Updated barisone lawsuit 10/29/21 post 851

Edit: resurrected my previous reply

Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if some people have actually really been bullied before. Or if they know what a bully really is. The term is thrown around quite loosely.

On the one hand the majority is to accept that the minority is entitled to their opinion(s). Ok, that’s fine, but then the minority cries bully instead of accepting the different opinion of the majority, that they’re entitled to.

Obviously there are differing opinions on this thread. Everyone on whatever side or not side, is welcome to have one. Sometimes your opinion(s) will be questioned, this is sort of how a discussion works. Sure some come on a bit strong, or have a totally unwavering opposing view, but the nice thing is that this is the internet. You can leave, you can stay, you can ignore, you can interact. It’s not forced or face to face so it’s only as much pressure as you make it to be.

Usually if it’s getting ridiculous I back away or just post a laughing emoji and peace out for a bit. I guess it’s more fun to decry “loons! Crazies! Bullies! Fangirls!” I don’t know :woman_shrugging: you(g) do you I guess.


Hey, I was reading that and you were making some valid points then it disappeared!!

It’s easy to tell who’s bullying, just look for the ad hominem attacks. If they deconstruct your argument and respond to the key points then that’s valid discussion. When they start calling you names that’s bullying.


Even more tiresome and predictable is the inevitable pouting and pointing about a so-called echo chamber… that has never actually existed. Not in any particular thread. Not in any forum. But no matter, it must be trotted out as an example of… whatever…

For those in the back…

  1. Everyone in these threads is not a bully and has not bullied LK. There is not a bunch of clueless bullies and it is not kinda funny.
  2. LK has done some bullying and threats of her own - but please overlook that.
  3. Everyone in these threads who does not agree 100% with/about LK or a few other posters is not a gushing fan of MB… and does not think he was justified in his actions.
  4. CanteringCarrot should not have deleted her last post - it was a good one.
  5. This entire mess is sad and there will never be any “winners”. Everyone lost.
  6. No One Deserves To Be Shot.

I know, but they’re points I bring up repeatedly and they fall on deaf ears and/or the people they’re directed at conveniently ignore them :sweat_smile:

It’s a good point you bring up about ad hominem vs deconstructing an argument/actually creating discussion.


I have reposted my previous post :sweat_smile:


Not what I said at all. I was speaking to someone that was saying many of the same arguments I have posted in the past, just to let her know what to expect and not be concerned about it. Intimidation, ganging up, telling people they should stop posting so they don’t look foolish, accusing over and over someone of being someone they are not or that they must be a friend of LK, correcting spelling and telling people to look up words (only to those with a different opinion), gaslighting, saying why don’t you leave. If you leave and say I am out for now, being harassed or question why you are back(must be scared)if you come back, having side conversations among a group of people about other individuals that posts things they don’t like, are all forms of online bullying. Let just say it is not a welcoming place if you don’t believe MB is the true victim here and LK is one of the most despicable people in the USA, “however she shouldn’t have been shot”.

I just don’t take it very seriously. Especially when they get into the recipe exchanges to high jack the conversation. It has been rather interesting study of human behavior.

Apparently you do take it seriously, as you keep coming back repeatedly to complain. Again. And again. And again.


You said “bunch of bullies on here. Clueless to what they’re doing. Kind of funny actually”.

That’s what you said. That is classic projection and bullying.

The gobligook you just posted is just a weak defense to not own up to what you were trying to do. I’d be quite surprised if anyone buys it other than those of the LK pro agenda.


I think everybody has been bullied at one time.
Some of us are old enough where we could just punch the dweep in the mouth and go home after.


Historically speaking, on this bb recipe swapping is employed as a tool to defuse, not to hijack.
You do appear to have a tenuous grasp of the local culture.


Not unlike another poster who is no longer with us.


Well there are a bunch. Just a fact. I never said anyone that disagrees with me is a bully.
Want to turn this back on me, interesting.
I am sorry you question or find annoying my being on this forum. Guess you are ok with anyone that post 10 times more than I have saying the same things over and over as long as they are agreement with you. I don’t take seriously what goes on here as far as the attempts to intimidate, I do take victim shaming and violence against woman seriously.
And I take back that SOME people here do not have a clue, they know exactly what they are doing. Have a good night.


Putting words in my mouth. Another tactic that fails.


A public service announcement: the ignore feature works quite well.

By ignoring some other posters, you can’t be accused of arguing with their posts or of being a bully toward them.


Ignoring all the personal commentary…

Reading this made me very sad. Regardless of whose “fault” it was it seems like there are a number of failures at all levels…and no one adulted.

No one deserves to be shot, but no one deserves to be harassed either. I hope that MB and Laura both can find peace and ways to reduce their conflicts with others. Cause…yikes.


Question? If you ignore someone can they see your posts or is it like blocking on FB?

They can see your posts but you can’t see theirs without effort, meaning you will know they posted but not what they posted without specifically chosing to view the post.


Honest question: did anyone say “you being on this forum is annoying” and are people attempting to intimidate or do you just feel that they are?

Sometimes intimidation is tricky. People often feel intimidated because that’s how they choose to take the other person/party. Either way, it’s good that you don’t take it so seriously I suppose.

I’m also quite sure that someone posting “10 times more” than you is irrelevant. No one really cares about post count unless someone with a low count or recent join date turns up and says completely outlandish things, acts as a houseguest, trolls, or shows a blatant disregard for the forum and understanding it.

I think most take violence (not just against women) seriously. You will find others that find MB’s actions to be wrong and the shooting to be completely unwarranted (based off of what they know, now). You’ll find that many take victim shaming seriously too. So you’re not alone in your stance.

As for “knowing what they are doing” I don’t know, that’s a personal opinion/perspective I guess.

I think it’s more productive and interesting to discuss and call out the actual posts that are so offensive/bullying. When people say, “bunch of bullies” or something along those lines, it sort of falls flat, and can give off the “they’re bullies because they don’t agree with me” vibe. Sometimes it’s often a misinterpretation too, because it’s the internet, and if its one thing I’ve learned on these threads, it’s that reading comprehension is questionable :sweat_smile: whether or not that’s on purpose ar times, I do not know.

So, from what I’ve gathered from you:

You take violence against women seriously. Me too. Most do.

You take victim shaming seriously. Me too, but people’s definitions of what is considered to be victim shaming seems to vary. Also discussing behaviors and actions of a victim that lead to an event, isn’t shaming, but some consider it to be. It can be sort of a fine line, I think.

As for a bunch of bullies. I think it’s debatable. Some are a bit headstrong about it, or really fixed in their view, but not necessarily a bully. I really think the term “bully” in general, is overused on here. If that’s how you feel though, then that’s how you feel. :woman_shrugging:


I don’t agree with everything you say here but this was a respectable and well thought out response. Thank you.


Thank you for educating me. I did not see this in the rules and had thought it was the moderators job to diffuse. I noticed the exchange of recipes occurred when the conversation was going into the direction the anti LK group didn’t like so perhaps you can understand my misinterpretation.