Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Speaking of passive aggressive…

What cavalry are you talking about? Once again - it seems that some feel that everyone… the entire forum etc. simply must be blamed for whatever.

If you have been reading these threads, that is obviously not the case. But no matter - nonexistent fangirls and cavalry must be exposed!

Multiple posters have stated repeatedly throughout all these threads that there are no winners in this sad situation and that both parties influenced the final tragic outcome. See what I just typed there? BOTH parties. BOTH sides.

No fangirliness involved. No cavalry. Just a very few posters who get a bit… overwrought and involved… on BOTH sides.


There are things that ‘seem to be’ considered as fact when some we’re getting 2nd or 3rd hand. One poster…just one…came here and said MB had students upstairs and made certain they did their homework. This may or may not be true. It’s no big deal one way or the another, but people have latched on to like it’s true and put some spin on it.

Same goes for MB having suffered childhood abuse. The defense is using this. It’s been used by defense attorneys before. Does anyone here know if it is true? I doubt they do. Just because the defense writes a lot of things in a civil case does not necessarily make them true.


Nor do we know if the accuser’s story is true.


Everyone here is still losing their marbles over me saying I think it’s in appropriate for him to have his minor students living in his house because of the power dynamic. Just like I think it would be inappropriate for a minor to live with their Spanish teacher. That’s just my opinion, there’s no reason for everyone to be this worked up over it. If you guys have a different one, good for you, I don’t care.

I also never said there has to be anything nefarious going on behind closed doors, you all are the ones that keep throwing that out in the world. I didn’t say anything related about MB aside from the word “inappropriate.” It’s not a bad word…

It would also be “inappropriate” for an adult to be dropping F bombs in front of the pony campers at the barn. Or it would be “inappropriate” to get wine drunk at the barn at 11am. Or it would be “inappropriate” to cyber bully and antagonize a shooting victim on social media.

Most of the people left in these threads are too quick to jump down anyone’s throat for any view critical of MB… that’s why you all get called fan girls.


And another thing… for the everyone complaining about how MB’s personal and professional life is now the subject of criticism… sorry you lose the privilege of privacy when you shoot a person.

Shall we discuss his sex life next???

Just a reminder- he has yet to be convicted of anything. Innocent until proven guilty, and all that y’know!


If it’s not a bad word, why are all your examples of “inappropriate” things something bad? You’re saying MB having students living there is “inappropriate” certainly doesn’t imply anything good. We’re not “losing our marbles,” we’re pointing out your hypocrisy and tendency to jump to conclusions.

Again, go ahead and label people all you want, that doesn’t make it so. I would say that most of this board probably hadn’t had any exposure to MB prior to this incident. He shot someone, that doesn’t exactly paint him in a good light.


Did I miss something? I didn’t see anyone complaining that his life is now the subject of criticism, can someone point this out to me? Maybe I’m a bit thick :sweat_smile:


honestly that does sound like it could be a good time.


Obviously I don’t mean EVERY poster. Thought that was a given.

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I missed it too, @CanteringCarrot. Maybe @Equkelly can tell us which post number that happened in. Or quote it or something.


A given? When everyone in these threads or the whole forum etc. etc. has been repeatedly accused/labelled/dismissed by those claiming that we all bully or victimize LK or are fans of MB. and so on and so forth… no, it is not a given. It has become tiresome, inaccurate and predictable.

And another thing… for everyone who was complaining about MB’s personal life being the subject of criticism, kindly repost those thoughts. I must have missed all those posts as well…


The minors living there are presumably working students. That is a kind of apprentice/employee position where the terms can vary. It’s different from straight up lesson student.


I can give a real world example of exactly how not fan girls some of us can be.

I’ve been hesitant to post this because I don’t need more PMs from LaLa, but if she comes back at me again, she’s welcome to waste her time. I’ve posted on these threads and can be accused of being less than complimentary or sympathetic to LaLa so, under your description that makes me a fan girl.

Yeah, no. I actually rode with MB a couple times in a clinic setting. Guess what? I actually think MB is a tool. There are reasons why I stopped riding in those clinics.

I can think that LK has had poor behavior that cannot not solely be excused because “posters are attacking her” (not my words) without it being because I am a “Fan Girl”. I’m literally the furthest from a fan girl that you can get.


no, not everyone…but maybe it seems that way in the echo chamber

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Or maybe it seems that way because IT IS THAT WAY.


Bunch of bullies on here. Don’t worry about it.
Clueless to what they are doing. Kinda funny actually.


Ironically that’s something a bully would say.


Not really.


Oh but it is. You are basically saying people do not have the right to have their own opinion and if they do have an opinion that differs from yours then they are “clueless” and must be “bullies”.

That’s called projection and it’s a bully tactic.