harassing and threatening others. She just does not stop. Nor will I, as I have said before.

It is obvious you have never been on the receiving end of her threats, either in person or cyberly. That’s a good thing for you.


Being concerned about being threatened is not “childish”. Would you dismissively sneer like this if it happened to you? No, it is not a Hate LK thread. Kindly stop assigning posters motives and agendas that they do not have. I do not know MB. I am not a fangirl of anything. Well, maybe come football season
 but nothing here.

I do not hate LK. I have been alarmed by her posts at times and have consistently advised her NOT to go on her rages and rants and yes, indulge in threats at times
 as there is no way in hell those are going to help her case in any way. How heinous of me, I know.

There are a very few posters who have been overwrought and overinvested in a lot of this case
 and they are in the extreme minority. Not everyone. Not the entire forum. Not any other extremely inaccurate measurement that can be flung up against the wall in hope of it sticking.

I am still waiting for those numerous samples of fangirl gushing. All this “fuss” about those non-existent fangirls


Preach. :raised_hands:


I got a few yards of Sheeting material, that should perhaps hold all your badges?


Oye, it’s ringleader now.
and insinuating this is a

mob? Organized group?

You know, some people just have the rare talent to tick of a lot of other people with their behavior.


LK fangirling, eh?


I’m a bit confused by this admonition, because I associate advice about poking bears with a situation in which one wishes to avoid aggravating a dangerous individual. Are you implying that LK is such a one?

For the record, my “bear poking” that resulted in PM threats was simply to point out that, if LK found the bb posts distressing, she might wish to avoid reading them.


My PM that was that she was sending my “encouragement of bullying” to the proper “authorities” because I tried to tell GirlJoey that continuing to post to COTH and chase LK around the Internet wouldn’t help her find justice or healing.

I’ve been off COTH for around a year because I hate the redesign, so popped back in this week to find that one waiting in my inbox lol


I along with others got threatening messages. Just ignore it. It’s garbage. Nonsense. Lies. Means nothing. You are fine.


Oh I know it’s nothing, just find it completely hilarious that of all the posts she could have responded to that way, she picked
 that one.