Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Mine was because I asked if there was any independent verification that RC had been arrested. Mind, not saying she wasn’t; merely asking if there was any information about it other than LK’s message. Also, mind, not engaging LK at all, just asking the general question. Flagged and ignored.

@ToN_Farm: is that your retroactive advice in the shooting as well, that the victim shouldn’t have “poked the bear”? Because anyone who has suggested as much has been accused of victim shaming, so you might want to rethink that advice on these threads.


Mine too, only I was accused of ‘making threats.’ WTF?


When I replied to LK’s PM to inform her I’d forwarded said message to the mods, I was then accused of the same thing. Go figure.


That made me laugh so hard I snorked.

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I didn’t know who either party was before reading about it on these boards.


@eggbutt this is what you told me in another thread. So you believe she enjoys these threads? Even through she’s threatening people to try to get them to stop posting about her…?

I think she probably feels attacked, she’s probably unable to stop reading them because she feels powerless, and the threats and PMs are probably an poor, failed attempt at trying to regain control.

Interesting you refer to LK like this…


Oh come on people also refer to their toddlers this way and it isn’t an attack on the toddler’s character. I see the bear reference as someone who is heated about the discussion because they experienced trauma and is not behaving rationally. Therefore they are the bear in this “don’t poke the bear situation”. Not because they’re just such an awful human. Come on now. Don’t make it into something it’s not.

You can see it any way you like.

That doesn’t mean you are correct in your assessment of another poster’s motivation, as you’ve proven here many times.


I THINK the interesting part was that people had said this before, in regards to LK “poking the bear” with MB. But were told that was bad to say. Though I’m just speculating.


Yes, I do.

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Supposedly the shooting happened after CPS came for a visit. It probably shouldn’t be surprising that the last straw was being accused of child abuse since that is the same type of trauma he suffered from. That had to be triggering.


“Don’t make it into something it’s not.” This is something for you to consider as well :wink:


Lol, yeah… they experienced trauma and is not behaving rationally.
Like maybe an abuse survivor might.

Bottom line its an admission that LK also behaved badly, which is something.


Lk was behaving badly long before she experienced any trauma. “Trauma” doesn’t describe the reason for her acting out online. This is her baseline. She’s acted out and crowed threats to and about people for years.


Genuine question, do you know her life history? All the way from childhood?


Genuine question- so it would be okay if LK was acting out due to childhood trauma, but not okay if MB were acting out from childhood trauma?


Yes, according to the filing wrt the PD, her family allegedly, basically excommunicated her… allegedly Due to her behavior.
MygirlJoey, and others have shared their own accounts of her alleged stalking, abuse and bullying.

Certainly some of that could be fabricated or embellished, it’s all alleged after all, but when you reach a certain volume of material in an abscess, you have to consider there’s a kernel of a festering foreign body (truth) in them, however small it is… that will mean the situation perpetuates until that foreign body is excised.
Or you can choose not to, I guess.


There will come a time that USEF will be hard pressed to not address the number of complaints allegedly filed with them regarding LK. It is obvious they are ignoring the reports at this point and focusing on minor welfare.

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Not sure why you quoted me because I never said either of those things. I asked a question. I even stated earlier in the thread if MB did suffer childhood trauma and abuse that it would definitely be a possible factor in this outcome.

You’re just proving how hypocritical this thread is because you could literally ask these questions for many posts. Anytime anyone merely suggests not blaming LK the cavalry comes in with these boring replies.

Once again I remind posters that it is possible to see both sides of this drama, drama where there are no winners, only losers. You don’t have to be nasty, passive aggressive and immature to get through the points in this case.